Important Elements in the Creation of Customized Notepads

When having custom notepads made, there are certain elements that you need to take into account. Before enumerating what these elements are, let us first take a quick look at the purpose of notepads. As you may already know, these are notepads in different sizes which contain the letterhead of a business. They can be 25 or 50 sheets per pad, and they make for excellent gifts for clients or you can distribute them to possible customers during tradeshows. What’s good about using custom notepads as part of your printed promotional campaign is that their impact lasts for a long time. If there’s a 50-sheet notepad with your company logo which is being used by a supplier, the name of your brand will imprint itself on the mind of the user because they always see your logo. The next time that your services are required, he or she will easily come up with your company name due to repeated exposure.

Fortunately, there are many companies specializing in making custom notepads. is one example, and they only use the highest quality offset printing methods. You can also take your pick from different notepad sizes and thickness, depending on the budget that you have.

Now, when having to print notepads online, there are a few elements to take into account to make the design stand out:
• The size of the notepad itself should stand out.
• If you already have a company letterhead designed, have it incorporated in the design of the letterhead. If you don’t and the design is still in the finishing stages, make sure to choose a font, color and images that stand out and fit the image that you’d like to have as a company.
• If you want to have long-term exposure, choose a thicker notepad with more sheets to make it last long.

By taking these things into account, you can create custom notepads that will help best promote your brand.

How Custom Notepads Say a Lot about Your Business

What type of impression would you like to leave to your customers upon hearing your business name? Naturally, it pays to make a good impression. This is something that you can achieve easily with the help of custom notepads. These are pads of paper which come in different sizes, usually with 25 or 50 sheets per pad. They are printed out by companies like and they can be customized so that your company letterhead, contact info and any other essential information is included on one part of the notepad.

What makes dealing with companies like such an excellent idea is that your customers will immediately be impressed with the finished product. Aside from the availability of different sizes of notepads, they are also made with full color HD printing. To ensure that the sheets stick well together, chipboard glued backing is used. The paper is either textured linen or smooth white, and they can even be used for printing on laser or inkjet printers.

When distributing notepad printing to your customers during tradeshows or similar promotional events, you are sending out a message that you care for them. Why? Because you are distributing useful, practical items like notepads that they can use on a day-to-day basis. This is unlike flyers or brochures which are merely kept for reference purposes. Notepads are things that they can actually use in the office or at home, which sends out a message that you, as a business, care for your customers.

Custom notepads can be part of your overall print promotional campaign. Without spending a lot of money, you can expose people to your brand with the help of notepads with your letterhead, logo and contact information printed on it. Take full advantage of its benefits now and reap the rewards for your business later on.

Why do Custom Printed Notepads Make for a Great Advertising Material?

A lot of people have the misconception that print advertising is obsolete. Despite the presence of online advertising, there’s still a place in the heart of customers for print advertising, especially if you will distribute something useful like custom printed notepads. Why do these make for a great advertising material? Take a look at the following reasons:
• A 50-sheet notepad is something that can be used for a very long time.
Through companies like, you can take your pick from 25 or 50-sheet notepads. Let’s say that you had a batch of 50-sheet notepads made. With your logo, letterhead and contact information printed on the notepad, the user will repetitively be exposed to the image of your logo. Your business name will be imprinted in their brains, so much so that the next time a need for your product or service comes up, they can’t help but blurt out the name of your brand.

• They’re practical and customers will not hesitate to accept them.
Flyers usually get tossed in the trash because customers have no use of them, but custom printed notepads are practical and useful. When distributing them during trade shows or product launches, people are bound to accept these items which they have a great use for.

• They’re very easy and cheap to print out.
Finally, notepads are very easy to make and are quite cheap to print out. With, you can take your pick form 25 or 50-sheet notepads. They’re made with full color HD printing; the paper is textured linen or smooth white; has a chipboard glued backing; and there are many sizes to choose from.

With these many benefits, print notepads definitely make for a great advertising material.