The Most Important Elements in Brochure Printing

Whichever industry it is you’re in, it pays to go for cheap brochure printing. Just because brochures are promotional materials which can be cheaply made does not mean that they are not effective in promoting your business. In fact, the opposite is true. When you use brochures along with business cards, postcards, banners, notepads, folders, envelopes and other printed items as part of your promotional campaign, you can streamline the look of your business. You can also enhance the image that you would like to project as a brand. When you add to this the fact that brochures can be made as high-quality promotional materials without having to spend too much, you can reach your advertising goals much more easily.

Now, if you are still in the process of having brochures printed out for your business, these are the elements that you need to pay close attention to:
• The headline
Just like newspapers or magazines, brochures should have a catchy headline. It should be succinct, well-written, yet still convey the message that you would like to impart.

• The body
Depending on the number of pages that you have on the brochure based on the fold, you can write a quite comprehensive body. Brochures have more space than flyers but less space than booklets, so make sure to use the space available as wisely as you can.

• The selling point
What’s your purpose in printing out the brochures in the first place? Would you like readers to learn about a new product or service? Would you like them to give you a call? Would you like them to visit your website? Based on the goal that you have, there should be a statement on your brochure which leads to it. For instance, if you would like them to visit your website, include a line like “To learn more about our line of new products, visit our website at”

• Your contact information
You should also include your complete and up-to-date contact information when having brochures made.

• The quality of printing
For cheap brochure printing which does not scrimp on quality, hire companies like They can print out good quality brochures for you using the highest quality offset printing, without your having to spend too much for it.

• The overall design
Finally, make sure that the overall design captures the image that you would like to have for your brand. When you focus on these elements for cheap trifold brochures, you would have a promotional material that is worthy of being distributed to your existing and potential clients.

What are the Most Common Myths about Cheap Brochures?

If you’re a person walking down busy streets, you will usually ignore that person in costume who is handing over flyers or brochures for a restaurant or business opening. If the general public cannot even be bothered to read such promotional materials, does it mean that cheap brochures are not worth making at all? Not necessarily. Given the right venue, message, and method of distribution, you can actually make brochures work to your advantage.

To understand more about how brochures can help you reach your marketing objectives, let us bust a few myths about it:
• Customers do not read brochures at all.
One of the most common myths about brochures is that people cannot be bothered to read them at all. Although it is true that most will simply glance at your brochure and throw them in the trash if they’re not interested, there’s a certain percentage who will keep them for future reference. This is especially true if they think that they will need your product or service in the future. Those who are holding chiropractic practices, for example, would do well to have brochures printed out because it is one of the most effective ways to increase customers.

• Having brochures printed out is expensive.
There are many companies like which you can rely on for help when it comes to printing out trifold brochures. Just because they’re affordable does not mean that they’re cheap – instead, you’ll get the best value for your money.

• It’s difficult to write the copy for brochures.
Of course, it will be difficult to write copy for brochures if you’re not a professional copywriter – so you can leave this task to the experts.

• It’s unethical to hand over brochures to your existing clients.
Finally, those who are in the chiropractic industry think that it is unethical for them to distribute brochures to existing clients or potential patients. This is not true at all, especially if what you are doing specifically works for your patients.

Those who are in other industries should definitely not hesitate to distribute brochures because they are the most effective way to inform customers about your business. With cheap brochures, you don’t have to spend a lot of money in spreading the word about your brand.