Select a Color Postcard Printing Service Provider and Use it for Direct Mail Marketing!

Choosing a color postcard printing service provider is something that you have to do if you want to take advantage of the benefits of direct mail marketing. Despite the emergence of digital marketing techniques, the old school way of sending postcards by mail is actually still effective. As long as you know how to do it effectively, you can save a lot of money on advertising costs by going for custom postcard printing.

Mistakes to Avoid when Launching a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

Of course, just as it is when doing any business-related task, you must know exactly what you’re doing when it comes to direct mail marketing. A good way to get started in this type of marketing campaign is to know which mistakes to avoid in the first place.

  • Don’t make your postcards look like junk mail.

Millenials most probably do not check their physical mail and if they do, they know how to recognize junk mail from those that would give them something that’s of value. No matter which age bracket your target market is, you must know how to not make your postcards look like junk mail. What’s good about postcards is that they are not encased in envelopes so the message can be read right away. For the design of the postcard, make sure to get the right mix between images and text to get your marketing message right across.

  • Don’t use cheesy marketing lines.

If you’re in the real estate business, for example, avoid using cheesy and overused marketing lines. Multiple exclamation points, stock images, unreliable graphics, clip-art style images, or a postcard that’s filled with too much text – so much so that it’s hard to read – these are the other things to avoid.

  • Don’t be inconsistent.

The key to an effective direct mail marketing campaign is consistency. You cannot send a postcard to a customer once – and not ever do it again. After your initial contact, make sure to send postcards during promotional events, as a holiday greeting card, or when you have something of value to offer the customer.

  • Don’t use a non-targeted list.

Using the real estate example mentioned earlier, you will not send these marketing postcards to students who do not have money to pay for a house just yet. If you want to get a list of the families or individuals in a specific area who are interested in buying or selling property, look for a stock broker to get a valid list from. This way, you would know that the print postcards online that you will order will be delivered to the right mailbox.

  • Don’t forget to include a call to action.

Lastly, make sure to include a call to action. To set your postcards apart from the rest, you can use it as a discount coupon or as a business card – so always indicate your contact information. An effective call to action must make a reader want to get in touch with your company for more information.

Avoid these mistakes so that you can have a truly effective print marketing campaign with the help of simple postcards delivered through direct mail.

Make Customers Salivate with the Design of Your Print Takeout Menu

If you have a food business, it is a must for you to print takeout menu, a menu for walk-in diners, and an online menu for your website.  When designing all of these, you should consider the type of fare you are offering, the interiors of your restaurant, your logo, your target market, and a host of other factors. Basically, it all boils down to designing your menus in such a way that it will appeal to the eyes, mind, and palate of your target diners.

Factors to Consider when Designing Your Menu

So what are these factors that you must consider when designing your menu? Whether you are having a soft opening for your restaurant or if you are relaunching or rebranding your food business, here are the tips that you must remember during the process of designing the menu:

  • The placement of the food items

Make the menu easy to read, but not too conventional. If you’re a fine dining restaurant, present the dishes in your menu in such a way that it can be read like a book, from the upper left hand corner going to the right, up then down. A reader will most likely scan the menu first, then read it like a book. The prime spots are usually the top third of the page, as well as the center.

  • The images or illustrations

If you are including photos in your menu, make sure that the dishes are professionally shot. Otherwise, the menu would look cheap. Also invest in good quality print to go menus. It’s easy to recognize if a menu was printed on a desktop computer printer because these look cheap – offset printing and professional photography is the way to go. You can also use illustrations, just make sure that the drawings blend well with the color and the typography of the menu.

  • The font, color, and overall design of the menu

If you are not including images or illustrations in the menu, go for bold typography and unique colors. Skip the currency sign. If you must include the prices on the menu, make the numbers a lighter shade than the text or the name of the dish – so that the eyes will be drawn away from the figures. To highlight a bestselling dish, use boxes or lines to separate it from all the other items on the menu. If you’re a diner, for instance, organize the menu by separating the starters from the salads, sandwiches, and drinks. When you print carry out menus, only include the quick-to-make and the most profitable dishes. This way, the customer won’t get frustrated with a long wait.

All in all, make sure that the overall design of your menu is something that will make hungry diners look forward to the delicious tastes that will hit their palate.







Print Takeout Menu: Key Takeaways for Restaurant Owners

When you print takeout menu, you are not just enhancing a customer’s overall dining experience but you are also utilizing a savvy marketing tool. Imagine a hungry diner who walked into your restaurant without having any idea about the kind of food that you’re serving. Once you hand over the menu, that serves as a marketing tool because you want the menu to sell your restaurant’s dishes. If you have a menu that’s difficult to read, is filled with too much text or have too-small images that make the page look crowded, do you think that the hunger of the customer will be appeased by simply looking at the menu? Not necessarily. This is the exactly the reason why it is important to  print carry out menus and dine in menus that reflect the theme of the fare you’re  serving inside your dining establishment.

Tips for Restaurant Owners when Designing a Menu

Remember that creating and designing a menu are entirely different things. Creating a menu involves choosing the theme of your restaurant, which dishes you are going to serve, and which ingredients you are going to focus on. Designing a menu is done when you are finished selecting and naming your dishes. For example, you’re a pizzeria and you named your pizzas after the days of the week, your menu would consist of seven different pizza flavors, drinks, and perhaps a few side dishes.

How are you going to effectively design your print to go menus with such a theme? Here are a few tips:

  • Again, use the menu as a marketing tool. With the pizzeria example, how are you going to describe the pizza flavors in such a way that customers would know what they’re getting – but there is still a surprise element to the taste, or maybe the ingredients used? Achieve that delicate balance between having well-lit, mouth-watering images and text or dish descriptions that tease the mind and the palate.
  • For your takeout menu, make sure that the dishes are profitable and quick to prepare. Otherwise, indicate the approximate number of minutes that they need to wait before you can get that dish out of the kitchen. For pizzas, add three to five minutes to the time it takes to bake the pizza so that the customers will feel happy when their waiting time is actually cut short.
  • Research shows that customers read menus as they would a book, so there’s actually no ‘sweet spot’ where you can put a bestselling dish that will attract the eyes like a magnet. Feature your bestsellers on the upper left or right hand corner of the menu page to get maximum results.

Follow these tips when designing a menu and watch the profits of your food business grow!





Print Takeout Menu: Tips for Getting Started

How can you go about the task to print takeout menu? If you are in the food industry, the first thing that would entice customers to try out what your kitchen has to offer is the menu. No matter how mouth-watering your dishes may look on the plate, if a hungry diner pores over a less-than-appealing menu, they still would not know what to order. What’s worse is that they might walk straight out because they did not find any item that’s appealing from your menu.

This is precisely the reason why it’s important to know how to print carry out menus and menus for your dine-in customers. A new customer would have no idea about your dishes once they walk into your restaurant or dining establishment. A menu resolves that, so you must have it designed in such a way that it appeals to their palate. Here are a few tips for getting started on your menu design:

  • Think of theme of your restaurant and use that as a starting point.

If you are a fine dining establishment, the menu should be designed elegantly. For mom-and-pop restaurants or casual dining establishments, the design of the menu should be equally casual. If you are offering trendy dishes, think of a menu design that will appeal to the “in” crowd. Apply the same principle for your print to go menus – just make sure that the dishes featured are the ones that are quick to make, and are most profitable.

  • Know how to deliciously describe your dishes.

If your bestselling dish is juicy fried chicken with half a dozen spices, describe it in such a way that it will entice diners to try out what makes your dish special or different from all the other similar recipes in the market. For a casual menu, it is best to use everyday language while for fine dining takeout fare, use more elegant words to appeal to the more high-end market.

  • Use suitable colors.

If you’re selling customized cupcakes or doughnuts, use pastel or bright colors and insert cute design elements on the menu. Use darker, more elegant colors if you are offering more expensive fare.

By knowing how to appeal to the tastes of your target market, you can effectively design a menu – whether it’s for customers dining in or those who want to grab their food to go.