Postcard Printing for Tailors and Seamstresses

Not a lot of people know about tailors and seamstresses. With the popularity of ready-to-wear clothes, these professionals in alterations and making clothes may not necessarily have a booming business. This means that if you are in the alterations business, you need to exert some extra effort into advertising your work. So what can you do? First, establish your presence in the most popular social media websites. Create official accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Engage your customers here then ‘talk’ to the part of your target market who are not online through postcard printing

Postcards are cheap yet effective. When you send out these mailers to every door within your zip code, for example, you can reach the part of the market who may or may not be online, but has a high possibility of requiring your services. Everyone can have a pair of pants that need alteration, or maybe a dress that requires a few minor adjustments to have a perfect fit. With postcards, you can advertise the fact that there is a professional that they can hire for such tasks, so go ahead and have those postcards made.

Things to Remember for Postcards Printing

To get you started, here are a few things to remember about postcards printing:

  • Do your research when looking for an online printing company to order postcards from. 

You can go for either a digital print shop, or one that uses offset printing with huge printing presses. The latter is suitable for big print jobs because once set up, the machines can easily print hundreds of copies in a matter of minutes. For smaller volume requirements, digital should be suitable. Some print shops offer both. Aside from the printing process, also ask about the turnaround time, quality of customer support, and the rates for postcard printing packages. 

  • Pay close attention to the design and the material used. 

You want to make a great first impression when sending postcards, so pay close attention to the design and the material used. Postcard sizes range from 4” x 6” to 9” x 12” while for the paper type, there’s silk-laminated, premium, or basic. For the paper finish, you can go with either matte or glossy. Make your decisions for these aspects based on your postcard design, and the image that you’d like to have as a brand.

  • Send postcards regularly. 

Finally, do send out postcards regularly. After introducing yourself through postcard marketing, you can again send postcards during the holiday season, on a customer’s birthday if you have that information, and when you have any type of promotion to offer customers. 

For tailors, seamstresses, and alteration specialists, postcards are the perfect advertising material to make people aware of your skilled services. 

Postcard Printing for Mom-and-Pop Establishments

Mom-and-pop establishments are retail stores, bakeries, grocery stores, drug stores, bookshops, clothes stores, restaurants, and other retail shops which are independently run. They’re usually family-owned businesses passed on from one generation to the next or have family members running the entire operation. If you own a mom-and-pop establishment, you may want to go for postcard printing as a form of advertising. It also pays to establish an online presence, but this is best combined with printed advertising materials.

What To Do and Not to Do When Self Advertising

What’s good about self-advertising using postcards if you own a mom-and-pop establishment is that it is effective without being pricey. To make the most out of your self-promotion using printed marketing materials, here are a few things to remember:

  • Do your research when choosing which print shop to go with.

There are many online printing service providers offering either digital printing services, offset printing, or both. The printing process used will be based on the volume or your order, or the availability of the printer. When choosing between different print shops, always check on the quality of postcard prints they offer. Also check on the quality of customer support that they have, and compare different printing packages.

  • Do use a casual tone when writing your postcard copy.

Formal language may be suitable when promoting law firms or corporations but for independent businesses, opt for a more casual tone. Postcards have more space than business cards but less space than flyers, making them the perfect advertising medium. Keep the message short, casual, and succinct since you only have limited space.

  • Do not aimlessly distribute your marketing postcards.

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when mailing out postcards is aimlessly distributing them. You won’t only fail to send the right message to your target market, but you will also be wasting your hard-earned advertising bucks. If you are selling women’s products, for example, there is no need for you to mail postcards to every household because not all of them have members included in your target market. For this, you can narrow down your mailing list based on demographics like gender, household income, household size, occupation, whether they are homeowners or renters, etc.

  • Do not forget to include a call-to-action.

Lastly, always include a call-to-action. Whether you want the recipient of the postcard to give you a call, visit your website, or sign up for a mailing list, this should be made clear in your copy. Also include a promo code with a deadline, if you can, so that you can get better response rates.

By knowing the things to do and avoid when self-promoting your mom-and-pop establishments, you can maximize the response rate of your postcard marketing efforts.

Why Retailers Should Advertise with 5″ x 7″ Postcard Printing

If you are a retailer, customers expect you to bombard them with email messages on their Spam folders. Although there is nothing wrong with sending advertisements through email, this does not always work. What you can do is combine your digital presence with traditional ways of advertising, such as using 5 x 7 postcard printing. There are plenty of other postcard sizes that you can use – but the idea is to maximize the usability of postcards to reach your sales goals.

How to Use Postcards 

You first need to contact an online printing services provider and check out the packages that they have for postcards printing. There are 24-hour offset printing options available with free color, two-sided printing, and almost two dozen sizes to choose from. Once you have chosen a printing package, the next thing to do is know how to utilize postcards as your main marketing method. Here’s how you can use postcards:

  • To introduce your brand to customers

If you’re introducing your brand or a new line of products to customers, send out postcards. These have a bigger printing area compared to business cards so you can write more and include images. Make sure that the postcard is well-designed to capture the attention of your audience. 

  • To reward customer loyalty

You can send postcards to reward loyal customers, or to gain new ones. This can be done by sending out promo codes. Add a time limit to the offer so that you can get the quickest response possible. 

  • To announce openings, sales, and big events

If you have an ongoing big sale, if you’re opening a new retail store, or planning any other big event, postcards can be used for the announcement. 

  • To entice repeat orders or check out abandoned carts

If you have an online shop, you can send postcards with a promo code to those who added items to their shopping cart but have not checked them out yet. This will entice them to complete the order, and make repeat orders of other items. 

  • To send holiday greetings

Finally, you can use postcards to send holiday or birthday greetings. The more frequent you send mailers to your customers, the more loyal they will become to your brand. 

Achieve the Marketing Results You Want with Postcard Printing

In your personal e-mail account, do you know how most marketing messages simply end up in the Spam folder? These messages get filtered by your e-mail provider so they don’t even have a chance of landing on your Inbox. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is something that you need to think about if you are considering launching an e-mail marketing campaign. There’s nothing wrong in having one at all, but make sure that you are not expecting good results – because you’ll end up being disappointed. A better alternative would be to use print postcards which you can send to the actual mailboxes of your target market. These have a better chance of being actually read by prospective customers, and you are bound to get great response.

Factors to Consider in Postcard Printing

Fortunately, there are many postcard printing companies which specialize in printing out such marketing materials. When having postcards made, here are a few things that you need to take into consideration:
• Your end goals
Why are you making the postcards in the first place? Are you launching a new menu in your restaurant which you’d like your customers to try out? Do you have an online business and you’d like customers to visit your website? Are you currently offering discounts on your car servicing business? Or maybe you’d simply like to stand out from your direct competitors? Depending on your end goal, you can write a copy that will help you achieve such end results.

• Your targeted market
Naturally, you should use language which your target market can relate to. If your product is geared towards tweens or teens, use trendy terms that they can easily relate to. If the service you’re offering is targeted towards a more mature audience, use formal language which is still catchy enough to do the trick of selling what you have to offer.

• Other things to consider
Your budget, the turnaround time, the quality of print, the choices of material – these are the other things to consider when having postcards printed out. Make sure that you’re dealing with a company like, which has plenty of experience when it comes to projects like postcard printing.

Counting Down the Benefits of Postcard Printing

No matter what the nature of your business is, you are bound to benefit from postcard printing. Unlike the more modern forms of advertisement like online promotional campaigns, printed ad materials have that age-old appeal which also makes your business stand out. In the midst of competitors who are using websites, pay-per-click campaigns and similar methods to promote their products or services, you can easily rely on postcard printing to spread the word about your brand.

Still not convinced? Let us have a countdown of the top benefits of postcard printing:
– Postcard printing is cheap. With companies like, you can have an entire batch of different-sized postcards made without having to spend so much.
– Since you are sending out the postcards directly to your customers, you can receive direct feedback from them. If you used the postcards as a coupon, for example, and you see customers running to your store to take advantage of the discount you offered, you know that your postcard campaign is effective. Also, you would not have to announce to your competitors what you’re up to so you can be one step ahead of them.
– Aside from the fact that postcards can be made professionally for a very affordable price, they are also very eco-friendly. You don’t have to use a lot of paper or envelopes and they can be directly mailed out to your target market.
– Since postcards do not have envelopes that need to be opened, the probability of a customer reading your message is 94%. If they like your offer, they will definitely take advantage of it.
– Unlike promotional messages sent via e-mail which may not even end up being read by a customer, it is more likely for customers to respond to postcard promotional campaigns.

These and more are the benefits of eddm postcards. If you haven’t already done so, now is the best time for you to take advantage of these perks in promoting your business and spreading the word about your brand.

Custom-Made versus DIY Postcards

What’s the difference between a do-it-yourself and professionally-made custom 4 x 6 postcards? Obviously, one is made for personal use while the other is made for professional promotional purposes. Postcards make for a great personal card that you can send to loved ones while travelling, or for special occasions. For business owners, they can use postcards as a cheap way to promote their brand, product or services.

Now, whether you are making a DIY postcard or for professional use, there are a few steps that you can follow:
1. Plan the design of the postcard by visualizing how you’d like it to look. If it’s a DIY card, go online and look for postcard design templates that you can use. This can also be done by entrepreneurs, although it’s better to have the card professionally-designed especially if you would like to impress your clients.
2. Think about the elements that you would like to incorporate and highlight in your postcard. Pay close attention to the font, images, text and overall look of the design. Depending on the purpose of the postcard, you can incorporate as much or as little text as needed.
3. Keep the back part of the postcard simple, because this space is used by the sender for writing notes.
4. If you’re making a DIY postcard, print a sample first before having a huge batch made. If you’re having the postcard printed out by a professional printing company, ask to see a sample of the postcard first so that you can approve the design – then wait for the number of pieces that you ordered to be delivered straight to your doorstep.

With companies like, you can have custom 4 x 6 postcards and different sizes of postcards made for a very reasonable price. Be it a DIY or a custom-made postcard that you are creating, it’s important to pay close attention to the small details so that you can achieve the purpose of having the postcard designed and made in the first place.

Print Cheap Postcards and Promote Your Business for Less!

For the modern entrepreneur, the first thing that they usually think of when marketing their brand is online advertising. The more clicks you receive on your website, the more that customers will take advantage of what you have to offer as a business. But have you ever thought about having to print cheap postcards which can be part of your print promotional campaign? No matter how modern today’s business environment is, there is still room for traditional forms of advertising like print. In fact, it is something that will make your business stand out because all your other competitors are already probably promoting their brand over the Internet.

The good news is that you can easily find companies that will print cheap postcards for you. With printing companies like, you can take your pick from postcards of different sizes, paper stocks and variants. Having them designed and printed out by professionals will make your printed promotional material stand out.

When having postcards printed out, here are a few things that you need to take into consideration:
– The originality of the design – make sure that the overall look of the postcards suits the image that you would like to establish for your business.
– The readability of the postcard – the message has to be succinct since you have very limited space, but it should still achieve your marketing objective.

What’s good about using postcards as part of your print promotional campaign is that having a batch made will not burn a hole in your pocket. You can get fast response from customers directly, you can gain maximum exposure and it is a very versatile form of printed advertising material. With all these benefits and more, you should absolutely cheap postcards to promote your business for less.

Rules when Printing Cheap Postcards for Real Estate

If you’re looking for an affordable yet effective way to market your real estate business, why not print cheap postcards? With companies like, you can take your pick from ten different sizes, thick 16-pt. paper, and highest full color quality. But why should you print postcards to promote your business in the first place? If you’re new in the real estate industry, a postcard is a cheap yet effective way to let prospective customers know that your business actually exists. As long as you know how to maximize the marketing potential of the postcard, you can use it to its full promotional advantage.

Essential Tips when Using Postcards for Real Estate

Your goal may be to print cheap postcards, but just because it’s affordable does not mean that it has to be sloppy or haphazardly done. Here are a few essential tips on how you can extract the utmost benefits from using postcards for your real estate business:

• Send the right message.
Even if you invest in shiny postcards printed on very thick paper, it will not be impactful if you don’t focus on the message. A 6” x 11” postcard is the most popular, but that does not offer you much space to print on. This means that you should use the space available to impart a message, whether it’s introducing yourself, telling people that your business just opened up, or that you are just a phone call away if they need the kind of product or service you’re offering.

• Don’t overwhelm your audience.
When having postcards created, craft your message in such a way that the receiver will not be overwhelmed. Are you targeting home buyers or sellers? Using the available space, how can you make an irresistible offer? What can you say to achieve your marketing objective?

• Know how to measure the success of your postcard campaign.
Finally, learn how to measure your success. A month after the postcards were sent out, did you have more visitors on your website? Did many people attend an open house? Did you receive more phone calls? Do the same thing after a month with a different message and measure if you got the same level of success.

By knowing what to incorporate in the message itself, you can print postcards online and reach your marketing objectives without having to spend so much.

Harness the Full Marketing Potential of Cheap Postcards

Prior to the emergence of social media, letting friends and family know where you are involves buying cheap postcards and sending them via snail mail. Today, all you have to do is post pictures or do check-ins on your favorite social media site and all your friends and family will know exactly what you are up to. Fortunately, this does not mean that postcards have grown obsolete.

If you’re an entrepreneur, you can actually harness the full marketing potential of cheap postcards and promote your brand without having to spend much. Here are the marketing benefits of sending out postcards to your clients, both existing and potential ones:
• Postcards can be part of your overall print marketing campaign.
Despite the presence of the Internet, print advertising still works these days, especially for small businesses. A postcard can be part of your overall print marketing campaign along with business cards, booklets, brochures, flyers, folders, letterheads and notepads.

• Printing out good quality postcards will uplift the image of your brand.
With companies like, you can have good quality postcards printed without spending too much. Take your pick from 26 different sizes, the most popular of which is 6” x 11”. The material used is premium 16-pt. paper which has 50% the thickness of a credit card, and the highest full color quality printing is used.

• With postcards, you can introduce a new product or service to your clients without having to spend so much.
Finally, once your business is launched, there will periodically be new services or products that you’d need to introduce to your target audience. The cheapest and most effective way to do so is by sending out postcards. Make sure that the card sends out the right message and allow the receiver to take action – whether it’s buying the product through the discounts you will offer, or simply call your office for more information about a service that you just introduced.

With these benefits, there’s no doubt that you can easily use EDDM postcards to promote your business.