Cheap Yet Effective: The Marketing Benefits of Custom Notepads

If you are looking for a cheap yet effective way to market your brand, you should definitely consider having custom notepads printed out. Whichever industry it is your business is in, competition is bound to be tough so you need to choose an effective – yet cheap way to market your wares. This is where custom notepads come in. What are the benefits of using custom notepads to market your business?

First, custom notepads are cheap. When you visit sites like, you can have 50 sheets of 3” x 8” notepads at a little over $200. Distribute these to 50 clients and you will experience benefits over time. The notepads are made in full color HD print; chipboard glued backing; laser and inkjet printer safe material; and you can choose from textured linen or smooth white paper. As you may already know, the higher the quality of your printed materials, the better impression you can leave to your clients.

Second, personalized notepads make for an effective marketing material. It can be part of your print promotional campaign along with business cards, postcards, banners, envelopes and folders. Distribute notepads and these items during tradeshows to make people flock to your booth. Months after your tradeshow is done, people will still be using your notepads – especially if it’s the 50-sheets-per-pad variant, and you will enjoy long-term marketing benefits.

As you can see, there are many benefits to using custom notepads when marketing your business. Have a batch designed and printed out for your business now – and distribute them to clients, business partners and customers.

Rules when Printing Cheap Postcards for Real Estate

If you’re looking for an affordable yet effective way to market your real estate business, why not print cheap postcards? With companies like, you can take your pick from ten different sizes, thick 16-pt. paper, and highest full color quality. But why should you print postcards to promote your business in the first place? If you’re new in the real estate industry, a postcard is a cheap yet effective way to let prospective customers know that your business actually exists. As long as you know how to maximize the marketing potential of the postcard, you can use it to its full promotional advantage.

Essential Tips when Using Postcards for Real Estate

Your goal may be to print cheap postcards, but just because it’s affordable does not mean that it has to be sloppy or haphazardly done. Here are a few essential tips on how you can extract the utmost benefits from using postcards for your real estate business:

• Send the right message.
Even if you invest in shiny postcards printed on very thick paper, it will not be impactful if you don’t focus on the message. A 6” x 11” postcard is the most popular, but that does not offer you much space to print on. This means that you should use the space available to impart a message, whether it’s introducing yourself, telling people that your business just opened up, or that you are just a phone call away if they need the kind of product or service you’re offering.

• Don’t overwhelm your audience.
When having postcards created, craft your message in such a way that the receiver will not be overwhelmed. Are you targeting home buyers or sellers? Using the available space, how can you make an irresistible offer? What can you say to achieve your marketing objective?

• Know how to measure the success of your postcard campaign.
Finally, learn how to measure your success. A month after the postcards were sent out, did you have more visitors on your website? Did many people attend an open house? Did you receive more phone calls? Do the same thing after a month with a different message and measure if you got the same level of success.

By knowing what to incorporate in the message itself, you can print postcards online and reach your marketing objectives without having to spend so much.

Harness the Full Marketing Potential of Cheap Postcards

Prior to the emergence of social media, letting friends and family know where you are involves buying cheap postcards and sending them via snail mail. Today, all you have to do is post pictures or do check-ins on your favorite social media site and all your friends and family will know exactly what you are up to. Fortunately, this does not mean that postcards have grown obsolete.

If you’re an entrepreneur, you can actually harness the full marketing potential of cheap postcards and promote your brand without having to spend much. Here are the marketing benefits of sending out postcards to your clients, both existing and potential ones:
• Postcards can be part of your overall print marketing campaign.
Despite the presence of the Internet, print advertising still works these days, especially for small businesses. A postcard can be part of your overall print marketing campaign along with business cards, booklets, brochures, flyers, folders, letterheads and notepads.

• Printing out good quality postcards will uplift the image of your brand.
With companies like, you can have good quality postcards printed without spending too much. Take your pick from 26 different sizes, the most popular of which is 6” x 11”. The material used is premium 16-pt. paper which has 50% the thickness of a credit card, and the highest full color quality printing is used.

• With postcards, you can introduce a new product or service to your clients without having to spend so much.
Finally, once your business is launched, there will periodically be new services or products that you’d need to introduce to your target audience. The cheapest and most effective way to do so is by sending out postcards. Make sure that the card sends out the right message and allow the receiver to take action – whether it’s buying the product through the discounts you will offer, or simply call your office for more information about a service that you just introduced.

With these benefits, there’s no doubt that you can easily use EDDM postcards to promote your business.

What Comprises a Good Letterhead for Business?

Textured letterhead printing or smooth letterhead printing on linen paper are just a couple of options that you can choose from when having a letterhead made. With companies like, full color HD printing on these paper types, as well as different sizes like 8.5” x 11”; 11” x 14”; and 11” x 17” are all available. After deciding which printing company to hire when having such printed promotional products made, the next thing that you need to work on is the design of the letterhead itself. Find out what comprises a good letterhead, and how you can take full advantage of its promotional benefits for your business.

Elements of a Good Letterhead Design

A professionally-designed letterhead is what you need when finishing tasks like textured letterhead printing. To give you an idea about what comprises a good letterhead for business, here are some of its most important elements:
• Letterhead Font and Text
First, make sure that the information to be included in your letterhead is accurate and up-to-date. Relevant contact details, the company address, contact number, e-mail address or website should all be included. When choosing the font style, it should work with your existing logo and suit the image that you’d like to have as a company.

• Layout Design
Letterheads represent the company to the clients, so it should have a simple, easy layout design. However, it should still look professionally-made.

• Print & Paper Quality
Finally, make sure that the letterhead has good paper stock and print quality. As mentioned earlier, companies like offers different sizes for smooth or linen letterheads. No matter which size or paper type you end up choosing, you can rest assured that the letterhead will be made with good quality since the company specializes in HD printing.

Essential Tips when Having Custom Printed Letterheads Made

When you check into a hotel, you will see a sheet or two of paper with the establishment’s custom printed letterhead on it. This is a form of branding which not just hotels, but almost all businesses use. Whichever industry it is that your business is in, you can take full advantage of this affordable yet effective type of branding. The good news is that there are plenty of printing companies like which specializes in making customized letterheads, brochures, business cards, flyers, banners and similar materials for promotional purposes.

Tips when Having Custom Printed Letterheads Made

If it’s a letterhead that you would like to have specifically made, here are few tips on how you can come up with an effective design:
• Make sure that the information is accurate.
No matter how outstanding your letterhead design is, it will be all for naught if the information printed is inaccurate. There’s nothing tackier than a letterhead with handwritten corrections, especially if you just updated your contact information. To prevent such mistakes, see to it that the information printed on the letterhead is accurate.

• Pay close attention to details.
Color is an important element when having letterheads made. Would you like a black-and-white design which blends into the paper background, or a colorful one with images that pop out? Just remember that the more colors you are using, the more expensive the letterhead becomes. Also pay attention to the style of the font, the layout, the paper stock and the quality of printing.

• See to it that the overall design of the letterhead suits the image that you want to portray for your brand.
Finally, make sure that the overall design of the letterhead suits your brand’s image. If you’re gearing towards a more conservative clientele, a staid but professionally-made design is perfect. For a younger client base, something that’s more colorful and modern will make you stand out.

Follow these tips when having printed letterheads made and promote your business with style.

Need to Order Business Cards?Keep these Tips in Mind!

When you order business cards, the card itself may not necessarily sell your business, but it does keep your company name in mind. Let’s say that you are in the professional carpet cleaning business and you handed over your card to a housewife whom you met at a networking event. She may not have a use for your card right away, but when she does need professional carpet cleaning services, she will remember having received your card and give you a call.

This is precisely the reason why you should keep a business card handy at all times. You’ll never know when you might run into an individual who could use your products or services, so it pays to be prepared.

Tips to Remember when Ordering Business Cards

If you have yet to order business cards, here are a few tips to remember to turn the task into a successful one:
• Make sure that the information printed on the business card is correct. Nothing says tacky than a card with another name, contact number or address handwritten over the original printed text. If you know that you are changing your contact number soon, only print a handful of cards. Then, take the job to a professional printing company so that you can have a decent batch of cards made.
• When attending networking events, place your cards everywhere. Make sure that you have a handful in your pocket, car, bag, desk, etc. You might even find a need for one when attending a family dinner or personal social events. You’ll never know who you might run into who could use your business.
• If you have a cute, little container for your business cards, do not bring them at crowded networking events where time is of the essence. However, you can still use them in the office or at meetings where you know you will not be pressed for time.

After you print business cards, these tips would be handy when you are already in the process of distributing them.

Done with Business Card Printing? Etiquette when Handing them Over

Whether you’re an old timer or a newbie in the business industry, the one task that you cannot get away with is business card printing. Through business cards, you can hand out your contact information to the people who you are supposed to be dealing with on a regular basis: customers, clients, business partners, suppliers, network contacts, etc. Thankfully, there are companies like which specialize in printing out professionally-made yet affordable business cards.

Now, after having the business cards printed out, remember that you cannot simply hand them over to everyone you meet like you are casually distributing $20 bills. After business card printing, there’s an art and etiquette to the distribution that you need to keep in mind. To get you started, here are a few quick tips on the etiquette when handing over your business cards:
• Make sure that you are handing over a good quality business card to make a good impression. A limp, cheaply printed card will not give customers a professional image of your business, so pay attention to details like stock paper, quality of printing, layout and the design of the card itself.
• When attending meetings, exchange business cards either at the end or the beginning of the discussion.
• When attending trade shows or similar events, keep your business card handy at all times. Don’t bother using a case holder because they need to be distributed fast, and with minimal fuss.
• Never use business cards with information that is not updated. Nothing says tacky more than business cards with handwritten corrections or notes on the supposedly pristine front part.
• When accepting business cards, do not hesitate to write a note at the back so that you can remember information about the company or the person who gave it to you. If you were given the card of a possible supplier, write a short note at the back so that you can remember the details of the meeting the next time that you give them a call.

As you can see, business cards online are an essential part of running a business – but equally important is the manner by which the cards are distributed to contacts.

Booklets for Authors, Professionally Printed Folders & Other Printed Materials for Businesses

Booklets, professionally printed folders, brochures, pamphlets, business cards, flyers – these are some of the printed promotional materials which are a must-have for businesses. Here, we will focus a bit more on printed folders and booklets.

Booklets for Authors

If you’re a frustrated author who cannot seem to get a company to publish your work, did you know that you can actually have booklets made? You can publish your own work and don’t worry about not having heard about it before – contrary to what people think, booklet publishing has been around for centuries. There are booklets which tackle almost every genre including self-help, health, fitness, child birth, child care, growing old, staying young, romance – the possibilities of what you can publish within the few pages of a booklet are practically endless.

So why would you choose a booklet over a book? Again, if traditional publishers are giving you a hard time with your work, why not be proactive and publish it yourself? If you will publish several booklets instead of one whole book, you can make an even bigger profit. As long as you have studied the market, you can turn booklet publishing into a lucrative career for yourself.

Professionally-Printed Folders for Businesses

On the other hand, if you are an entrepreneur, the one marketing material that you should not be without is a custom folder. These can be distributed to visitors in your booth at trade shows. You can also use them as giveaway items during company presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. When having folders made by companies like, you can even include useful features like a CD or a business card slot.

With folder printing and booklets, you have promotional materials that will allow you to meet your goals – be it for business or as a self-publishing author.

Boost the Image of Your Brand: Printing the Best Quality Folders

No matter which industry it is your business is in, the one task that you should not ignore when creating a printed marketing campaign is to print folders. Folders make for great giveaway items during tradeshows. If you have clients or customers showing up at your office door, folders make for the perfect promotional/souvenir items. The more useful your folder is, the more often a person will carry it around – which means more exposure for your brand.

Now, how can you make sure that when you print folders, the quality is good enough to make a lasting impression to your target market? This is when it is a must for you to pay close attention to detail. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when having promotional folders printed out:
• Check on the quality of print and the paper used.
Your main purpose in designing the folder is to create a good impression to your customers. As such, the quality of the folder needs to be equally impressive. At companies like, the quality of print is ensured through full color HD printing. As for the quality of paper, you can take your pick from super thick paper stocks with a high gloss, silk or matte finish. There are also three sizes to choose from: the standard 9” x 12” or smaller sizes like 6” x 9” or 5.25” x 10.5”.

• Include extra features to make the folder extra-useful.
Instead of having just a plain, two-sided folder, you can have ones with extra features made like one or two pockets at the inside, bottom part of the folder. You can also have CD or business card slits made to make the folder extra useful.

• See to it that the overall design of the folder is something that will boost the image of your brand.
At, the folders are meticulously crafted for high-end presentation and have smooth cut edges. With custom printed folders which are professionally designed, you can boost the image of your brand and use the printed materials to inform your target market about your company, a new product or your line of services.

Impress or Inform? How Custom Booklets Can Do Both for Your Business

Did you know that custom booklets have the capability to both impress and inform your customers? As an entrepreneur, there will come a time when you would need to inform your clients about a new product or service that you are offering as a business. Instead of having people watch 10-minute videos of boring presentations on YouTube, you can have a booklet published instead.

As a customer flips through the pages of the booklet, he or she would have a clue about exactly what you have to offer as a business. If you’re introducing a new product, how is it different from the other items you released in the market before? If you are offering a new service, what benefit will a customer get from it? Instead of cramping all these information in a too-short brochure or flyer, a booklet is a better option.

To impress your clients while informing them at the same time, you need to have custom stapled booklets which are of top-notch quality. At companies like, your booklet options include:
– Full color HD printing
– Four different sizes to choose from (8.5” x 5.5”; 8.5” x 11”, other customized sizes)
– Number of page options range from 8 to 52
– Saddle-stitched, binding (stapled)
– Thick 100# gloss or cover paper

After deciding on the details about the booklet, see to it that the design, layout and overall look of the booklet works in your favor as well. The information needs to be accurate and presented in the booklet’s pages in a cohesive, easy-to-read manner. The cover should be enticing enough to encourage a reader to flip through the pages of the booklet. Finally, the design and overall look of the custom booklets should fit the image that you’d like to project as a brand. With these things in mind, you can create the perfect booklet for your business’ promotional campaign.