Incorporate High-End Folder Printing with Conference Planning

When running a small, medium or large-scale business operation, there will come a point when you would have to participate in a conference, or organize one yourself. Conferences are an excellent event where people from within the same industry can learn about the latest technology, business practices, news, etc. If you are indeed organizing a conference, you should incorporate high-end folder printing as part of the entire process. Why? Because a folder is a very useful, practical item that you can use to distribute to your employees, clients, prospective customers, suppliers and business partners. Almost anybody who’s working in an office can make use of a folder to organize files. It can be used to carried documents, and there are even specialized folders with slots for business cards or CDs. Such practical uses make folders such an ideal item to use when planning a conference.

Whether you’re simply attending the conference or if you are part of the organizing committee, you need to choose a printing company which specializes in high-end folder printing. When having such folders made, you should consider the following factors:
– What kind of design on the folder’s cover will best suit the image of my company?
– Which paper stock should I use?
– What’s my budget for having the folders made?
– Which folder size would be ideal for the print promotional campaign that I am currently running?
– Does the printing company specialize in making high-end folders?

With printing companies like, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best print quality when having your folders made. There are three price points to choose from; different sizes and paper stock available; and there are even special features like a CD slot, a business card slot or both.

Indeed, when planning a conference, you should not skip something like having folders printed by a professional printing company. With folder printing, you can impress the people who are attending the event, and you can enjoy long-term advertising benefits from this type of printed promotional material.

Want to Use Professionally Printed Folders? You’re on the Right Track!

In almost every business industry today, the competition can be very tough. Even if you already have a set of regular customers, they can easily switch loyalties especially if the other brand has something new to offer. Thankfully, you can rely on traditional printed materials to promote your brand, like business cards, banners, flyers, brochures and professionally printed folders. We might be living in a high-tech business environment now, but it does not mean that printed materials have lost their appeal. In fact, it’s quite refreshing to see companies still using print media to engage their customers so it’s something that you should definitely try out yourself.

Why Use Professionally Printed Folders

Also called corporate folders, professionally printed folders are made in different sizes, paper stocks and designs. The goal of making the folder in the first place is to use such a practical item to spread the word about a brand. If you will distribute folders during a trade show, for example, the recipients of the folder will use it in their office. This will lead to brand recall and if you will use a material or paper stock that lasts for a long time, the advertising rewards will even double or triple.

Here are more reasons why it pays to use professionally-made folders for advertising your business:
– Having folders made by printing companies is very cost-effective. Unlike TV or radio ad campaigns, you can launch a full-blast print media campaign to advertise your business without spending too much.
– All your other competitors are bound to use printed materials to promote their business, so you can keep up with what the rest of them are doing but still manage to stand out.
– Folders make for practical gifts and corporate giveaways because they are very useful, so people will be more than happy to accept them.
– There are high-end folders which can be made with a CD and business card slot, so you can easily insert CDs with presentation videos and a set of your business cards to clients, prospective customers or potential business partners.

Finally, there are many companies which specialize in making custom printed folders so you can be assured of the quality of the promotional materials that you will order. With all these benefits and more, there’s no reason for you to say no to the prospect of using folders for promotional purposes.

Organize Presentations with Folder Printing

At school, at home or in the office, one of the most useful, must-have supplies is a folder. Kids at school can use it to organize their papers, office workers can use it for presentations, and moms at home can use folders for putting together bills or lists. When it comes to entrepreneurs, what is the main use of folder printing Aside from the fact that the folders can be used by your own staff during presentations and to organize paperwork in the office, they also make for a great advertisement material.

Let’s say that you are a newly-opened law firm and you would like more locals in the area to know that you offer legal services. Through folder printing, you can let them know that your business actually exists. Here’s how you can spread the word about your business using folders:
– Whenever a prospective client walks into your office, you can give him or her a folder to bring home. This makes for the perfect keepsake, which also helps spread the word about your business.
– If there are local networking events or tradeshows in your area where you are setting up a booth, you can distribute folders to entice possible clients to learn more about what you have to offer as a business. Since folders are very practical to have around the house, in the office or in schools, you can attract more people towards your booth.
– You can use the folders as part of your print marketing campaign, which should be done alongside distribution of business cards, banners, flyers, brochures, door hangers, and similar advertising materials.
– With companies like, there are three kinds of folders that you can choose from: 14-pt. folders which are the cheapest; 16-pt. premium folders which are the most popular; and the 17-pt. folders which are very high-end. If you want, you can incorporate CD and business card slots for the last folder option, at no additional cost.

You can also use the printed folders when organizing presentations. With its multitude of uses, you will definitely reap plenty of advantages for your business through folder printing.

Make Your Brand Stand Out from the Pack with High End Folder Printing

One of the many ways for your brand to stand out from the pack is high end folder printing. Just like envelopes, notepads, and business cards, folders have a longer shelf life than flyers or vouchers. Since they have a practical use, an office worker will be exposed to the look, name, and logo of your brand on an almost daily basis. This helps with brand recall so the next time that your product or service is needed, the person using the folder will immediately think of your brand.

Another advantage of using high end folders is that quality screams elegance, competence and expertise. No matter what the nature of your business is, when you give customers a great first impression, your brand will instantly be associated with trustworthiness.

More than Corporate: Other Uses of High End Folder Printing

Now, if you think that custom printed folders can only be used by business owners, think again. Other organizations like non-profits, clubs, churches, community groups and similar entities can make use of folders to make people aware that they actually exist.

Let’s take a church group as an example. If you would like to entice more people to hear about what you have to offer as a religious organization, you can make use of folders to:
– Let people know a bit about the history of the church, its location, congregation, etc.
– Let people know about your upcoming outreach activities and social events.
– Spread awareness about how your church is helping out the local community.

When you have the folders made by printing companies like, you can even have them made with special features like CD or business card slits. True enough, high end folder printing is one of the best ways to make your brand stand out from the pack.

Tie Up Your Print Ad Campaign Together with Customized Folders

When you compare putting up ads in the local paper with the option to print folders as part of your print ad campaign, which one do you think has a longer-lasting effect? A newspaper ad can be kept by a reader for one week, at most, unless you pay for it to be published over a certain period. When you print a folder with your company logo and contact information in it, a typical office user will use it for a very long time – especially if the paper used is of good quality. In terms of getting the best bang for your buck, folder printing serves its purpose longer as compared to a newspaper ad.

This is precisely the reason why it pays to tie up your print ad campaign together with customized folders. If you’re just starting out in business, you should print folders, business cards, brochures, envelopes, letterheads, notepads, postcards, and similar items which will be useful for your print ad campaign.

What are the other benefits of folder printing service? Here’s a quick list:
– There are different sizes and paper stocks to choose from.
– You can incorporate cool features like CD or business card slits with customized folder.
– You can impress your customers by having high-quality customized folders printed out.
– A person can use the folder for a very long time, which means prolonged exposure to your brand name – and possibly more business coming your way in the future.

Companies like manufactures high-quality presentation folders. They offer full color HD printing, super thick paper stocks, three sizes to choose from, smooth cut edges, meticulously crafted products, extra features such as CD/business card slits, and a quick turnaround time. When you print folders, you have a printed material which has promotional benefits that will last you for a very long time.

Booklets for Authors, Professionally Printed Folders & Other Printed Materials for Businesses

Booklets, professionally printed folders, brochures, pamphlets, business cards, flyers – these are some of the printed promotional materials which are a must-have for businesses. Here, we will focus a bit more on printed folders and booklets.

Booklets for Authors

If you’re a frustrated author who cannot seem to get a company to publish your work, did you know that you can actually have booklets made? You can publish your own work and don’t worry about not having heard about it before – contrary to what people think, booklet publishing has been around for centuries. There are booklets which tackle almost every genre including self-help, health, fitness, child birth, child care, growing old, staying young, romance – the possibilities of what you can publish within the few pages of a booklet are practically endless.

So why would you choose a booklet over a book? Again, if traditional publishers are giving you a hard time with your work, why not be proactive and publish it yourself? If you will publish several booklets instead of one whole book, you can make an even bigger profit. As long as you have studied the market, you can turn booklet publishing into a lucrative career for yourself.

Professionally-Printed Folders for Businesses

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur, the one marketing material that you should not be without is a custom folder. These can be distributed to visitors in your booth at trade shows. You can also use them as giveaway items during company presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. When having folders made by companies like, you can even include useful features like a CD or a business card slot.

With folder printing and booklets, you have promotional materials that will allow you to meet your goals – be it for business or as a self-publishing author.

Boost the Image of Your Brand: Printing the Best Quality Folders

No matter which industry it is your business is in, the one task that you should not ignore when creating a printed marketing campaign is to print folders. Folders make for great giveaway items during tradeshows. If you have clients or customers showing up at your office door, folders make for the perfect promotional/souvenir items. The more useful your folder is, the more often a person will carry it around – which means more exposure for your brand.

Now, how can you make sure that when you print folders, the quality is good enough to make a lasting impression to your target market? This is when it is a must for you to pay close attention to detail. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when having promotional folders printed out:
• Check on the quality of print and the paper used.
Your main purpose in designing the folder is to create a good impression to your customers. As such, the quality of the folder needs to be equally impressive. At companies like, the quality of print is ensured through full color HD printing. As for the quality of paper, you can take your pick from super thick paper stocks with a high gloss, silk or matte finish. There are also three sizes to choose from: the standard 9” x 12” or smaller sizes like 6” x 9” or 5.25” x 10.5”.

• Include extra features to make the folder extra-useful.
Instead of having just a plain, two-sided folder, you can have ones with extra features made like one or two pockets at the inside, bottom part of the folder. You can also have CD or business card slits made to make the folder extra useful.

• See to it that the overall design of the folder is something that will boost the image of your brand.
At, the folders are meticulously crafted for high-end presentation and have smooth cut edges. With custom printed folders which are professionally designed, you can boost the image of your brand and use the printed materials to inform your target market about your company, a new product or your line of services.

High Quality Offset Folder Printing Service

If you are looking for the most professional folder printing service, has you covered. Here are the reasons why…

Folding printing at is an offset only print production. What does this mean? it means, offset printing is 4-5 times higher quality than digital printing. With offset folder printing, metal film plates are created of your artwork to provide a complete HD quality production.

Digital printing is a very low end production process that we would never use. Our clients want the best of the best. With our higher quality offset folder printing process, the price is indeed higher but your professional image will be too.

Also, with our folder printing service, we shave all the edges flush with your final folder piece where as with digitally printed and cheap folder printing services they are rolled and glued flaps at the edges,. This makes your company look unprofessional. If you have ever seen those cheap folders from a supply store they then you know what to expect from anything that is low priced when it comes to folder printing.

It’s true what they say, “You always get what you pay for.” With folder printing, this could not be more true. Good quality folder printing requires better paper, machinery and production. Every print company wants to give you the best price but anything thats great will cost a bit more.

Your business image should not look poor when doing business. Your clients will judge you on quality and time you took to show how serious you are about what you are selling or doing.

For the absolute best offset folder printing service, visit where you can choose from 14pt folders, 16pt folders or silk folders.

High-End Custom Folder Printing Services

There are 2 types of custom folder printing services on the net.

There is cheap folder printing for clients looking for just anything to start up with and there is the high-end folder printing for those looking to get the best image the print industry has to offer. offers the high end folder printing quality and nothing of cheap quality. services higher end clients who look for only the best-of-the-best in custom folder printing services.

The paper used by for folder printing is a super thick 16pt card stock which has a 50% thickness of a credit card. Also used is a cheaper 14pt paper which has a 20% thickness of a credit card. For those with no budget, the silk folders are printed on a 17pt card stock paper. The 17pt silk folders have a 60% thickness of a credit card and are the absolute most high-end folders on the market today with a very unique feel.

Approximately 9 out of 10 folder print companies use a very cheap 100# or 12pt paper for their custom folder printing. This paper is below 10% thickness of a credit card and is of extremely poor quality. They print folders with the lowest standards in the print industry for their profits benefits.

The difference between high end and cheap folder printing is not only the print quality but the way the custom folders are cut. Cheap folder printing has folded and glued edges, similar to those cheap colored folders you find at an Office Supply store by the bundle. They are flimsy and do not hold colors nicely. With high-end quality folder printing services from, not only do you get the best offset print quality but edges are cut very flush and smooth. There is never any gluing of edges.

When quality and image matters to you, shop the best quality folder printing services online with