Booklets for Authors, Professionally Printed Folders & Other Printed Materials for Businesses

Booklets, professionally printed folders, brochures, pamphlets, business cards, flyers – these are some of the printed promotional materials which are a must-have for businesses. Here, we will focus a bit more on printed folders and booklets.

Booklets for Authors

If you’re a frustrated author who cannot seem to get a company to publish your work, did you know that you can actually have booklets made? You can publish your own work and don’t worry about not having heard about it before – contrary to what people think, booklet publishing has been around for centuries. There are booklets which tackle almost every genre including self-help, health, fitness, child birth, child care, growing old, staying young, romance – the possibilities of what you can publish within the few pages of a booklet are practically endless.

So why would you choose a booklet over a book? Again, if traditional publishers are giving you a hard time with your work, why not be proactive and publish it yourself? If you will publish several booklets instead of one whole book, you can make an even bigger profit. As long as you have studied the market, you can turn booklet publishing into a lucrative career for yourself.

Professionally-Printed Folders for Businesses

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur, the one marketing material that you should not be without is a custom folder. These can be distributed to visitors in your booth at trade shows. You can also use them as giveaway items during company presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. When having folders made by companies like, you can even include useful features like a CD or a business card slot.

With folder printing and booklets, you have promotional materials that will allow you to meet your goals – be it for business or as a self-publishing author.