Postcard Printing in Real Estate: The Things You Need to Know

If you are in the real estate business, you will definitely benefit from postcard printing. This is an effective and inexpensive form of advertising that will let people know about the service you are offering as a real estate professional.

How to Print Postcards for Real Estate Advertising

There are two popular sizes for postcard printing:  5” x 7” and 4” x 6”. With such a limited amount of space, you need to pay close attention to detail. You also need to maximize the space that you have, but without the information appearing too crowded. How can you strike that delicate balance when you print postcards online? Here are a few tips on how to make your real estate postcards stand out:

  • Think about orientation.

With the two popular sizes when you print postcards, it’s natural to assume that the orientation of the card should be landscape. This actually makes sense because such an orientation allows you to maximize the space. But if you want to stand out, you might want to be a bit off the grid and use portrait orientation instead.

  • Be creative in laying out the images.

If you have a portrait orientation, you might want to make the images laid out in such a way that it looks like a movie poster. This will create an eye-catching postcard design that will leave customers wanting to know more about your real estate business.

  • Make sure that the overall design of the postcard suits the image you’d like to create for your real estate business.

If you’re targeting buyers and sellers of real estate in your area, think about their average income. What are their buying habits and their typical lifestyle? By doing a bit of research, you can come up with an overall design that does not just suit the market, but also fits the image that you want to have for your real estate business.

  • Don’t forget to include a call to action.

Of course, do not forget to include a call to action. The copy of your real estate postcard should be short but catchy, and there must be a call to action in the end. Would you like people to call you? Visit your website? Send you a private message in one of your social networking accounts? By placing a call to action, you can achieve your goal in printing out postcards in the first place: for customers to get in touch with you for their real estate needs.






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