Custom Booklets: The Perfect Promotional Tool that Gets Your Message Across

Brochures are small and do not have many pages convey a lengthy message. Pamphlets are equally lacking in space which is why, if you need to inform customers about a new product or service with as much information as possible, custom booklets is the way to go. The most popular are stapled or saddle-stitched binding, while the number of pages can range from 8 to 52.

Let’s say that you are a non-profit organization and you would like to let would-be sponsors know about your past projects. A brochure or a pamphlet may not contain all the information that you need to include, so a 30-page, 8.5 x 5.5-inch booklet is the ideal solution. When having such custom booklets printed out, the first thing that you need to do is decide which content to include in the pages. Make sure that the cover is eye catching while still representing your organization. The first page should give readers a glimpse about what to expect from the succeeding pages of the book.

Next, since customized booklets are what you’re looking for, make sure that the printing company has ample experience in handling such projects. At, custom stapled booklets are produced on a 100# semi-glossy textbook paper and the size can either be 8.5 x 5.5 inches or 8.5 x 11 inches. The pages have full color HD printing, the booklet has saddle-stitched or stapled binding and only the highest quality, state-of-the-art offset printing is used.

Through custom booklets, you can convey as much information as you want about your company, product or service in a concise manner. These promotional materials are the perfect item to give out to clients, and having them professionally printed will boost your brand’s image.

Essential Steps for Printing Brochures to Effectively Promote Your Brand

Printing brochures is an excellent way to market your business. Printed promotional materials may sound obsolete to some, but they are still surprisingly effective in getting the message out to your target market. Now, if you are in the process of having brochures printed for your company, there are a few steps that you can follow including these:
1. Determine the goal of your brochure.
The main purpose of a brochure is to inform the reader about your products or services, the history of your company, your mission statement, and give them other important information about your business. But a brochure can also be made to inform, market a new product or even entertain. Before having one made, clearly identify the goal of your brochure so that you can incorporate tit in the content.

2. Reach out to your target market.
Next, when printing brochures, craft the message in such a way that you will reach out to your target market. If your audience is teenage girls, develop a message in a language that they can easily relate to. If you have an adult, more conservative clientele, a professional-looking, impressive brochure is what you need.

3. Make sure that the brochure is professionally designed.
Resist the temptation to go for do-it-yourself brochure solutions, no matter how cheap, because it’s your image that will suffer in the end. With a professionally designed brochure, you can leave a lasting impression to your clients.

4. Choose the material, layout, fold type and other details about the brochure.
Next, decide whether you’d like SD or HD printing. What about the paper stock and size? Should the brochure be on semi-gloss or matte paper? There are also the brochure folding types to choose from like tri-fold, Z-fold, half-fold – and the quantity of brochures that you need to have printed out.

5. Distribute the brochures using the right channels.
Finally, after printing brochures, decide on how you would like them to be distributed. If you have an office, you can simply hand over copies to your clients. If you’re participating in trade shows, you should also bring brochures for distribution. Another option is to directly mail brochures to your clients so they can learn more about what you have to offer as a business. With these steps, you can have the perfect brochure to use in promoting your business.

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Brochure Printing

Despite the existence of websites, you can still use traditional brochure printing as a way to tell people more about your business. Printed promotional materials may seem superfluous to some, but it actually is a still effective way of getting the word out about your company. In fact, printing promotional materials should be done alongside online promotional activities.

Things to Remember when Having Brochures Printed

Now, if you decide that brochure printing is a good way to tell prospective clients and customers about what you do as a company, how can you go about the task? Here are a few things to remember:
• Include all the important information about your business on the brochure.
Brochures are printed promotional materials which tell people about your company history, products or services, and mission statement. If a business card includes just your contact information, a brochure takes things one step further by including all the pertinent information regarding your business. As such, it’s a must to include all important info, write solid content about what your business is all about, give people a glimpse about your company history, etc.

• Look for a printing company which has extensive experience and the right equipment for printing professional-looking brochures.
Brochures should leave a lasting impression so look for a printing company with plenty of experience in the field.

• Decide on the size, folding type and paper used for the brochures.
Finally, decide on the details of the brochure. In companies like, the available brochure sizes are as follow:
– 8.5 x 11 inches
– 8.5 x 14 inches
– 11 x 17 inches

You can place orders for 100; 250; 500; 1,000; 2,500; 5,000; 10,000 and up. There are also more than ten options for folding types including tri-fold, Z-fold, half fold, double parallel, single gate fold, double gate fold, roll fold, accordion fold, half then half again, and half then tri-fold.

Through professional brochure printing, you can leave a lasting impression to your clients and tell them what your business is all about.

Professional Custom Booklet Printing: What to Look For

When making presentations for clients or introducing new products, booklet printing comes in handy. A booklet is a printed promotional tool used by entrepreneurs to promote their products or services. Depending on the size of a booklet that you need, they can be categorized into pamphlets, leaflets, catalogs, annual reports or guides.

Seeing as how booklets have become a very effective marketing tool, it pays to know exactly what a good one entails. When it comes to booklet printing, here are the characteristics that your booklet should have:
• The cover should have a layout and overall look that properly represents your brand.
When a client flips through the pages of your booklet, the first thing that he or she will see is the cover. What does it immediately convey? If you’re making a booklet with general information about your products or services, make sure that images related to what you are selling are incorporated on the cover. Never include misleading images, and make sure that your logo is included.

• The number of pages should be just enough.
The number of pages in a booklet can range from 8 to 52. Although you have the freedom to go as thick as a 52-page booklet, it does not mean that the information should be elaborate. Stick to concise descriptions, crisp images and go direct to the point with the message that you would like to get across.

• The booklet should be professionally designed and printed.
More importantly, make sure that the booklet printing company has the right equipment and experience to professionally make this printed marketing material for you. At, for example, the booklets are available in full color HD printing; there are four sizes to choose from; you can have a booklet between 8 and 52 pages; the stapled binding is saddle-stitched; and you can use either a thick 100# gloss paper or cover paper.

All in all, booklets are an excellent way to inform clients and customers about your company or a new product or service, so it pays to have one professionally designed and printed.

Need to Print Business Cards? Characteristics of a Good Business Card

If you need to print business cards, it pays to know what the characteristics are of a good one. When you hand over that piece of card to a business partner, a customer or a prospective business client, they need to have a good impression of your brand and this is something that you can project through the design, look and feel of your business card.

The good news is Blockbuster Print is here for you. When having one designed for your business, here are a few of the important characteristics that it needs to possess:

• It should let people know who you are and what you do.
Let’s say that you are a real estate agent who is working independently. The business card should contain your name, a description of your profession, as well as your contact information – e-mail address, office address, telephone number, and website.

• Its design should project the image of your brand.
Using the same example of a real estate agent’s business card, another characteristic that your card should possess is that it should project the image of your brand. When selling houses, your target clientele are adults who are already financially established. As such, a professionally-made card with a traditional or conservative design would suit you. If you’re an interior designer, the design of your card should be more artsy and eye-catching.

• It should be made to impress.
Finally, the card should be made to impress. Your goal when you print business cards in the first place is to get more business coming your way. This would not happen if you will hand over a flimsy, cheaply-printed business card. Today, it’s all about image and having a good quality card printed with a high resolution and a professional design will make a huge difference in the impression that you’ll leave your network of contacts.

Business Card Printing: The Basics

Are you looking for business card printing services? Despite the emergence of social media, websites and other high-tech ways to distribute your contact information, business cards are still an effective way of reaching out to your network and expanding your contacts. Here, we will take a look at the things that you need to remember when having business cards printed out.

Essential Things to Remember about Business Card Printing

Fortunately, you can get in touch with a printing company just like us if you need to have business cards made. When looking for one, here are a few essential things to remember:

• Know what information to include on the business card.
When having your business cards printed out, make sure that the most important pieces of information are included and accurate. The most important details are your company name, the nature of your business, your name, your e-mail address, office address, website, e-mail address and telephone number. If you’re having the back of the card printed out with information as well, the secondary important information about your business should be included.

• Have the business card designed by a professional.
Clients and prospective business partners can recognize haphazardly-designed business cards from the professionally-made ones. To give your image a boost, make sure that your business card is designed by a professional graphic designer.

• Take your pick from the different printing options available.
You can choose from different printing methods including the following:
– Digital Printing
– Engraving
– Letterpress
– Offset Printing
– Thermography
– Do-It-Yourself Business Card Printing

The cheapest is DIY printing, but this is only recommended if you have a small number of cards to print. The other methods vary in quality and price.

• Make sure that the overall look and feel of the card suits your professional image.
Finally, make sure that the feel and overall look of your card suits your image and will be liked by your target market. An eye-catching design is suitable for those who have younger clientele as the target audience. Lawyers, corporate executives and similar professions may want to opt for more conservatively designed business cards.

Knowing these things will turn your business card printing task into a successful one.

Why Thick 16pt Business Cards are the Best

Why are 16pt business cards considered the best? Because thickness is one of the qualities that will make your business cards stand out.

Let’s say that you are meeting an important client. When you hand over a thin, flimsy business card which with poorly-printed text and a logo, this does not bode well at all for your image. You’d want your client to have a good, lasting impression of you – and your business card plays a big part in that.

As such, it pays to invest in good quality cards and 16pt business cards are a perfect example of this. Aside from thickness, here are a few more factors to consider when having business cards printed out so that you can come up with ones that will leave a lasting impression to your clients and other business contacts:

  • Pay close attention to the design of the card itself.

Although there are ready-made templates that you can download online, it is best to have your business cards designed by a professional graphic designer. If you don’t have a logo yet, have one made. There are also business card printing companies which can create a design for you and your approval is part of their business cards printing process. Pay close attention to the logo, graphics, typeface, shape and orientation of the card.


  • Use high-quality paper and make sure that the printing quality is good as well.

The resolution should be at least 300 dots per inch or higher to come up with good quality print on the cards.  When it comes to paper type, some of the options include classic felt, premium cotton, 100% recycled, smooth cover, pearl, linen, gloss UV coating and many more.


With 16pt business cards made from high-quality paper, you can leave a lasting impression to your clients once you hand over your contact information to them.



What are the Benefits of Buying Business Cards Online?

If you’re planning to order business cards online, you are definitely on the right path. There are many benefits to doing so, which we will learn more about in the next section. In the meantime, let us take a look at the reasons why it pays to have business cards made in the first place. Business cards are a small piece of cardboard paper which contains essential information about a person or a company. Having business cards printed out makes you look professional, sets your brand apart and it can be used for networking purposes.

Why Print Business Cards Online

When having business cards printed out, you basically have two options. First, you can visit a traditional printing company and ask them how you can have business cards printed out. Second, you can look for a company which specializes in printing out business cards online. Although there’s nothing wrong in choosing the first option, there are a lot of benefits for going with the second option:

  • The process of having business cards printed out is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Online printing companies already have websites where you can place your customized orders. You simply need to specify which type of business card you want, how many pieces you need to have printed out, what the design looks like, etc. Once you are satisfied with the design that they will send to you, all you have to do is wait for the cards to be delivered straight to your office. It’s that easy!

  • Online printing companies offer cheaper rates.

The competition in the printing industry is quite stiff and this benefits you as a customer in the sense that you can get cheaper rates for the business cards that you will order. Also, since these companies do not have a physical office to maintain, the lesser overhead expenses that they have can be passed onto you in the form of lower rates.

  • There’s a shorter turnaround time.

Finally, you can expect your business cards to be delivered within a shorter time span. Some companies specializing in printing out business cards online even offer rush delivery services for an additional cost – so you can have those business cards ready to be distributed to your contacts in no time at all.



Order Business Cards Online: What to Keep in Mind

If you need to order business cards, you have two options: getting the services of an actual printing business, or placing an order online. Here’s a quick comparison between the two:

  • Traditional Printing Services

For this, you need to walk into the office of an actual printing company which accepts printing jobs for business cards. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having your business cards made the traditional way, but it would take a lot of effort on your part to oversee the design, drive over to the printing press, choose the paper, etc.

  • Online Printing Services

With an online printing service, you can go through the whole process of having your business cards printed online. You can simply visit the website to order business cards, specify the number of cards you need to have made, the thickness of the paper, the type of paper to be used and the other details. If your card will be designed by a professional graphic designer, the final design can be sent through e-mail so the entire transaction is done without your having to visit a physical office. Once printed, the cards will be delivered straight to your doorstep.

Of course, you also have the option to not order business cards at all. With the Internet, you can easily make all your contact information accessible via your website. If you must distribute business cards, it should be to your most important clients and prospective customers. This way of doing business will still spread the word about your brand, but save you money on having business cards printed out – while doing your share in helping save the environment as well.


Buying Business Cards Online: Learn the Benefits

If you’re planning to order business cards online, you are definitely on the right path. There are many benefits to doing so, which we will learn more about in the next section. In the meantime, let us take a look at the reasons why it pays to have business cards made in the first place. Business cards are a small piece of cardboard paper which contains essential information about a person or a company. Having business cards printed out makes you look professional, sets your brand apart and it can be used for networking purposes.

Why Print Business Cards Online

When having business cards printed out, you basically have two options. First, you can visit a traditional printing company and ask them how you can have business cards printed out. Second, you can look for a company which specializes in printing out business cards online. Although there’s nothing wrong in choosing the first option, there are a lot of benefits for going with the second option:

  • The process of having business cards printed out is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Online printing companies already have websites where you can place your customized orders. You simply need to specify which type of business card you want, how many pieces you need to have printed out, what the design looks like, etc. Once you are satisfied with the design that they will send to you, all you have to do is wait for the cards to be delivered straight to your office. It’s that easy!

  • Online printing companies offer cheaper rates.

The competition in the printing industry is quite stiff and this benefits you as a customer in the sense that you can get cheaper rates for the business cards that you will order. Also, since these companies do not have a physical office to maintain, the lesser overhead expenses that they have can be passed onto you in the form of lower rates.

  • There’s a shorter turnaround time.

Finally, you can expect your business cards to be delivered within a shorter time span. Some companies specializing in printing out business cards online even offer rush delivery services for an additional cost – so you can have those business cards ready to be distributed to your contacts in no time at all.