Give Your Network of Contacts a Boost with Business Cards

The way that people communicate has evolved over the years. From telegrams to telephones, landlines to cellular phones, mobile phones to the Internet. The one thing that has remained a constant presence when it comes to the way that people exchange contact information is by exchanging business cards. If you’re an entrepreneur, for example, and you meet a possible customer, handing over premium business cards will let the other person know how to get in touch with you for inquiries. The same thing holds true when it comes to meeting new friends, for example, although it is done in a more casual setting.

What’s good about using premium business cards if you’re meeting someone new – be it a personal or business contact – is that there’s this one piece of card that can easily be used as reference for your contact information. Business cards typically contain the name of the person, company or business; the telephone number; the office address; the website, if any; and maybe the URLs of all the other social media accounts. Using just one piece of card as reference, you can lay out all your information on the table and make yourself or your business easily accessible to your contacts.

Now, when having business cards made for your business, it pays to go with high-quality ones. The best source for that is where you can have different kinds made including ones with 50% the thickness of a credit card, foil-stamped cards, rounded corner cards, plastic cards, spot gloss cards and textured cards. These are made using the highest quality offset printing process so the colors will pop out, making your cards stand out from the rest. With these silk business cards from, you are bound to impress the new social or business contacts who you will hand over the cards to.

Mistakes to Avoid when Ordering Premium Business Cards

Despite the popularity of cheap yet high-tech ways of promoting a business, it’s going back to the basics that will make you stand out. With traditional advertising methods like printing premium business cards, you have an excellent way of spreading the word about your brand. It might be basic and not a lot of entrepreneurs are doing it anymore, but it will definitely set your business apart from the rest. You can hand out these business cards when meeting a prospective client face to face. You can also distribute them to visitors at your office, to the people attending a trade show which you are participating in, and even leave them on a retail counter for people to see.

Avoid these Mistakes when Printing Out Business Cards

Fortunately, there are many companies out there which specialize in printing out not just business cards but also flyers, brochures, notepads, envelopes and similar advertising materials. To make sure that you are optimizing the impact of your business cards, here are a few mistakes to steer clear of:
• Not paying attention to details.
Business cards have a very limited space for you to print out the basic information about your business, so you should pay close attention to even the smallest details. Choose a font, color, images and design that reflect the image that you would like to project for your brand.

• Not looking for a company that specializes in printing out premium business cards.
With companies like, you can have business cards printed out using the latest printing technology. You can also take your pick from different paper stock, finishing and features like UV spot printing to create even more of an impact to your clients.

• Ordering too many business cards.
When you order too many cards and you end up having to change your telephone number or business address after a few months, you will waste those that you’ve already had printed out. A good rule of thumb to follow is to order the minimum number of cards or a few months’ supply.

• Not updating your business cards.
Finally, when having thick business cards made, see to it that the information is always updated. Even if you won’t change the contact information on the card, you can update the logo and design to make the card look modern, and achieve the effect of impressing the people with whom you are doing business.

How can Business Cards Help Generate Traffic to My Website?

One of the biggest misconceptions that people have when it comes to owning an online business is that they do not need to order business cards. Although it is true that you can promote your online business mainly through your website, you still need to distribute business cards to those who you’d like to visit your site and actually do business with you. Here are a few quick reasons why business cards are a must have for owners of online businesses:

• It makes what you do look legitimate.
Surprisingly enough, a lot of customers doubt the existence of actual businesses who do not have an official website. When you’re running a purely online business and you have well-made business cards to distribute as well, it makes what you do look legitimate.

• You can actually use the business cards to help generate traffic to your website.
When you order business cards, they can be used as a form of offline marketing. At the same time, it will help generate traffic to your site. How? You can easily include your website’s URL on your business card and once you distribute them to people during trade shows, assemblies, conferences, meetings, and similar events, those who received the card will visit your site at least once. If they are interested with what you have to offer, they will keep on visiting the site, thus generating more traffic for your online business.

• You can use the back of the card to post testimonials about the product or service that you offer.
Finally, you can maximize the use of your business card by posting testimonials at the back. Make sure that it’s not too wordy – just two or three short testimonials should give customers an idea about what the quality of service that you deliver or the product that you manufacture.

When you print business cards, go with a printing company that has plenty of experience in the industry. With, you can have business cards printed out using the highest quality offset printing technology, a design that suits your brand, plenty of paper options to choose from, and great prices, to boot.

How to Properly Distribute those Business Cards

You’re an entrepreneur and you went through the steps of how to order business cards. Those shining, crisp cards are already stored in your wallet and you can’t wait to go to your next networking event to increase your business contacts. The question is, do you know the proper way to distribute those cards? You don’t want to be one of those who people consciously avoid during such events because you push total strangers to accept your business cards or your talk other people’s ears off about your business. There is absolutely nothing wrong in talking shop when attending such events, but you should never be that stereotypical entrepreneur who shoves his or her business card down everyone’s throats.

So what is the proper way to distribute those business cards? After you go through the process to order business cards, here are a few pointers to consider on how to distribute them:
• When attending networking events, do not force total strangers in accepting your business card unless they specifically ask for it.
• If you do want to give someone you just met your business card, subtly steer the conversation towards the nature of your work. If the other person seems interested with what you do, that’s the time for you to fish out one of your cards and carefully hand it over.
• If you were given a business card in turn, study it or jot a quick note at the back. This would mean that you are interested with what the other person has to offer. Carefully place the card in your wallet or briefcase – never your pocket – so that the other person would think that you would extend him or her the courtesy of safekeeping the card for future reference.
• Never hand out a damaged, out-of-date, wrinkled, torn, stained or bent business card. This would look unprofessional.
• Never hand out multiple business cards to one person unless he or she specifically asks for it.

These tips are simple enough to remember so that you would know how to properly distribute those cards after you print business cards.

Choosing the Right Hue for Colored Foil Business Cards

Similar to how you wouldn’t wear a shirt that washes out your skin complexion because of the color, you would not want to choose a color for a business card that does not suit your company’s image. When having colored foil business cards made for your business, you need to choose just-the-right hues.

How would you know if a specific color will suit the image that you’d like to create for your brand? Here are a few points to ponder:
– Do the colors on your business card also appear on the company logo?
– Is the color bright enough to attract a young clientele, or conservative enough to appeal to a more mature audience?
– When you look at the colors along with the font choice, images and design of the business card, does it look professionally-made? Does it fit the image that you’d like to have as a company?

By taking these things into consideration, you can have a business card made that exactly suits your corporate image. A few decades back, only black and white business cards using thin paper were available. Today, you can take your pick from colored foil business cards, plastic cards, rounded corner cards, spot gloss cards, and silk cards. Foil stamping is a process to make the design pop out on silk cards and with companies like, the options available are silver, gold and colored.

With foil business cards, your business name will definitely stand out and you can distribute business cards to clients, customers, suppliers and other contacts with pride.

Business Card Printing 101: Spot UV Printed Cards

Business card printing is a must for those who would like to acquire new business. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, you need to distribute business cards to broaden your network of contacts. If you’re a manager or employee of a company, you need a card that shows your name, company name and job position which will allow you to represent your brand. You can distribute these to possible clients or customers during meetings, trade shows or even casual parties where you can also network. A business card is the best way to represent your brand and give people a reason to get in touch with you.

Why Choose Spot UV Business Cards

There are many options for business card printing that you can go with, but the one that will make your card stand out from the rest is spot UV printing. As the name implies, a spot or a part of the business card is applied with UV treatment which makes it appear embossed, glossy and reflective. If you want your company name to stand out, for example, the card will be made in such a way that the letters will be highlighted and slightly raised.

Here are the reasons why it pays to choose spot UV business cards:
– You can take your pick from full color spot UV cards with one sided or two sided printing.
– There are many printing companies like which specialize in spot UV printing.
– You can combine spot UV printing with hot foil, embossed or debossed printing features for more personalization options.
– It is best not to choose 100% spot UV coverage so as not to dilute the effect of the printing technology.

The turnaround time for spot UV business card printing could be longer than traditional cards, but the final results are well worth it. They will make your brand stand out, and you can proudly hand over the business cards to impress even the most finicky of clients or customers.

Glossy, Silk or Spot UV Printing for Your Business Cards?

Gone are the days when business cards appeared as thin, easily wrinkled cards with poor print quality. Today, you can get business cards in varying sizes and a wide array of printing technologies used. Some examples are gloss, silk and spot UV printing. Spot UV printing differs from the two in the sense that it makes a certain part of the card pop up. If you’d like to highlight your name, the company name, your website name or your contact information, a spot UV printed card is perfect since it adds a specialized gloss to make that specific part stand out. It’s a cross between a gloss and a silk finish, and is suitable if you would like your business card to stand out.

If you don’t necessarily feel like making a statement with spot UV printing, you can go with glossy finish cards instead. Business cards with a glossy finish look professional and elegant. The entire card appears shiny and reflective. As compared to plain cardboard cards with traditional printing, the paper stock used in glossy finish cards is thicker – so they feel more substantial when held. Another reason to go with glossy finish cards is that even if exposed to the harsh rays of the sun, the print will not fade because it has that protective coating.

Finally, there’s silk finish cards which are beautiful to look at. As the name implies, these business cards have a silky smooth finish. If glossy finish cards have a reflective surface, silk business cards do not – but they still have that unique, silky sheen to them. Among the three, silk finish cards are the cheapest but, when designed right, can look professional and elegant as well.

Whether you end up choosing spot gloss business card printing, glossy or silk finish on your business cards, what’s important is for its overall design to reflect the image that you would like your business to have.

All About Spot UV Business Cards

If you want your business card to stand out, you should definitely consider having spot UV business cards made. With companies like, you can get the best value for your money with these business cards which will definitely make your name or company name stand out from the rest. But what exactly spot UV printing for business cards? Unlike traditional business cards which use plain colored or black ink for printing, spot UV adds gloss to a specific area of your design. This makes the card appear to have a two-dimensional, multi-texture feel to it.

Let’s say that your company name is ABC Enterprises. With spot UV printing, you can have the “ABC Enterprises” part stand out. It will look somewhere between a gloss and a silk finish – then the rest of the text will have traditional ink printing. Doing it this way makes the business name pop out, so the card is more noticeable and the design is more eye-catching.

Are Business Cards Still Relevant?

Now, whether you are having spot gloss business card printing or ordinary business cards made, what makes these little cardboard cards still relevant in today’s business environment? Aren’t we supposed to be existing in a paperless, high-tech world? Although you can easily harness the power of the Internet to spread the word about your brand, there’s still nothing that matches the impact or person-to-person interaction.

When you hand over your business card to a potential client, business partner or supplier, there’s a personal touch to the whole interaction that will be more easily remembered. This personal impact will leave a lasting impression, and create that positive impact that you would like your business name to have towards your clientele.

All in all, if you would like to use personal networking as part of your advertising campaign, you should have spot UV business cards printed out.

Do You Need to Print Business Cards? Try the Hottest Spot UV Printing Trend

Similar to fashion, there are trends in printing which emerge every now and then. Let’s take business cards as an example. If you need to print business card which you would like to stand out, you can take your pick from different types of printing technology. Here’s a quick look at what is available:
• Silk Printing
These are traditional business cards with a smooth, silk finish. The paper is laminated card stock and once printed out, has a smooth, silky texture which looks elegant and expensive. Unlike other cards which have a reflective surface, silk printed cards have a matte finish. What makes for durable cards is the lamination process done at the end, which makes the paper stock thick to the touch. Surprisingly enough, the silk printed business cards can still be written on using pencil or a ballpoint pen.

• Glossy Printing
Another option when you print business cards is to choose glossy printing technology. Unlike silk printed cards which have a matte finish, these cards have a glossy finish. The reflective sheen makes glossy printed business cards a more expensive-looking option than silk printed cards.

• Spot UV Printing
Lastly, if you would like to try the hottest trend in printing business cards, go with spot UV printing. With a spot UV print business card, the text takes on a slightly raised 3D effect because a portion of the text or the entire card is layered with UV cured shine treatment. This makes the text or a portion of the design literally pop out – something which you can feel when running your hands through the surface of the card. This is one of the most popular trends in business card printing right now. If you would like your business card to stand out, you should definitely consider having spot UV printed cards made.

Gold Foil Business Cards are Worth their Weight in Gold!

If you’d like to make an excellent first impression, why not have gold foil business cards made? Although there’s nothing wrong in sticking with the traditional cards, these gold foil cards are worth their weight in gold because of the first impression that will be left to your clients. Just imagine the reaction when you hand over a gold stamped or gold foil card to a prospective client. He or she will definitely be impressed, and know that you are offering high-quality products or services.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gold Foil Business Cards

To give you more of an idea about gold foil business cards, here are answers to your most frequently asked questions about it:
• What are gold foil business cards?
Gold foil business cards are made using the foil stamping process. The exact series of steps vary from printer to printer but generally, a complete design is made first. If you would like the text to be gold foil stamped, that is where the printer will add the gold foil material after printing. A mask file tells the machine where foil is to be applied. It can be applied on the text, the sides of the card, the entire surface of the card or just parts of it.

• How do I get in touch with a company that makes gold foil business cards? is a company which designs and prints out gold foil business cards. They’re included in the category of cool extra options when having business cards made. Similar to high gloss, matte, silk, spot UV or rounded corners, silver or gold foil business cards can be made according to the client’s instructions.

• Why should I choose gold foil business cards?
Finally, why should you go for gold foil business cards? Your goal when having these cards made in the first place is to stand out. With gold foil business cards, you will definitely leave a lasting impression to whoever you will hand over the card to due to the quality of the material, and the visual impact that it will have.