Highlighting the Design of Professional Brochures

Professional brochures can be used as an effective print marketing material. When you’re promoting a product or service, these handy brochures can be distributed to and be read by your direct target audience. If you’re offering beauty services, for instance, you can have half fold brochures printed out. The pages can include a brief history about your salon, the types of beauty services and products that you offer, and the brochure can even serve as a discount when presented in your place of business. Brochures can also be distributed at trade shows, out in the streets during a product launch, it can be included in mailers – the possibilities of how you can distribute them are practically endless.

Focus on Your Brochure Design!

 With the marketing benefits and flexibility offered by brochures, it really is a must for you to have them printed out for your business. The first thing that you need to do is look for a good printing company. They should have the expertise in printing high-quality materials, as well as state-of-the-art printing presses.

Next, come up with suitable content for the brochure. If you decided to have trifold brochures made, there will be six panels or pages for you to fill up with content. Make sure to include high-quality images as well to break the monotony. Content-wise, see to it that the way that the material is written fits the image that you’d like to project as a company. Use language that’s appropriate for the market. A brochure for a law firm should use more formal language as compared to a brochure that’s targeted for teenage girls buying feminine products.

Based on the number of pages of the brochure, you can have a design laid out in such a way that the pages would not look too crowded. Remember that there must be a good balance of text and images. Highlight certain parts of the text in such a way that it will stand out to someone who does not have time to read the full content of the brochure – think of the way this is done in online and actual magazines.

Lastly, pay attention to even the smallest details of the brochure design. Make sure that the content is free from typographical and grammatical errors. Your contact information must be included. The colors text, and images used on the brochure should combine to a whole that matches your brand’s identity. By taking these things into account, you can print out brochures that will leave a lasting impression to your customers.













Professional Brochures: Need-to-Know Facts about Content Writing

In the process of printing professional brochures, there is more to it than just aesthetics. You might have 100 pieces trifold brochures printed in full HD color and thick, semi-gloss paper. But if the content is badly written, do you think that you will achieve your marketing goals? Not necessarily. In order for your print advertising campaign to be successful, there should be a good balance between text and image. The quality of the brochure itself is important as well, and you should pay close attention to the message that you want to impart to the reader.

 Ways to Write Brochure Content

To make sure that you can effectively write marketing content for your brochure, here are a few ways to go about it:

  • Determine your marketing goal, and make the content revolve around that.

If you are newly launching a business, you need to tell people about how your company started, what your products and services are, and how they can benefit as customers by choosing you over other brands. If you are an existing business, you might want to print brochures to introduce a new product line. If you’re joining a trade show, you might want to use brochures to gain more following. Brochures are a truly flexible marketing material, so much so that you can use them to promote almost anything. When writing the content, keep your marketing goal in mind and make the content revolve around it.

  • Keep the content short but impactful.

While writing the content, you should also consider the number of pages that you need to use. If you think that you’ll have four pages of content, for example, you can have half fold brochures printed out. If you need to include a short page about your company history or mission and vision, go for an 8-age accordion fold brochure.  Just remember that even if you have multiple pages, you must not crowd each page with so much content, that it becomes unreadable. Keep the content short but impactful, and don’t use any more pages than necessary.

  • Creatively use a play on words.

One example of creatively using a play on words is “A tab of gold, a pinch of foil”. This is used by BlockbusterPrint to market their line of metallic foil stamped business cards. You can apply the same technique to market products when writing brochure content.

  • Offer customers benefits.

As a final touch, you can include benefits for customers in the content. There can be a page which, when presented at one of your stores, can be used as a discount coupon. You can also include maps, detailed product descriptions, special offers, and similar useful content on the brochure.

By following these tips, you can effectively write content for your marketing brochure.



Know Which Folding Type to Choose for Professional Brochures

Did you know that the “old-fashioned” type of marketing using printed materials still work, so  professional brochures are a must-have in any type of business? Sure, there are plenty of digital avenues that you can use to market your brand. But if you want to stand out in a sea of online advertising methods, especially in today’s business environment where customers have a very short attention span – something printed and tangible will truly make you stand out. This is precisely the reason why you should consider having brochures printed out. No matter the nature of your business, you can use brochures to effectively reach out to your target audience.

Get to Know Different Brochure Folding Types

 So you decided that brochures are an effective marketing tool, but you don’t know the first thing about them. The number one thing to add to your to-do list is to look for a company that specializes in printing brochures. Make sure that they have high-quality offset printers; different paper stocks to choose from; full color HD printing options; turnaround time; and excellent customer service.

Next, make sure that there’s a good balance of text and images on your brochure design. Consider your goal in printing out the brochures in the first place. Are you introducing your company to a new audience? Are you launching a new product line? Would you like to let existing customers know that your pricing has changed? Curate the content of the brochure in such a way that it can effectively fulfil your marketing objectives.

Based on the content, you can now choose the brochure folding type. Here are a few options:

  • Half foldbrochures are the most common. The paper is folded in half so you have four panels or pages to print the content in.
  • Trifold brochures consist of six panels, giving you more pages for content writing.
  • Z-fold brochures have the same number of pages as trifold, only they are different in folding orientation.
  • Single gate folding is perfect if you want to have a middle page that’s wider than the front and back cover.
  • Accordion folding has eight panels and when going for this option, make sure that you organize the content carefully to prevent reader confusion.

Other folding types include double parallel, double gate, roll fold, half then half, and half then trifold. With the help of brochures, you can effectively impart your desired marketing message to your target audience.


Printing Professional Brochures? Here’s How to Make the Design Stand Out

When printing professional brochures, the first thing that you need to determine is its purpose. Marketing is the general answer, but what exactly is it that you are trying to sell? Are you launching a new product line or a new service that you want people to know about? Are you a new company working on creating brand awareness? Are you attending a trade show and you want to print brochures that does a good job of representing your company? Upon determining your purpose, you can come up with a suitable design that will suit your needs to a tee.

Next, to get you started on the design, here are a few tips on how you can make your brochure’s design stand out:

  • Choose the right folding type.

There are several sizes and folding types to choose from when you’re printing a brochure. Choosing the right one again boils down to the purpose. If you’re attending a trade show, for example, trifold brochures will give you six pages – enough so you can include a brief history of your business, as well as a preview of the products or services you’re offering. Half fold brochures will give you four wide pages to use, which is perfect when incorporating other features into the brochure like a discount coupon for marketing purposes.

  • Make sure there’s a right balance between text and images.

Brochures will instantly give you multiple pages as a layout base, but you still need to make sure that there is a good balance between text and images. Having an image-centric brochure is good but to make it effective for marketing, you still have to include a short description of the image to sell it. On the other hand, having a brochure that’s too wordy might turn off most readers – so there has to be just the right balance between the two.

  • Go for high-quality print.

If it’s your first time distributing brochures, you want to give customers a good impression of your brand. This means that you must pay close attention to the paper stock you’re using, as well as the print quality. There are many printing companies that use state-of-the-art printing presses along with an offset printing method. As compared to digital printing, offset printing will deliver more excellent results, so the extra investment will be well worth it in the end.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can design a brochure that will leave a lasting impression to your customers and help you achieve your marketing objectives.




Get to Know the Most Popular Folds for Professional Brochures

Professional brochures are an effective and non-costly marketing tool. Whatever type of product or service you’re offering, you can let customers learn more about it through brochures. If you are trying to build brand awareness, a brochure has enough space for you to include a brief history of your company, along with a short description of what you have to offer as a business. This is precisely the reason why you should include brochures in your print marketing campaign. Here, we will take a look at the most popular brochure folds that you can choose from if want to promote your brand using printed materials.

Top 5 Most Popular Brochure Folds

Before choosing between half fold brochures and trifold brochures, you must first look for a good quality printing company. Make sure that they offer offset printing using state-of-the-art printing presses, and that they have a variety of brochure sizes to choose from.

Next, here are the top five most popular brochure folds that you can go for:

  1. Half Fold

The sizes of brochures range from 4.25” x 11” to 11” x 25.5”. Your first option for any of the available sizes is half fold, which gives you four pages to work with. This is perfect for when you are introducing your company to clients and you want to give them a brief history of how your business started.

  1. Trifold

Trifold brochures give you six pages back and forth, which is plenty of space. This is suitable if you are introducing a new line of products and you want to incorporate images with descriptions on the brochure.

  1. Double Parallel

Double parallel-folded brochures have a total of eight panels. For this option, make sure to carefully plan how you will assemble or layout the pages. Should you place an image on the cover, or leave it for the backmost page? Incorporate a good balance of image with text so the brochure doesn’t read like a book – unless that is your intention in the first place.

  1. Single Gate

A single gate-folded brochure has one back-and-forth page which is twice wider than the front cover. It literally does fold like a single gate, and it gives you four narrow and two wide pages to use as a base for the brochure.

  1. Z-Fold

A Z-fold brochure looks like a letter Z when viewed from the top, giving you six pages to work with.

Other brochure folds include: double parallel, double gate, roll fold, accordion, half then half, and half then trifold.






Achieve Great Results when Printing Professional Brochures

Professional brochures and other printed materials are becoming an increasingly popular way to promote a business. Although email and other digital marketing methods are cheap and effective, launching a full-blast print advertising campaign will also deliver the results that you want. In fact, it has even more of an impact to the millennials because they are getting something that’s tangible instead of digital. This is just one of the many reasons why you should seriously consider including brochure marketing in your to-do list for your business.

How to Impress Customers when Printing Brochures

The good news is that there are many offset printing companies which specialize in creating high-quality brochures. If you do want to include brochures as part of your print marketing campaign, here are a few tips on how you can succeed in the task:

  • Come up with a unique selling point.

When writing the copy for your brochure, always think of your purpose. Come up with a unique selling point. Is the content something that’s interesting or beneficial to your target audience? Are you launching a new product line? Or do you simply want people to know how they can get in touch with you if they require your services? By determining your purpose in the first place, you can effectively create a suitable brochure design.

  • Think of a physical feature that will make your brochure stand out.

Next, what specific brochure feature do you think will make it stand out? If you’re launching a line of cosmetic products, half fold brochures with stunning colors and a detachable business card should do the trick. For trade shows, you can print trifold brochures that include a brief company history so people can learn more about how you got started in the industry. The fold and shape of the brochure are a couple of examples on how you can make the material stand out.

  • Pay attention to the small details.

Aside from the folding option, you should pay attention to even the smallest details when designing your brochure. What kind of paper stock should be used? Which size is best for a Z-fold brochure, for example? For the print, what size, color, and type of font should be used? If you want to incorporate images in the brochure, are the photos clear and professionally shot? Is there too much white space around the image or maybe too much text? Brochures are tangible so readers will notice even the smallest details once they pore over it.

All in all, brochures are an effective and cheap marketing tool that all business owners should take advantage of. Knowing how to effectively design one in the first place will help you achieve your print advertising objectives.

Which Layout Options Work Best when You Print Brochures

When you print brochures, business cards, postcards, menus, and flyers, you are in fact launching a full-blast print advertising campaign. Most people think that print is not effective anymore, but it cannot be farther from the truth. Combining a digital with a print advertising campaign will help you achieve maximum results for whatever goal you have set for yourself. This is precisely the reason why you need to pay close attention to detail when designing each and every printed product that you will use for the promotional campaign. Here, we will focus our attention on how to print professional brochures. Take a look at these printing tips:

  • Know what the purpose of the brochure is.

Are you introducing a new product or service? Are you establishing a new company so you would like clients to know how everything started, and what your goals are as a business? Would you like customers to attend an upcoming corporate event, or participate in a huge in-store sale? Based on your purpose, there is a corresponding layout and design that you can apply.

  • Look for a good quality printing company.

There are many companies that print brochures online , but not all of them are created equal. Digital printing companies will most likely use desktop printers, which may not necessarily deliver professional-looking results. If you want high-quality prints, go for offset printing which utilize high-end printing presses. Offset printing may be a bit pricier than digital printing, but the results are well worth it.

  • Choose a layout and design that will suit your company’s image.

Lastly, choose a layout and design that will appeal to your target market. If you’re introducing your company to prospective suppliers, clients, and customers, for example, go for a business brochure layout. This is structured and a bit formal – and may include the mission and vision of your company.

If you are introducing a new product or service, the layout should be that of a marketing brochure. This should include a lot of professionally-shot images that will appeal to your target market. The copy should be descriptive, and entice the readers to buy exactly what you’re offering. Other types of layouts are travel brochures, corporate brochures, design portfolio brochures, instructional brochures, financial brochures, and educational brochures.

Planning to Print Brochures? Layout Ideas You Can Borrow

When you print brochures, you want to make sure that you are getting maximum results. For this, it is good to determine what your goal is in the first place. Brochures are printed to introduce a company or a new product or service. They can also be used as a travel guide, as a form of advertising for an upcoming show, or to encourage parents to enrol their kids at a class or school. As you can see, brochures are quite versatile. So in order for you to reach your goal for printing the, you must know which layout option works best for you:

  • Corporate brochures

If you’re a startup company and you would like to introduce your business to potential customers, suppliers, and business partners, go for a corporate brochure layout. This would usually include your company’s mission and vision, as well as a brief description of the products or services that you are offering. Corporate professional brochures have a good mix of text and compelling images.


  • Travel brochures

Image-heavy, travel brochures are usually seen in airports and tourism offices. Targeting travellers or all ages, these printed advertising materials should encourage readers to scratch that itch to travel.


  • Advertising brochures

When you print brochures online and your goal is to advertise something, you need to design it in such a way that it appeals to your target market. If you’re selling beauty products, for instance, the color scheme and images must appeal to your main buyers – who could be females aged 18 and above. Also plan the assembly of pages – there should be an introduction, a brief description of what you are advertising, and a call to action in the end.


  • Financial brochures

If you’re selling insurance packages, go for a financial brochure layout. For this, use images, pie charts, and graphs which can be easily understood even by someone without a financial background.


  • Real estate brochures

If you are in the real estate business, you will naturally target single professionals or families who are looking for a property to buy – or sell. Just like corporate brochures, there must be a balance between text and image so that it will be easy to read.


Which among these brochures are you planning to have printed out?


Reach Out to Your Target Market when You Print Brochures

Do you know which businesses print brochures as part of their print advertising campaign? Almost all of them do – solo entrepreneurs, partnerships, freelancers, corporations, startups, and established businesses. Unlike what most people think, print advertising is not dead. In fact, it is getting a revival because most professionals have discovered that print is the perfect complement to digital advertising.

How to Target the Right Market with Brochures   

Next, as long as you know how to do it properly, you can reach out to your target market by printing out brochures. How, exactly? Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure that the design reflects the image that you want to project for your brand.

When designing professional brochures, it is best to make it look as if they are designed by, well, professionals. A client or a potential business partner can easily determine if your brochure was not laid out by a graphic designer, or is fresh out of a desktop printer. The quality is just not there because the results do not look professional. While you’re at it, make sure that the design of the brochure reflects the image that you want to create for your brand. If your target is women in their 20s and up, for example, which color scheme would appeal to them? What are the images that will grab their attention? The answers to these questions would be entirely different if your target market is young professionals looking for a house, or teens or tweens who do not have their own money to spend just yet.

  • Know where to distribute brochures to get maximum impact.

Unlike postcards which you can send by mail in bulk, brochures need to be distributed face-to-face. You can do so in events that draw big crowds, trade shows, or you can display these brochures in your office reception desk on in parts of your work area where there is plenty of foot traffic.

  • Look for a good brochure printing company.

Finally, look for a print brochures online that will deliver the best quality print. Digital printing companies are good but offset printing is even better. These companies use state-of-the-art offset printing presses to deliver professional results.

All in all, reaching out to your target market through brochures require a lot of planning because you must come up with a suitable design. After that, the right printing company will do the trick so you can distribute the brochures to your target audience with utmost confidence about the results.





Putting Together the Elements of Brochure Printing Design

When you receive a brochure at an event, do you ever wonder about the process that went behind brochure printing? If you are planning to have similar advertising products printed out, you definitely need to learn about the elements to have great-looking professional brochures. That’s what we will learn more about here.

Things to Consider when Having Brochures Printed Out

The first thing that you must look for is a good brochure print service provider. You can take your pick from either digital or offset printing services. There are dozens of digital printing services available but when it comes to brochures, you might want to go for offset printing. It might cost you a bit more but quality-wise, it’s far superior than digital.

After finding a suitable printing company, you have to come up with the design of the brochure itself. Here are some of the design elements to consider:

  • Folding type and assembly of pages

These are the brochure folding options usually available:

  • Accordion
  • Double parallel
  • Half then half
  • Half then trifold
  • Half fold
  • Single gate
  • Double gate
  • Roll fold
  • Trifold
  • Z-fold

If you want the half then trifold brochure, for example, there will be 12 pages available – back and forth. How will you assemble the pages in such a way that it’s easy to read? Can you effectively deliver the message with 12 pages, or would a 6-page trifold brochure be more suitable?

  • Type of paper and printing effect

To leave a lasting impression, choose thick stock paper. There are different sizes available ranging from 4.25” x 11” to 11” x 25.5”. For the printing effect, you can take your pick from semi-gloss or matte. Select one that will suit the design and paper type that you chose.

  • Copy and images

Brochures are made to deliver a message and your copy literally says a lot about that. If you want, you can hire a professional copywriter to write the content for you – especially if your brochure has a lot of pages. For the image, it has to be professionally shot, compelling, and eye-catching.

  • Other factors to consider

Also consider readability. The design, colors, and font of the brochure must match the image that you’d like to create for your company or brand.

By taking these design elements into consideration, you can create the perfect brochure to use for your print marketing campaign.