Make Your Mark as a Brand with Business Postcards

order postcards online

If you’re facing the challenge of needing to acquire repeat customers, can you overcome it by printing business postcards? Definitely! Here, we will look at the reasons why you should include postcards in your print promotional campaign – and how you can use it to establish customer loyalty.

First, what exactly is postcard marketing? When you order business postcards from printing companies, you can use them as a tool for direct marketing. When you’re mailing out business postcards, you already have a targeted market who is bound to respond to your call-to-action. Let’s say that you are relaunching your brand and you would like people to visit your store. How can business postcards help? Mail them out to the immediate community where your business is located. To entice them to take action and actually go to your store, make the postcard double as a discount card. Tell them that by simply presenting the card, they are entitled to a 15% discount when they visit your store at a specific date.

Second, why is business postcards marketing so effective? Since you already have a targeted mailing list, you are bound to get a response from your audience. It may not be immediate, but the results of your marketing effort will work more on establishing customer loyalty. This benefits your business in the long run. Another reason why this type of marketing is effective is that it is equally effective in terms of costs. As compared to mailing out sales letters, there is no need for you to put postcards inside an envelope – the message can be read outright.

If you want to test a new product, you can order postcards from an online printing and send it out only to a small fraction of your mailing list. If you receive a positive response, then you can increase the number of recipients.

As you can see, ordering postcards from online printing companies is a great business decision because you will enjoy numerous benefits. When looking for an online printing company, make sure that they have plenty of experience in printing out not just postcards, but other promotional materials as well. Other things to look for from an online printing are the turnaround time, costs, printing process used, postcards size, materials, and finishes available.

If you are consistent in mailing out online printing business cards, you can make your mark as a brand because doing so is a great way to establish customer loyalty.


Looking for a Provider of Online Printing Services? Here’s What You Need to Know

Unlike online printing services that have an automatic ordering system, it used to be a big hassle to have printed promotional materials made. If you need 200 pieces of postcards made, for example, you need to go to the printing office to check out their equipment. You must come up with a design which has to be set up on the printing press. Then, you have to choose the material, paper thickness, and finish. After approving the proof, you have to wait for the job to be finished before you can finally pick up your order.

Today, you can do away with all these steps because there are professional printing companies that have a purely online ordering system. This means that you don’t have to visit any printing office – you just need to come up with the design, choose the materials and the finish, and wait for the materials to be delivered straight to your doorstep.

What You Need to Know about Online Printing

Whether you need business cards, brochures, flyers, menus, rack cards, post cards, letterheads, or any other printed promotional material, here are the essentials that you need to know:


• You can take your pick from different printing processes. Two of the most common are digital and offset printing. With digital printing, desktop digital printers are used. These are good for small jobs but if you need to order in bulk with a fast turnaround time, you should go with offset printing. For this, huge printing presses are used where a metal plate transfers or ‘offsets’ printed images onto a rubber blanket, which is then rolled onto the paper. Think of it as being similar to using a stamp pad on paper. Once the design is set, you can easily have hundreds or even thousands of copies made within a short span of time. Another advantage of offset printing is that it produces more professional-looking results. The more that you order, the lower the per-piece cost is.

• You need to focus on the design and content. Make sure that the text does not overcrowd the available space on the business card or letterhead – and it should feature your logo plus a short marketing tagline. The overall design should suit the image that you would like to project for your brand.

• You can choose from different materials, paper types, finishes, and sizes. Business cards, for instance, have a standard size of 3.5” x 2” but you can take your pick from different paper thickness and finishes like satin, ultra-smooth silk, soft touch suede, smooth matte or spot gloss.

• You have to go with an experienced, reliable printing company. For this, it pays to do your research so that you can choose a cost-effective printing package without compromising on quality.

By keeping these things in mind, you can look for an online printing service provider that will give you exactly what you need when it comes to printed promotional materials.