Lend a Modern Touch to the Process of Printing Premium Business Cards

Why is it still important to print premium business cards these days? There is almost a sense of ceremony when you carefully hand over your business card to a client, supplier, or customer. If it’s a new client, you will give the card after introducing yourself. After the card is given, the deal is probably sealed with a handshake, a friendly smile, and lots of eye contact. Such a scenario enhances human interaction, something that’s becoming rarer these days. The result is that your customer will remember you more as compared to someone online whom he or she hasn’t even met. The human connection boosts trust and helps develop customer loyalty.

Adding a Digital Flair to Classic Business Cards

Now that you already have an idea about why in today’s digital age, it is still important to print business cards, what are the ways to add a modern flair to it? Here are a few ideas.

  • Go for laminated business cards with a metallic effect.

Copper, gold, or silver? When you order business cards online, you can go for ones with a metallic laminated effect. This will give an edge to your brand and make the cards look unique.

  • Rectangular or rounded corner?

Instead of a traditional rectangular edge, why not go for rounded edge cards? You can have the same standard sized cards but the rounded edge will make your business card stand out.

  • Paper or plastic?

Another way to modernize your business card is to use a unique material other than paper. Plastic cards with a see-through surface definitely look modern. Your contact information will still be printed on the surface of the card using ink and a printing process that’s suitable for the material.

  • How about using the back of the card?

Although most entrepreneurs simply leave the card of their business cards blank, you can actually utilize it if you want. You can print a full color logo, a clever marketing tagline, a brief description of the products or services you’re offering, or any other pertinent information that you would like to share to your audience.

  • Let your business card tell the story about your brand.

You may have already seen business cards with QR codes. These can be scanned using a smartphone, and the code can direct them to your website, or you can use them as promo codes.

Business cards are classic printed advertising materials but with these tips, you can add a modern twist to them.

DIY versus Professional Business Card Print Service: Which One’s Better?

One look and you can easily see the difference between a do-it-yourself job and the product of a professional business card print service provider. If you need a set of business cards for your start-up business or to represent yourself in your company, then you must know how to choose between a DIY and a professional card print service.

 The Cons of Going DIY

 Perhaps the only advantage of taking the DIY route when it comes to business card printing is the cost. There are many templates that you can download online which will allow you to design and print your own set of business cards. Armed with just a computer, printer, and paper, you can pretty much print your own set of business cards.

The downside is that when you hand over a DIY business card to a prospective client or worse, a company executive, the fact that it is a do-it-yourself card will painfully stand out. You can easily spot the difference between commercial or professional color business cards and one that’s made at home. No matter how well-designed the card is or how thick the paper you used, it’s still easy to differentiate a professionally-made card from a DIY one. The impression this leaves to the one you’re doing business with is that you are an amateur as well, something that will not work in your favor at all.

 The Pros of Hiring a Professional Business Card Printing Company

On the other hand, there are numerous benefits to having premium business cards made. There are many business card printing companies like BlockbusterPrint.com where you can have a minimum of 100 business cards made. You might think that it’s a lot more expensive than DIY print jobs but considering the benefits, every cent is well worth it.

At professional business card print service companies like BlockbusterPrint, there is a 24-hour printing option. You can take your pick from rectangular or rounded corner business cards, and choose whether it’s a matte, silky, or glossy finish that you want. The paper ranges from thin to 100% the thickness of a credit card. What’s really impressive is the quality of print using the offset printing method. As compared to digital, offset printing is up to eight times better in quality and really looks professional.

When it comes to business cards, there is no question that professional printing is better than DIY. If you want to leave a lasting impression to your clients and anyone you are doing business with, it is the only way to go.



Business Card Print Service Providers: Know Your Options

When looking for a business card print service provider, it is good to know exactly what your options are. There are many digital business card print service companies out there where you can get the most number of card copies for the cheapest price. If volume is what you’re after, then this is well and good. But what if you are after quality and getting the best value for your money? This is where doing a bit of research comes in handy. When you know what to look for, you will find a company that will create high-quality business cards for you, without charging too high a price for it.

What to Look for in a Premium Business Cards Provider

Out of all the business card printing companies operating today, how can you choose which one to order color business cards from? Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Offset versus digital printing

The company that will offer you the lowest price for the most number of business cards usually have a digital printing process. Another type of printing is called offset. At BlockbusterPrint.com, Heidelberg printing presses are used to create high-quality prints for all their printed products, including business cards. This has up to eight times better quality than digital printing so if you want to get the best-looking print, the extra cost will be so worth it.

  • The quality of paper stock used

Depending on the type of finish that you want, there are different premium stock paper available at BlockbusterPrint. There are thin linen textured cards, laminated cards with 70% to 100% the thickness of a credit card, and even gold or silver foil business cards. If you want to leave a lasting impression to your clients, you definitely should consider having premium paper used for your order.

Once you find a good offset printing company, don’t forget to also consider what you are going to put on the card itself. Make sure that the information is accurate and up-to-date. See to it that the every aspect of the design – from the font to the colors used – is something that will reflect the image that you would like to portray as a company. If possible, put your social media information on the card, although you still need to make sure that it’s not crowded with too much information. When you put all the aspects of the design together, your business card should be reflection of what you are all about as a brand.





Business Card Printing: Take Your Business to the Next Level with Gold or Silver Business Cards i

Quality trumps price when it comes to business card printing. Instead of going for the cheapest printing option, customers now know how to invest their money wisely. This is especially true for those who are running their own business, or individuals who’d like to represent their respective company the best way that they can. Quality trumps price when it comes to business card printing. Instead of going for the cheapest printing option, customers now know how to invest their money wisely. This is especially true for those who are running their own business, or individuals who’d like to represent their respective company the best way that they can.

Take Your Pick from Gold or Silver Foil Business Cards

If you truly would like to take your business card “game” to the next level, look for a business card print service provider that can give you the option to make you truly stand out. With BlockbusterPrint, you do have the option of choosing between a shimmering gold foil business card or a silver foil business card.

Decide between the two by learning more about each option:

1. Gold foil business cards

If you’re one of the higher-ups in the company, for example, and you want to leave a truly lasting impression to your colleagues, hand over a stunning gold foil business card. The ones from BlockbusterPrint print with full color HD printing. The material is silk 17-pt. laminate paper which is thick enough to make your business card stand out from typical cardboard ones. The typeface is made using a gold leaf stamped application process, so the golden part of the card shimmers in all lighting conditions. The cards are resistant from wear, tear, crease, and even water! There’s really nothing more to ask for when ordering these gold foil stamped business cards from BlockbusterPrint.

2. Silver foil business cards

If you don’t like gold, you can still make your business card shimmer with silver foil printed ones. In addition to the full color HD printing, the letters on the cards have a chrome reflection. There’s a spot gloss and round corner option, while the silk 17-pt. paper has 60% the thickness or a credit card.
There’s really no better way to leave a lasting impression to your clients and colleagues than by handing out elegant, breath-taking gold or silver business cards. As the material and the letters on the card shimmer against any lighting condition, you can rest assured that your brand, business name, or company name will be etched in their minds for a long time.


16pt Business Cards Printing Services – Offset Quality

16pt business cards printing online by BlockbusterPrint.com are produced using only the highest offset quality print method.

In today’s online printing world, 8-out-of-10 business card printing services are producing 16pt business cards in a low digital quality method. At BlockbusterPrint.com, offset business cards reach 6-8 times greater quality.

When comparing business card print services you will come to find BlockbusterPrint is the lowest priced, highest offset quality and delivery is only 24-48 hours with ground shipping in most states.



32pt Metallic Painted Edge Business Cards

New Painted Edge Business Cards from Blockbusterprint.com com now come in a metallic deep blue, purple lavender, gold, mint green, raspberry red, orange or yellow.

The edge business cards also come in a plain solid white edge or a 3 layers striped black core edge card which is black card stock, sandwiched between 2 layers of white card stock. Also known as “sandwich cards” in the industry.

The 32pt thickness of these unique painted edge cards is the same thickness of a credit card. An impressive business card, indeed.

The surface is uncoated with a brought white stock, perfect for wowing your clients or customers.

The painted edge cards have a nice metallic shimmer when in certain lighting environments.

To see more on metallic painted edge business cards, view the metallic edge business cards details here.

Business Card Thickness Comparison Chart

Are you trying to figure out how thick certain business card paper is? Not to worry, we are here to help.

There are so many different types of business cards thickness options available – it’s enough to make you go crazy.

Below are a few of the popular business card thicknesses that are easily found online.

Here is a visual chart on Blockbusterprint.com‘s business card Thickness Comparison chart page.

14pt business cards 

16pt business cards (most popular online)

17pt business cards

18pt business cards

19pt business cards

22pt business cards

32pt business cards

The Best Business Cards vs Cheap Business Cards- Does Quality Matter?

So you’re on the hunt for the best business card online? Lets give you some pointers just in case you don’t already know.

If you are looking for business cards that means you have a product or service to sell and if you have either one of these, then that means you are a business owner. 

Business owners are smart! Well… maybe just a small majority of them. There is a reason why 9 out of 10 small businesses fail. The reason for this is untruthfulness and the lack of respect for your customer or client.

Let’s explain what we mean by this:

As a business owner, it is a basic instinct (if not the core principle) to try and acquire the lowest cost good and sell it for as much as you can, right? After all you didn’t get into business to get things out for free and do charity work. Well when do you cross the invincible boundary of not having respect for the client and giving him or her below grade service or quality in order to benefit yourself and yourself only? Is it really bad to think in such away? Why yes, yes it is!

If you are a believer of you get what you give may be through the principles of business or karma or whatever religion you believe in from any part of the world you live in, there is the law of attraction which is very much real. The law of attraction says that what you do give or put out into the world you shall receive. I know a lot of us here reading this can agree with that.

So when do you start to tippytoe over onto the side of, “forget the customer let me benefit myself” and still stay profitable without potentially risking losing clients?

The moment you feel that what you are doing is lower grade than what you know you could and should be giving is when you can answer that question for yourself.

In today’s world the majority of people will not be confrontational when it comes to your service they will just move along and take whatever it was you want to give and they will explode on you you have the Internet may be social media or testimonial based online reviews. Human beings these days know the difference between quality and when they are not receiving perfect service. They wont hold signs up or yell on a megaphone at that very moment to let you know, so you may think that you can just get by with providing this lower grade service. In the long run it would have caught up to you. So while you may think that you are benefiting in the short term it will almost always make you lose greater in the long run.

The majority of profitable businesses rely on 63% repeat customers, and this is a fact you do not want to ignore or try to cheat.

Happy customer is a repeat customer!

Nine out of 10 small businesses that are new to the world do not have the experience or wisdom to understand these basic values that you must respect your customer or client and their intelligence. I know we all think that we are great in anything we do or believe in life but the fact is even a low income earnerMay possess the intelligence of someone making quarter million dollars a year at a fortune 500 company we just didn’t get the same break. This is why you should never try and treat your customers or doubt their intelligence and level of acceptance of what they may perceive as less than perfect.

So you as a business owner or employee of a company looking to order the best business cards online, yet still make sure they are cheap business cards in price, should take into account that your customers or clients are not as stupid as you might think they are, even though they may ask stupid questions!

You are judged on every little piece of your company that have to do with you. May it be your office furniture down to the clothes you wear or as a local business your interior Decour. You’re constantly being judged and the quality of your printed materials is truly the front lines to your business image.
The best business cards online do not have to be the most expensive but you certainly should not be looking for the cheapest business cards because as you know being a business owner yourself nothing cheap is of great value.

For the best business cards online with all visit blockbusterprint.com, the unicorn in high-quality and cheap, at the same time.

Best quality business cards online: which company is the best?


The best quality business cards online today are produced using offset quality methods. What does this mean? Let’s explain…

Offset quality business cards are produced using machinery that spans the length of a school bus and in most cases has a staircase to it so you can imagine the monstrosity comes with great quality.

Offset business cards require technicians to burn your artwork on to metal film plates, similar to how professional photography is developed. This workflow creates an eight-time higher-quality result over what 80% of online printing services use today.

The vast majority of business card printing services online today are printing in a lower quality digital method. You always want offset quality business cards and never digital.

In today’s competitive business card printing world, and lot of competition has forced print services to keep lowering their prices to compete with each other. This becomes an endless and bottomless battle which not only destroys industry but has now leaked in two providers lowering their quality by choosing to print business cards digitally.

As a consumer,  you do not have the time to research how quality business card printing is produced so you shop by price. When you shop by price and you only order by price you are basically making a vote to say that price is more important than quality. When businesses see this and have to report to shareholders or their bottom line and take care of thousands of employees they will be forced to listen to that vote and convert their high-quality to a lower quality digital.

You can now get 500 business cards online for about $10. What you forget to see is that those business cards are the lowest quality possible the industry is now producing. For around five dollars or $15 more you can make your company image look like 1 million bucks by choosing the path of offset quality business cards. When there’s thousands of dollars of possible business to gain from clients you never want to look cheap. You may spend six dollars on a cup of coffee but search the Internet endlessly trying to save $10 on something that’s going to represent you in business meetings and make you thousands of dollars. Not very smart decision-making now is that? There’s one thing to be a smart budget conscious consumer and there’s another when you just get what you pay for.

When it comes to searching for the best quality business cards the difference in prices from company to company do not vary drastically so instead of price shopping and sure you’re getting the best quality the industry has to offer. Just like anything in life, you get what you pay for. The same goes for when you’re trying to purchase an automobile. Sure, the most expensive Mercedes-Benz or the cheapest Toyota Camry can both take you from point a to be but we all know the differences in between. The same goes for your business image, you might as well just print at home and take a pair scissors and cut it yourself. You would not do that would you know? Obviously not but where do you draw the line on how much quality would you sacrifice for may be less than $20 difference, max?

Only you can decide what matters to you but your clients are judging you on more than you can ever imagine. The small details is what they observe and though small details tell a client how much you care about what is yours. If you do not care about your own image the client will perceive that as you won’t care for their service that’s provided by you.

Blockbusterprint.com specializes strictly in offset quality business cards and never anything low quality digital. If you want the best of the best business cards online today, head over to blockbuster print and look through a vast inventory of specialty business cards like silk laminated, gold foil stamped business cards, linen business cards, spot UV gloss business cards, premium business cards, 16 point business cards, pearl metallic business cards, brown craft business cards, and plastic business cards. The options are endless and the quality is the best in the world you can purchase today for your very important business in which.

Best of luck to you and all the success is upon you.

Is business card printing online still popular?

In today’s technological world business card printing online is bigger than ever before.

The myth that printing has faded is far from truth.

Anywhere you look in your daily life you will find something that has been printed. May it be a label on a beverage bottle, stickers on your produce, ingredients on a soap label, photography of you and your family hanging on your wall or buttons in your vehicle. There is a greater need for print now than there has ever been in the history of printing.

The technological era and the printing error have come together to form a synergy that truly creates a Powerhouse for marketing strength.

Business card printing online is a service that would never go out of style simply because of the professionalism that is displayed when you present a human being with your contact info in such a personal way could never be surpassed with asking someone for their phone number verbally while they watch you type it. True professional clients that have everything to gain from you expect this traditional line of contact information exchange.

In Japan and China it is customary to hand a business card to someone with both hands and the recipient to respectfully read the card before putting it in his wallet. That is a great sign of respect for the person and respect for business.

There are many misconceptions of all people should conduct business these days and with the boom of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter many believe that printing has been phased out as something that does not work well.

Business card printing is an entirely different aspect of how you Market yourself and is one of hundreds of ways to utilize marketing options you have in the world today. Some use Facebook While others use Twitter. Many still prefer postcard Marketing in the mail. Did you know that Google is the biggest postcard marketing client to the United States Postal Service? Think about that for one second exclamation point the world’s biggest digital Media Company is the biggest print client to the United States Postal Service. The great minds at Google understand that limiting yourself the only one Avenue of marketing is the fastest way to wake up years later in a sinking ship and wondering how you’ve arrived there.

Business card printing, social media, CPC, in all forms of advertising are wonderful as a synergy. Choosing one over the other does did not mean you made a better choice with one route but rather analyze when and where you can use each platform for your individual needs.

At Blockbusterprint.com we have used technology that was never available before to create some of the most impressive business card printing the world has ever seen. With features like gold foil, sandwich three layer business cards, suede business cards, Pearl metallic sparkling business cards and so many more. In a world filled with links, show that you are a multi Avenue marketing Guru with business card printing being one of your many platforms of advertising.