What is the Typical Size of a Set of Suede Business Cards?

You’re looking for a company that specializes in suede business card printing but you have no idea where to start. Which steps are you supposed to take? How can you make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth? How can you ensure that you are on your way towards having an effective print marketing campaign? It all boils down to the printing company that you will choose.

There are many digital printing companies out there that use desktop printers but if you want to have a batch of premium business cards printed out, it’s better to go for offset printing. These make use of huge Heidelberg printing presses which produce high-quality prints that will impress the heck out of your customers. It may cost a bit more, but the investment is well worth it in the end.

Should You Go for Standard or Non-Traditional Sized Business Cards?

Next, which size should you go for when printing suede or silk business cards? Should you go for standard-sized ones or one that are a bit non-traditional? First, here are your options:

  • 5” x 2”

If you already have a stack of business cards, you will notice that majority are sized 3.5’ x 2” – with landscape orientation. If you want to stick to the standard, you can have silk or suede business cards printed out with these sizes. But you can make them stand out by ordering for a round-edged set, or designing cards with a portrait instead of a landscape orientation.

  • 375” x 2.125”

In Europe, business cards are a bit larger than standard-sized cards. If you’re running your business in this part of the world, you might want to consider having a set printed out in this size.

  • 2” x 2” or 2.5” x 2.5”

Another way to make your business cards stand out is by going for square business cards, which measure either two or two and a half inches on all sides. If your business is on the creative side, this is an excellent choice.

  • 5” x 3.5” or 1.75” x 3.5”

There are also mini business cards which are a lot smaller than the standard-sized cards. When going for these sizes, however, keep in mind that you will have an even smaller space to work with – and you don’t want to overcrowd the card with too much information. At most, you can indicate your business name and contact number – there might not be enough space for your address and a marketing tagline, unless you decide to also use the back.

Although standard sized cards are always popular, it’s good to know that there are other sizes available for those who want to make their business stand out.

Eco-Friendly Business Card Print Service Provider: Does It Exist?

When looking for a business card print service provider or when buying a product, do you consider the process that goes behind the scenes? Let’s say that you are ordering a stack of color business cards for a start-up business that you are soon launching. How can you make sure that the material used in printing out the cards is not harmful to the environment? When it comes to business card printing, is there really an eco-friendly option? Read on to find out.

How Eco-Friendly are the Business Cards from BlockbusterPrint.com?

The typical process of making color business cards is to use different paper, cardboard, or plastic material then using offset printing to make the letters and design stand out. Paper and cardboard is obviously made from trees, so if you want to print business cards in an eco-friendly manner, how can you do so? By looking for a print service provider with environmentally conscious printing policies. BlockbusterPrint.com does exactly that.

First, their line of printed products – ranging from business cards to flyers, brochures to door hangers, greeting cards to letterheads – are made using 10% recycled stock. Second, the quality of offset printing is never sacrificed because no matter which material you choose, you can rest assured that you will be given classy, high-calibre business cards.

Third, as indicated on their website, every single order placed on BlockbusterPrint.com helps the company plant native trees somewhere in the United States. This is done through channels like AmericanForests.org. Another way that the company makes sure that their business process is eco-friendly is that they plant more trees than they are using. They’re also the only company to replenish the planet by sticking to their eco-friendly printing policies.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in using natural resources like trees to promote your brand. But if you want to be a responsible business owner, you also need to do your share in helping save the environment. In fact, you can even use being eco-friendly as a way to reach out to similarly environmentally-conscious customers. Looking for a printing company that has eco-friendly printing policies like BlockbusterPrint.com, is the best way to start doing just that.



Steal These Modern Business Card Printing Ideas to Give Your Image a Boost!

Uplifting your brand and giving your image a boost is the main purpose of business card printing. The good news is that there are companies like BlockbusterPrint which specializes in providing a business card print service that’s high quality, without inflating the price. Here, we will look at some ideas on how you can modernize the look and feel of your business cards. Uplifting your brand and giving your image a boost is the main purpose of business card printing. The good news is that there are companies like BlockbusterPrint which specializes in providing a business card printing service that’s high quality, without inflating the price. Here, we will look at some ideas on how you can modernize the look and feel of your business cards.

Business Card Printing Ideas 

When you hand over a plain, beige business card to a prospective customer, guess where the card will end up? Most likely in an office drawer to be forgotten forever or worse, straight into the trash bin. How do you avoid such a scenario? By looking for a business card print service provider that can help you create a modern card with an eye-catching design.

Here are a few ideas on how you can modernize the look and feel of your business cards:

• Go for silk business cards. Ditch the boring, old-fashioned cardboard and go for colorful silk business cards. Depending on your target market, you can go for bold, modern colors for a younger clientele or an elegant hue for a more mature audience. The silk laminated business cards from BlockbusterPrint come with full color HD printing, a laminated 17-pt. smooth-as-silk surface – thus the name, and 60% the thickness of a credit card. Combine this with a stunning graphic or a sophisticated typeface and you’re all set in making your business card stand out from the crowd.

• Make your brand shimmer with pearl metallic business cards. It’s all about the glitter with these pearl metallic business cards whose material shimmers in the light! What can be more modern than that?

• How about a card with a rounded corner? Lastly, a business card with a rounded corner – when compared with typical rectangular ones – is a sure-fire way to make your brand stand out.
BlockbusterPrint also has brown kraft business cards, foil stamped cards, three-layered black edge cards, and spot gloss business cards. Feel free to steal these modern business card printing ideas to give your image and brand name a boost!

Is business card printing online still popular?

In today’s technological world business card printing online is bigger than ever before.

The myth that printing has faded is far from truth.

Anywhere you look in your daily life you will find something that has been printed. May it be a label on a beverage bottle, stickers on your produce, ingredients on a soap label, photography of you and your family hanging on your wall or buttons in your vehicle. There is a greater need for print now than there has ever been in the history of printing.

The technological era and the printing error have come together to form a synergy that truly creates a Powerhouse for marketing strength.

Business card printing online is a service that would never go out of style simply because of the professionalism that is displayed when you present a human being with your contact info in such a personal way could never be surpassed with asking someone for their phone number verbally while they watch you type it. True professional clients that have everything to gain from you expect this traditional line of contact information exchange.

In Japan and China it is customary to hand a business card to someone with both hands and the recipient to respectfully read the card before putting it in his wallet. That is a great sign of respect for the person and respect for business.

There are many misconceptions of all people should conduct business these days and with the boom of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter many believe that printing has been phased out as something that does not work well.

Business card printing is an entirely different aspect of how you Market yourself and is one of hundreds of ways to utilize marketing options you have in the world today. Some use Facebook While others use Twitter. Many still prefer postcard Marketing in the mail. Did you know that Google is the biggest postcard marketing client to the United States Postal Service? Think about that for one second exclamation point the world’s biggest digital Media Company is the biggest print client to the United States Postal Service. The great minds at Google understand that limiting yourself the only one Avenue of marketing is the fastest way to wake up years later in a sinking ship and wondering how you’ve arrived there.

Business card printing, social media, CPC, in all forms of advertising are wonderful as a synergy. Choosing one over the other does did not mean you made a better choice with one route but rather analyze when and where you can use each platform for your individual needs.

At Blockbusterprint.com we have used technology that was never available before to create some of the most impressive business card printing the world has ever seen. With features like gold foil, sandwich three layer business cards, suede business cards, Pearl metallic sparkling business cards and so many more. In a world filled with links, show that you are a multi Avenue marketing Guru with business card printing being one of your many platforms of advertising.

Business Card Printing Essentials for Artists

No matter what your profession is, you should have a business card so that clients and customers can easily get in touch with you. One group of professionals who may think that they do not need business card printing are artists. These individuals use their creativity to make a living, but it does not necessarily mean that they cannot treat themselves as professionals. The first step to do exactly that is to print out business cards. Not only does having one make it easy for clients or potential customers to get in touch with you, but it also makes what you do look legit and professional.

How to Make Your Artist’s Business Card Stand Out

There’s really no big difference between business card printing for artists and all the other professionals out there. However, artists can use their creativity to their advantage in order to stand out. Here are a few tips to remember when having your business cards printed out:
• Are you a painter, sculptor, performance artist, jewelry designer, or do you specialize in woodworks? Under your name, write down which area of the arts it is exactly that you dabble in. This is especially true if you are participating in an arts show or festival where you are not the only artist who clients will get to meet. Set your business card apart from the rest by specifying what it is that you do.
• Make sure that your contact information is correct. This may sound like an obvious tip, but you’ll be surprised at how many professionals actually write over new phone numbers or e-mail addresses on their business cards to update them. This is a tacky business practice which makes you look unprofessional.
• If possible, include a photo of yourself, the signature used on your paintings, or an example of your work on your business card. This is a sure fire way to make your card stand out from the rest. You can also include a tagline if you wish, or a brief list of the most popular shows, galleries or festivals where your work got featured.

print business cards is indeed a must for all professionals, but most especially to artists who need to make a living out of their art.

Mistakes to Avoid when Ordering Premium Business Cards

Despite the popularity of cheap yet high-tech ways of promoting a business, it’s going back to the basics that will make you stand out. With traditional advertising methods like printing premium business cards, you have an excellent way of spreading the word about your brand. It might be basic and not a lot of entrepreneurs are doing it anymore, but it will definitely set your business apart from the rest. You can hand out these business cards when meeting a prospective client face to face. You can also distribute them to visitors at your office, to the people attending a trade show which you are participating in, and even leave them on a retail counter for people to see.

Avoid these Mistakes when Printing Out Business Cards

Fortunately, there are many companies out there which specialize in printing out not just business cards but also flyers, brochures, notepads, envelopes and similar advertising materials. To make sure that you are optimizing the impact of your business cards, here are a few mistakes to steer clear of:
• Not paying attention to details.
Business cards have a very limited space for you to print out the basic information about your business, so you should pay close attention to even the smallest details. Choose a font, color, images and design that reflect the image that you would like to project for your brand.

• Not looking for a company that specializes in printing out premium business cards.
With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, you can have business cards printed out using the latest printing technology. You can also take your pick from different paper stock, finishing and features like UV spot printing to create even more of an impact to your clients.

• Ordering too many business cards.
When you order too many cards and you end up having to change your telephone number or business address after a few months, you will waste those that you’ve already had printed out. A good rule of thumb to follow is to order the minimum number of cards or a few months’ supply.

• Not updating your business cards.
Finally, when having thick business cards made, see to it that the information is always updated. Even if you won’t change the contact information on the card, you can update the logo and design to make the card look modern, and achieve the effect of impressing the people with whom you are doing business.

Business Card Printing 101: Spot UV Printed Cards

Business card printing is a must for those who would like to acquire new business. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, you need to distribute business cards to broaden your network of contacts. If you’re a manager or employee of a company, you need a card that shows your name, company name and job position which will allow you to represent your brand. You can distribute these to possible clients or customers during meetings, trade shows or even casual parties where you can also network. A business card is the best way to represent your brand and give people a reason to get in touch with you.

Why Choose Spot UV Business Cards

There are many options for business card printing that you can go with, but the one that will make your card stand out from the rest is spot UV printing. As the name implies, a spot or a part of the business card is applied with UV treatment which makes it appear embossed, glossy and reflective. If you want your company name to stand out, for example, the card will be made in such a way that the letters will be highlighted and slightly raised.

Here are the reasons why it pays to choose spot UV business cards:
– You can take your pick from full color spot UV cards with one sided or two sided printing.
– There are many printing companies like BlockbusterPrint.com which specialize in spot UV printing.
– You can combine spot UV printing with hot foil, embossed or debossed printing features for more personalization options.
– It is best not to choose 100% spot UV coverage so as not to dilute the effect of the printing technology.

The turnaround time for spot UV business card printing could be longer than traditional cards, but the final results are well worth it. They will make your brand stand out, and you can proudly hand over the business cards to impress even the most finicky of clients or customers.

The Key to Having an Effective Business Card Made

A lot of entrepreneurs know that they need to order business cards, but not all are aware of the importance of having an effective one. How will you know if a business card is effective or not? From the minute that you hand over your card to a prospective client, he or she should appear suitably impressed with the quality. There are even individuals who will jot down notes at the back of the card to remember who you are, exactly. This is definitely a good thing as far as first impressions go. If you will hand over a card which is flimsy and does not have good quality, clients will not remember your brand as easily.

What it Takes to Have an Effective Business Card Made

Now, in order for you to have an effective business card made, what are the things that you need to keep in mind? Take a look:
• You should know the purpose of the business card.
First, what’s the purpose of having the business cards made in the first place? That piece of card should contain information about the name of your business, the nature of your work, what product or services you offer, and how to get in touch with you. If the nature of your business is not obvious once they read your company name, make sure to insert a line or two about what it is that you do.

• Make sure that the information is accurate.
Nothing’s tackier than a business card with ballpoint pen corrections on it, so make sure that the information printed on the card is accurate. If you know that you will be changing your contact information soon, only have a small batch of cards made to tide you over until new ones come out of the press.

• Order business cards from reputable printing companies.
Companies like BlockbusterPrint.com specialize in designing and printing business cards. There are different paper types, thickness, coating and material to choose from – and all cards are made using HD color printing.

• Pay attention to the details and overall design of your card business card.
Finally, pay close attention to the details and the overall design of the card. Your card should represent the image that you’d like to portray as a brand. By taking these things into consideration when you print business cards, you can rest assured that they can be an effective marketing tool for your brand.

Premium Business Cards: Printed Promotional Materials that Make an Impact

In business, first impressions definitely last. Handing over a black-and-white, flimsy business card to a client will not have the same impact as premium business cards printed in full color and thick, high-quality material. Remember that as an entrepreneur, you would like your clients to think that they are getting the best value for their money when dealing with you. A good quality business card will help you achieve just that.

What Makes for a Premium Business Card

So what makes for a good, high-quality premium business card? Take a look at the following list:
• The material used
With companies like BlockbusterPrint.com, the standard size of a business card is 3.5” x 2”. You can take your pick from different materials including thin, 14-pt. paper which is the cheapest and more traditional. If you would like to invest in premium business cards, it is better for you to use thicker paper like 17-pt. cards with 50% or 60% the thickness of credit cards. There are also different finishes used in the paper including textured or spot gloss.

• The quality of printing
You don’t actually have to worry about the quality of printing when dealing with BlockbusterPrint.com because they use HD color printing. It’s guaranteed to be the highest quality offset method in the industry.

• The overall design
While you’re still in the process of having the card designed, make sure that it will leave a lasting impact to your customers. If you’re in the construction industry, design the card in such a way that it incorporates a clear photo or a hard hat – along with a line or two of what your business represents.

• Other cool features
Finally, the good thing about choosing silk business cards is that you can go crazy with all the cool features that you can order. There are plastic or rounded corner business cards that you can have made. Silk cards can be foil stamped with silver, gold or other metallic colors to make a huge impact. Textured cards can vary from pearl metallic, ones with a nature feel or linen. As you can see, the choices of cool features in premium business cards are practically endless, so have one made for your business now.

Done with Business Card Printing? Etiquette when Handing them Over

Whether you’re an old timer or a newbie in the business industry, the one task that you cannot get away with is business card printing. Through business cards, you can hand out your contact information to the people who you are supposed to be dealing with on a regular basis: customers, clients, business partners, suppliers, network contacts, etc. Thankfully, there are companies like BlocksbusterPrint.com which specialize in printing out professionally-made yet affordable business cards.

Now, after having the business cards printed out, remember that you cannot simply hand them over to everyone you meet like you are casually distributing $20 bills. After business card printing, there’s an art and etiquette to the distribution that you need to keep in mind. To get you started, here are a few quick tips on the etiquette when handing over your business cards:
• Make sure that you are handing over a good quality business card to make a good impression. A limp, cheaply printed card will not give customers a professional image of your business, so pay attention to details like stock paper, quality of printing, layout and the design of the card itself.
• When attending meetings, exchange business cards either at the end or the beginning of the discussion.
• When attending trade shows or similar events, keep your business card handy at all times. Don’t bother using a case holder because they need to be distributed fast, and with minimal fuss.
• Never use business cards with information that is not updated. Nothing says tacky more than business cards with handwritten corrections or notes on the supposedly pristine front part.
• When accepting business cards, do not hesitate to write a note at the back so that you can remember information about the company or the person who gave it to you. If you were given the card of a possible supplier, write a short note at the back so that you can remember the details of the meeting the next time that you give them a call.

As you can see, business cards online are an essential part of running a business – but equally important is the manner by which the cards are distributed to contacts.