Looking for a Business Card Print Service Provider? Here’s Why You Must Include Social Media

If you are looking for a business card print service provider, you are on the right path because it is very difficult to introduce your brand to a new customer without it. It may be an old school form of advertising, but it is as effective today as it was several centuries ago. Just imagine how awkward it must be if a potential customer asks for your office number and you have to read it manually to her so that she can save the contact information on her phone. Not only are you asking her to do all the work, but it makes you look unprofessional.

Fortunately, there are many ways for you to modernize the design of color business cards while still allowing you to foster human connection. One way is to incorporate your social media handles on your business card layout. Take a look at the advantages of doing so:

  • Social media makes it easier for customers to ‘find’ you.

Whether you have classic or plastic business cards, the fact that you are including your social media handles on your contact information makes it a lot easier for customers to find you. If you are a practically unknown name in the beauty industry, for example, but you have handmade products which you think women will really like – the first thing they’ll do is look you up on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Instagram in particular is very visual so once they see gorgeous pictures of your products on the site, they are bound to tell their friends about it.

  • It’s a cheap and effective way of reaching out to your target audience.

There are practically no costs involved in creating the most popular social media accounts, so you get free advertising and exposure. It is also an effective way of reaching out to your target audience. The more likes your posts get, the more widespread your brand information will be. 

  • You can get instant feedback about the products or services you are offering.

If you are offering a new product to your customers, you can use social media as a way to get instant feedback. You can create polls or survey, or posts which will literally ask them for feedback. To sweeten the deal, you can make commenting fun by giving freebies to those who will answer your survey questions. 

  • Social media engagement builds trust and customer loyalty.

More importantly, social media engagement is one way to build trust and boost customer loyalty. Since your social media accounts are there for everyone to see, it makes it easier for your target audience to put their trust in your brand. They become more familiar with the products or services you’re offering as a company. They can also rely on these social media accounts as a way to easily get in touch with you.

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to including your social media handles as part of your contact information on your business cards, so have a set printed out for yourself right now!


Top 5 Designs for Your Next Business Card Print Service Order

There are dozens, probably even hundreds of options when you’re looking for a business card print service provider. If so, what will make your business cards stand out? It all boils down to design. Prior to that, you have to make sure to choose the right material and printing process. Take your pick from either digital or offset printing. With offset printing, you get up to eight times better quality than digital so if you want professional-looking prints, this is definitely what you should choose.

Take Your Pick from these Top 5 Business Card Designs

Next, when it comes to design, how can you make sure that your business card is eye-catching? With numerous options and templates available, the one thing to keep in mind is that the card should be a reflection of your brand’s image. The design elements should also work together, and appeal to your target audience.

To give you an idea about how to choose the perfect business card design for your business, here are our top 5 picks:

  1. Put a twist on the classic.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in going with a classic business card design – but how about putting a twist to it?  Color business cards with one-of-a-kind typography is one example. Since you can only squeeze in a minimal amount of information on the card, you can put the focus on a customized font. You can also go for a unique laminate that will give the paper a fabric-like effect: how about suede or silk? For something shiny, gold, copper, or silver foil can be laminated on paper to come up with a unique, glittery effect.

  1. Be bold with your colors.

If the product or service you’re offering is geared towards a younger clientele, go for bold colors. Neon, a deliberate splash of paint on the card, a pastel color palette – opt for hues that will appeal to your target market.

  1. Be edgy.

Instead of paper, why not go for plastic business cards? The see-through material will make the recipient of your card do a double take. Or, if you want the classic thick cardboard material, choose a rounded edge design.

  1. Go eco-friendly!

Your chosen printing company should have an eco-friendly paper option. These are usually made from recycled material and the green-friendly theme is something that most of your customers will like about your brand.

  1. From landscape to portrait.

Majority of business cards are designed with a landscape orientation, so why not go for portrait? The vertical orientation will give you more leeway to personalize your design. Just make sure that the information is still readable, and the text should not look too crowded – given the limited space that you have.

Aside from these five, there are many more business card designs that you can choose from, so make sure to choose a final design that will truly represent your brand.





DIY versus Professional Business Card Print Service: Which One’s Better?

One look and you can easily see the difference between a do-it-yourself job and the product of a professional business card print service provider. If you need a set of business cards for your start-up business or to represent yourself in your company, then you must know how to choose between a DIY and a professional card print service.

 The Cons of Going DIY

 Perhaps the only advantage of taking the DIY route when it comes to business card printing is the cost. There are many templates that you can download online which will allow you to design and print your own set of business cards. Armed with just a computer, printer, and paper, you can pretty much print your own set of business cards.

The downside is that when you hand over a DIY business card to a prospective client or worse, a company executive, the fact that it is a do-it-yourself card will painfully stand out. You can easily spot the difference between commercial or professional color business cards and one that’s made at home. No matter how well-designed the card is or how thick the paper you used, it’s still easy to differentiate a professionally-made card from a DIY one. The impression this leaves to the one you’re doing business with is that you are an amateur as well, something that will not work in your favor at all.

 The Pros of Hiring a Professional Business Card Printing Company

On the other hand, there are numerous benefits to having premium business cards made. There are many business card printing companies like BlockbusterPrint.com where you can have a minimum of 100 business cards made. You might think that it’s a lot more expensive than DIY print jobs but considering the benefits, every cent is well worth it.

At professional business card print service companies like BlockbusterPrint, there is a 24-hour printing option. You can take your pick from rectangular or rounded corner business cards, and choose whether it’s a matte, silky, or glossy finish that you want. The paper ranges from thin to 100% the thickness of a credit card. What’s really impressive is the quality of print using the offset printing method. As compared to digital, offset printing is up to eight times better in quality and really looks professional.

When it comes to business cards, there is no question that professional printing is better than DIY. If you want to leave a lasting impression to your clients and anyone you are doing business with, it is the only way to go.



Eco-Friendly Business Card Print Service Provider: Does It Exist?

When looking for a business card print service provider or when buying a product, do you consider the process that goes behind the scenes? Let’s say that you are ordering a stack of color business cards for a start-up business that you are soon launching. How can you make sure that the material used in printing out the cards is not harmful to the environment? When it comes to business card printing, is there really an eco-friendly option? Read on to find out.

How Eco-Friendly are the Business Cards from BlockbusterPrint.com?

The typical process of making color business cards is to use different paper, cardboard, or plastic material then using offset printing to make the letters and design stand out. Paper and cardboard is obviously made from trees, so if you want to print business cards in an eco-friendly manner, how can you do so? By looking for a print service provider with environmentally conscious printing policies. BlockbusterPrint.com does exactly that.

First, their line of printed products – ranging from business cards to flyers, brochures to door hangers, greeting cards to letterheads – are made using 10% recycled stock. Second, the quality of offset printing is never sacrificed because no matter which material you choose, you can rest assured that you will be given classy, high-calibre business cards.

Third, as indicated on their website, every single order placed on BlockbusterPrint.com helps the company plant native trees somewhere in the United States. This is done through channels like AmericanForests.org. Another way that the company makes sure that their business process is eco-friendly is that they plant more trees than they are using. They’re also the only company to replenish the planet by sticking to their eco-friendly printing policies.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in using natural resources like trees to promote your brand. But if you want to be a responsible business owner, you also need to do your share in helping save the environment. In fact, you can even use being eco-friendly as a way to reach out to similarly environmentally-conscious customers. Looking for a printing company that has eco-friendly printing policies like BlockbusterPrint.com, is the best way to start doing just that.