Cross Out Print Postcards from Your Direct Mail Marketing To-Do Checklist

When you print postcards, you are essentially doing direct mail marketing. Direct mailing is done by business owners where they send postcards, letters, and similar printed promotional materials. They target past, existing, and potential customers, or fellow business owners. For customers, they send the printed materials to a specific neighborhood while the business owners could be suppliers or potential business partners.

Should you decide to print postcards online to make it part of your direct mail marketing campaign, what are its benefits? Here’s a quick list:

  • Direct mail marketing enhances the customer experience.

Let’s say that you own a salon. As part of your direct marketing campaign, you can send postcards to your existing and potential clients. You can make the postcard double as a coupon so that whoever receives it can bring the postcard to your salon for a discount on a specific service. The process does not stop there. To establish customer loyalty, you can send postcards to the same group of customers during the holiday season. The more consistent you are in your direct mail marketing efforts, the more appreciative your customers would be.

  • It’s a great way to receive a lot of phone calls – which you can turn into a sale.

Here is a different example. If you are in the real estate business, you need to send postcards to a targeted set of individuals. For this, you can acquire a list from brokers – so you can be sure that you are only sending postcards to those who are interested in buying or selling property. The purpose of the postcard changes here because you will not necessarily get a sale – but the lead will turn into phone calls or inquiries. This is what you can turn into a closed sale. It’s entirely up to you to decide how to design the postcard, but make sure to include a call to action for the recipient to give you a call or visit your website.

  • There’s a higher response rate.

Studies by the US Post Office indicate that there is a better response rate when a potential customer receives something tangible like a postcard – as compared to simply seeing an online ad. Even millennials, despite being practically raised with tablet computers on their hands – actually look forward to receiving direct mail. This captures their attention and is something that you can turn into a lead or a sale.

When looking for a color postcard printing service provider, go for something like offset printing which produces better results than digital printing. By crossing out postcard printing from your direct mail marketing checklist, you will get great sales results.







Know Your Objectives when You Print Postcards

There is a reason behind every business decision that you make, one example of which is when you decide to print postcards. It could be part of your overall print advertising campaign. You might consider it as a method for preselling. Postcard marketing is also an effective way of having existing and potential customers get in touch with you – a step that you can easily turn into a sale.

When combined with powerful digital marketing techniques, it will be very easy for you to spread the word about your products or services using postcards. Here, we will focus on the objectives that you must be aware of if you are crossing a task like print postcards online from your to-do list.

How to Include Postcards in Your Print Marketing Campaign

When looking for a color postcard printing service provider, you must know why there is a need to print postcards in the first place. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to determine what these objectives are:

  1. Who is my target market?

You won’t be sending pet vaccine reminder postcards to homes within your neighborhood without pets – because you will just spend money on printing and stamps unnecessarily. With postcard marketing, you want to get targeted results, which is why it’s important to determine who exactly your target market is. If you’re in the real estate business, for example, get a mailing list from a licensed broker. This way, you will only be sending the postcards to those who do have a need for your services.

  1. What is my marketing objective?

Postcard marketing does not necessarily lead to sales. Instead, it can generate leads, inquiries, and phone calls for you – which you can turn into a sale. Other objectives of postcard marketing include: preselling, creating awareness about your brand, establishing rapport with your customers, and building loyalty.

  1. How can I ensure the success of my print marketing campaign?

For your postcard marketing campaign to succeed, you must have impressive, high-quality postcards printed out. Make sure that the copy is enticing and has a call to action. As mentioned earlier, you should send the postcards only to a targeted audience. The most important thing is to be consistent. Sending postcards is not just a one-time thing, you need to do it consistently and creatively. Doing so will boost name recall and make your existing customers trust you while also earning their loyalty.

By learning what your marketing objectives are, you can come up with a postcard marketing campaign that will help you realize your goals as a business.













Planning to Print Postcards Online? Here’s What You Need to Know

Part of your business’ marketing strategy should be to print postcards online. Along with business cards, banners, letterheads, brochures, notepads, and envelopes, postcards are a great way to send your message across. Here, we will take a look at the top ways that you can use postcard printing as part of your business’ marketing campaign.

Creative Ways to Use Postcards for Brand Advertising

There are many companies offering custom postcard printing services these days. You can choose between digital and offset printing. The latter has four to six times better quality than digital printing, so always consider that when hiring a printing company.

Next, here are a few creative ways by which you can use postcards for spreading the word about your brand:

  • Mail out postcards to let customers know about a new product or service that you are offering.

Business cards are too small while brochures are too big when it comes to introducing new information to your customers. This makes the in-between size of postcards perfect. Through it, you can let your existing or potential customers know about a new product or service you’re offering. It’s the ideal size to introduce new information while filling them in on the details of your offer.

  • Distribute postcards as a way to offer discounts and introduce promos.

If you have been operating as a business for a good number of years, you can use postcard marketing as a way to offer discounts and introduce promos to your customers. If you’re planning to have a ‘buy one, get one free’ promo, you can print out the details of the offer on a postcard and distribute it to your customers. You need to include such offerings in your business plan to make customers excited about what you’re offering next – and it’s also a great way to establish loyalty to your brand.

  • Use postcards to remind customers of an upcoming event.

Whether it’s an in-store promotional sale or an online sale, postcards are an easy way to get the message across.

  • Touch base with your customers by using postcards as greeting cards.

Another way to establish loyalty to your brand is by touching base with your customers. During holidays like Christmas, New Year, Saint Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, and similar occasions, you can send out postcards which will serve as your holiday greeting to them. This will not just put a smile to the recipient’s face, but it is also an excellent way to remind them about what you have to offer as a business.

Print Postcards Online & Use it as a Way to Advertise Your Brand

If you are planning to print postcards online, you are on the right path when it comes to advertising because these cards are a truly effective marketing tool. Whether you’re offering a handmade product or a unique service to your customers, you can let them know about your brand with the help of postcards. Here, we will take a look at how you can use custom postcard printing as a powerful advertising tool to help spread the word about your business.

The Essentials of Postcard Printing

There are two types of printing process available for postcards: digital and offset. Offset printing is better in terms of quality, especially if Heidelberg printing presses are used. Perhaps the only advantage of digital printing is that it is a bit cheaper, and there are many digital printing companies operating today.

Next, in order for you to effectively use postcards in your advertising campaign, you must make sure that it is designed properly. Here are a few tips on how you can do just that:

  • Include your company information and logo on the layout of the postcard.

Postcards are a bit larger than business cards but smaller than brochures. This makes it ideal to use as a promotional tool and as a way for customers to know how to get in touch with you. When designing postcards, make sure to include your up-to-date contact information, business address, email address, and social media handles.

  • If you are including a coupon on the postcard, make sure that the coupon part is easy to tear off.

If you are using the postcard as a promotional tool, you can have one portion of the paper die-cut. The easier it is to tear off, the more enticed a customer will be to use it when buying a product or taking advantage of a service from your store.

  • Include an expiration date on the offer.

If brochures should have a call to action, postcards used as a marketing tool must have an expiration date. This ‘puts pressure’ on the customer to act fast – otherwise, they will not be able to take advantage of the discounted price or other benefit that you are offering as a business.

Learning about the basics of postcard marketing is one way to boost your sales and enhance the loyalty of your customers, so consider having a set printed for your business right now.

Looking for a Color Postcard Printing Service Provider? Here’s What You Need to Know

Should you go for offset or digital when looking for a color postcards printing service provider? This is just one of the many questions that you need to answer if you are planning to launch a print marketing campaign that includes postcards. To start right off, there are many digital printing services out there – but quality-wise, it makes more sense to invest in offset printing. This type of custom postcard printing uses state-of-the-art Heidelberg printing presses so in terms of quality, it offers way better prints than desktop digital printers.

How to Use Postcards as Part of a Marketing Campaign

Next, how can you use the process to print postcards online  as part of your marketing campaign? Thankfully, in today’s digital world, print marketing is still effective – and cost-effective. Postcards in particular are a no-fuss way of presenting what you have to offer to customers, minus the big investment associated with other forms of marketing. If you want to effectively use postcards as part of your print advertising campaign, here’s how:

  • Use it to introduce your business to your target market.

If you are a veterinarian, for example, and you just transferred your clinic to a different community. You want to introduce yourself to the pet owners in the area.  By mailing out or distributing postcards, you can let them know that your business actually exists. The postcard will surely get you initial inquiries and the more that you send them out, the more that pet owners will remember your brand.

  • Creatively create content for the postcard.

Using the same example as above, how can you creatively write content for the postcard? You can use the postcard as a way to remind owners of their pet’s schedule for vaccine or grooming. You can include adorable pet pictures on the layout – something that will put a smile to their faces.

  • Send postcards more than once!

Postcards can double up as holiday greeting cards. Ideally, you can send one or two postcards per month to customers throughout the year. This is a great way to develop brand recognition and boost customer loyalty.

  • Use postcards as a coupon.

All customers love coupons, so why not make your postcard double up as a discount card? People will be more than happy to receive one of these in their mail.

  • Use it as a way to introduce a new product or service.

Finally, you can use postcards as a way to introduce a new product or service that your company is offering. When doing so, include a call to action – a line that will make them give you call or browse through your website.

Postcard marketing is definitely a still effective marketing too, so come up with your own design, copy, and layout now.



All About Color Postcard Printing Service

No matter what the nature of your business is, color postcards printing service is something that you can use to your marketing advantage. Why? First, postcards are easily accessible. In today’s world where a customer’s attention span is so short, nobody would have the patience to read through an 8-page flyer – which they would only have access to after fussily opening an envelope. With a postcard, all the information they need to read is right there – so they can act upon the call-to-action immediately.

Second, postcards are very cost-effective. Brochures have to be distributed personally during events while mailers have to be mailed along with envelopes that preferably have letterheads. This will cost you more in the long run. Postcards, on the other hand, are straightforward, no-fuss, and will not put a huge dent on your marketing budget.

Third, postcards are very easy to design. They have more space than a business card but less space than a brochure or a flyer. This means that you can maximize the space that you have. In terms of design, make sure to use colors and font that fits the image that you want to portray for your brand. See to it that you are not overcrowding the space with too much information. While designing the postcard, also make sure to include your up-to-date contact information, and do not forget a call to action.

Fourth, postcards usually deliver fast results. If a customer is interested with what you have to offer as a business, you are bound to receive an inquiry phone call, a text message, or a message at one of your social media accounts. Such inquiries mean that you are effectively getting the message across.

Finally, there are many companies offering custom postcard printing services. You can take your pick from offset or digital printing services. For high-quality prints, the offset method is the better option because state-of-the-art printing presses are usually used.  When you print postcards online, not only do you have an effective marketing tool, but you will also enjoy cost-related and many other advantages.










Wanna Print Postcards? Follow these Tips to Effectively Use them for Marketing

You are already on the right path if you are planning to print postcards as part of a print marketing strategy. Combined with business cards, letterheads, notepads, and envelopes, printed promotional materials are still effective in spreading the word about your brand.

Let’s say that you are in the real estate business. By simply looking for a company that offers custom postcard printing services, you can order a set of postcards and mail them out to your existing and potential clients. The postcard allows you to reach out to your target market; generate  sales leads; introduce a new product or service t your customers; generate more traffic to your website; and boost customer loyalty.

Top Tips for Effective Postcard Marketing

As compared to mailers or flyers, postcards are an easy and effective marketing tool because they are not inserted inside envelopes. The less effort that is required for customers to read about your offer, the easier it will be for them to retain information. Print postcards online is also very cost-effective.

Now, just because postcards are easy to print out does not mean that you can simply choose a design and mail it out randomly to customers. To make sure that you will get the best results out of your postcard marketing campaign, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Only mail out postcards to targeted customers.

If you are in real estate, you would be wasting money sending out postcards to those who are just out of college. Instead of randomly sending out postcards, put together a mailing list of real estate prospects. These can be put together on your own; or rented from a list broker or publisher of real estate magazines.

  • Mail, then repeat.

One postcard cannot be turned into an effective postcard marketing campaign. You have to mail one, repeat, then start the process all over again. Consistency is key here, and you can even turn postcards into holiday greeting cards to boost customer loyalty.

  • Maximize the space that you have.

Postcards have more space than business cards, but less space than flyers. As such, it is important to maximize the space that you have. Use professional shots if you want to have a background image. Make the text easy to read, and hire a copywriter if you do not have a flair for words. Do not overcrowd the postcard with too much information, and make sure to include your up-to-date contact information.

  • Insert a call to action.

Do you want customers to visit your office after reading your postcard? Would you like them to visit your website, or take advantage of an offer? Depending on your goal, make sure to write a call to action statement in the end.

  • Invest in first class mail.

Finally, invest in first class stamps because imprinted postage looks cheap – and is considered by many as junk mail. If you will invest in first class mail, you’ll even enjoy the advantage of having the “Return to sender” feature. This allows you to update your mailing list so you won’t have to pay for stamps for the same customer in the future.

Follow these tips to make the most out of your postcard marketing campaign.



Does postcard marketing and mailing still work for advertising?

Yes! Postcard marketing is bigger than ever before thanks to the overpopulated digital marketing era that is extremely overpriced and impossible to track in most cases, unlike postcard printing.

Did you know that Google is the biggest postcard mailing client to the United States Postal Service?

One of the biggest if not the biggest digital advertisers happens to be the largest print client. Now why is that? Google understands that with every platform that is popular there’s only a limited amount of space to create a one-size-fits-all marketing campaign for every individual human being on this planet.

Some people responded well two advertisements when they are in the comfort of their own home. It is proven that human beings have 10 times more attention span tolerance when reading an advertisement in the comfort of their own home versus sitting behind a computer may it be at work or even at home.

It doesn’t stop there, a digital advertisement viewed from a mobile cell phone has 80% accidental clicks whereas desktop computers have only 7% accidental clicks. Mobile users have a shorter attention span and tolerance and just three seconds or less.

Given this information it is no wonder why Google and many genius companies still spend millions of dollars on postcard advertising.

Here the financial facts on the benefits of postcard mailing results…

It’s approximately $0.25 to Market with postcards in the mail while the cost of CPC link based advertising May cost an average of $3 per click minimum.

In today’s world it takes a human 16 x 2 react to an advertisement whereas just ten years ago it was only three times. This means our minds are flooded with information all over the place show postcard mailing cannot be clicked away orgone out of your sight by the click of a finger. When you take this recipe into account comma $0.25 to mail out a postcard vs $3 for a click that may have been hit by mistake is why Google understands the importance of postcard marketing.

You can afford to send out a postcard once a month for 10 months and it would still cost you around $2.50 to show a person in the comfort of their own home where they are 80% more likely to read an ad what it is you’re selling.

The key to successful marketing is to embed the same repetitive tagline or image or commercial until they can no longer forget it. The way to achieve such a marketing tactic is through the repetition and affordability of postcard marketing.

The most effective size of postcard marketing happens to be a 6 by 11 postcard size. It is bigger and catches the attention of the viewer.

No matter what size postcard mailing you wish to send out or what your budget is, can service all of your postcard marketing needs. From print-only all the way to the actual mailing process. It’s all handled at your One Stop Shop at

Achieve the Marketing Results You Want with Postcard Printing

In your personal e-mail account, do you know how most marketing messages simply end up in the Spam folder? These messages get filtered by your e-mail provider so they don’t even have a chance of landing on your Inbox. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is something that you need to think about if you are considering launching an e-mail marketing campaign. There’s nothing wrong in having one at all, but make sure that you are not expecting good results – because you’ll end up being disappointed. A better alternative would be to use print postcards which you can send to the actual mailboxes of your target market. These have a better chance of being actually read by prospective customers, and you are bound to get great response.

Factors to Consider in Postcard Printing

Fortunately, there are many postcard printing companies which specialize in printing out such marketing materials. When having postcards made, here are a few things that you need to take into consideration:
• Your end goals
Why are you making the postcards in the first place? Are you launching a new menu in your restaurant which you’d like your customers to try out? Do you have an online business and you’d like customers to visit your website? Are you currently offering discounts on your car servicing business? Or maybe you’d simply like to stand out from your direct competitors? Depending on your end goal, you can write a copy that will help you achieve such end results.

• Your targeted market
Naturally, you should use language which your target market can relate to. If your product is geared towards tweens or teens, use trendy terms that they can easily relate to. If the service you’re offering is targeted towards a more mature audience, use formal language which is still catchy enough to do the trick of selling what you have to offer.

• Other things to consider
Your budget, the turnaround time, the quality of print, the choices of material – these are the other things to consider when having postcards printed out. Make sure that you’re dealing with a company like, which has plenty of experience when it comes to projects like postcard printing.

Counting Down the Benefits of Postcard Printing

No matter what the nature of your business is, you are bound to benefit from postcard printing. Unlike the more modern forms of advertisement like online promotional campaigns, printed ad materials have that age-old appeal which also makes your business stand out. In the midst of competitors who are using websites, pay-per-click campaigns and similar methods to promote their products or services, you can easily rely on postcard printing to spread the word about your brand.

Still not convinced? Let us have a countdown of the top benefits of postcard printing:
– Postcard printing is cheap. With companies like, you can have an entire batch of different-sized postcards made without having to spend so much.
– Since you are sending out the postcards directly to your customers, you can receive direct feedback from them. If you used the postcards as a coupon, for example, and you see customers running to your store to take advantage of the discount you offered, you know that your postcard campaign is effective. Also, you would not have to announce to your competitors what you’re up to so you can be one step ahead of them.
– Aside from the fact that postcards can be made professionally for a very affordable price, they are also very eco-friendly. You don’t have to use a lot of paper or envelopes and they can be directly mailed out to your target market.
– Since postcards do not have envelopes that need to be opened, the probability of a customer reading your message is 94%. If they like your offer, they will definitely take advantage of it.
– Unlike promotional messages sent via e-mail which may not even end up being read by a customer, it is more likely for customers to respond to postcard promotional campaigns.

These and more are the benefits of eddm postcards. If you haven’t already done so, now is the best time for you to take advantage of these perks in promoting your business and spreading the word about your brand.