How to pick a brochure printing service online

You have many options in brochure printing services online and you’re thinking, “Who do I pick?”

Great question!

Many will pick based on their own perceptions of what they think “the best brochure print service” is.

Some will pick the cheapest brochure printing service while others see cheap directly correlated to bad quality. Some will pick an expensive company thinking, “Ya get what ya pay for”, right? What about online reviews? Surely the company with the most reviews is better, right?

The truth is…

The best brochure printing service should consist of a great price (expensive does not mean better), great offset quality (never digital), fast turnaround time (24 hours), friendly educated designer-based staff with a live chat support team and low shipping prices, and of course 3rd party testimonials.

It’s also great to see a company be extremely transparent and offer, as well as advertise, free reprints if they have caused error and a price beat guarantee. The kind of guarantee shows the good people that they are and willingness to make you happy.
Let’s discuss these areas and what to look for within each category listed above…


Pricing should always play a roll in who you pick to print brochures with. In today’s world, most print services charge a crazy amount of money for no reason other than to pay for their marketing. Expensive price does not mean better quality, it just means expensive. You can achieve very high end quality with low prices. Yes, it is true you get what you pay for and like every industry, cheap does at times mean bad service and bad quality. How is a person to know? Judge a service off their support and ask about quality (which we discuss next)


In today’s print world approximately 8 out of 10 online printing services as well as local services print in the low quality digital method. When shopping for print you always want offset quality. They print service offers digital, they basically just click a print button whereas with offset quality resolution metal film plates are required to achieve a grander resolution, similar to how professional photography is developed. Brochure printing services that charge more money for digital will rarely advertise that they provide you with a lower quality method. This is because they get to achieve higher profits for themselves while providing a lower end product for you. Always look for an offset printing company and pricing is not always one way to distinguish the better quality.


Do you need an important print material in a hurry? Don’t be fooled by Rush Services. Most print services take 48 hours to print and ship on the third business day yet claim this to be a rush service. Aside from that, most companies hide the fact that they have a one-day file review process which will extend your deadline. You have to go digging through tons of fine print in other pages to find these details. Look for a company that lists this information in areas you would want it listed. This transparency shows honesty and a good group of people servicing you. True Rush printing is 24 Hours by certain deadline.


Companies that offer Live support tend to be a lot more transparent and eager to work with clients. Being able to ask a live representative questions instantly through a live chat dialogue typically tends to let you know that they have a staff well-educated which may most likely be composed of graphic designers rather than just hourly employees there for a paycheck and not a passion for what they do in their line of work. Live chat support is an A+thing to look for in a brochure printing company.


A great company offers you a no-hassle guarantee to reprint your product if it is poorly processed or damaged. Most companies would have a quality assurance Department in order to ensure that the product never even makes it out of the warehouse if it does not meet the high standard print quality guidelines. But if for some reason it bad product doesn’t leave a brochure printing Warehouse you want the Peace of Mind knowing they will replace it free of charge. Price match guarantees or price beat programs show further transparency that lets you the customer know they will do anything to achieve your happiness and satisfaction.

All these wonderful categories are possible and a very much available in online brochure printing services with

32pt Metallic Painted Edge Business Cards

New Painted Edge Business Cards from com now come in a metallic deep blue, purple lavender, gold, mint green, raspberry red, orange or yellow.

The edge business cards also come in a plain solid white edge or a 3 layers striped black core edge card which is black card stock, sandwiched between 2 layers of white card stock. Also known as “sandwich cards” in the industry.

The 32pt thickness of these unique painted edge cards is the same thickness of a credit card. An impressive business card, indeed.

The surface is uncoated with a brought white stock, perfect for wowing your clients or customers.

The painted edge cards have a nice metallic shimmer when in certain lighting environments.

To see more on metallic painted edge business cards, view the metallic edge business cards details here.

Business Card Thickness Comparison Chart

Are you trying to figure out how thick certain business card paper is? Not to worry, we are here to help.

There are so many different types of business cards thickness options available – it’s enough to make you go crazy.

Below are a few of the popular business card thicknesses that are easily found online.

Here is a visual chart on‘s business card Thickness Comparison chart page.

14pt business cards 

16pt business cards (most popular online)

17pt business cards

18pt business cards

19pt business cards

22pt business cards

32pt business cards

The Best Business Cards vs Cheap Business Cards- Does Quality Matter?

So you’re on the hunt for the best business card online? Lets give you some pointers just in case you don’t already know.

If you are looking for business cards that means you have a product or service to sell and if you have either one of these, then that means you are a business owner. 

Business owners are smart! Well… maybe just a small majority of them. There is a reason why 9 out of 10 small businesses fail. The reason for this is untruthfulness and the lack of respect for your customer or client.

Let’s explain what we mean by this:

As a business owner, it is a basic instinct (if not the core principle) to try and acquire the lowest cost good and sell it for as much as you can, right? After all you didn’t get into business to get things out for free and do charity work. Well when do you cross the invincible boundary of not having respect for the client and giving him or her below grade service or quality in order to benefit yourself and yourself only? Is it really bad to think in such away? Why yes, yes it is!

If you are a believer of you get what you give may be through the principles of business or karma or whatever religion you believe in from any part of the world you live in, there is the law of attraction which is very much real. The law of attraction says that what you do give or put out into the world you shall receive. I know a lot of us here reading this can agree with that.

So when do you start to tippytoe over onto the side of, “forget the customer let me benefit myself” and still stay profitable without potentially risking losing clients?

The moment you feel that what you are doing is lower grade than what you know you could and should be giving is when you can answer that question for yourself.

In today’s world the majority of people will not be confrontational when it comes to your service they will just move along and take whatever it was you want to give and they will explode on you you have the Internet may be social media or testimonial based online reviews. Human beings these days know the difference between quality and when they are not receiving perfect service. They wont hold signs up or yell on a megaphone at that very moment to let you know, so you may think that you can just get by with providing this lower grade service. In the long run it would have caught up to you. So while you may think that you are benefiting in the short term it will almost always make you lose greater in the long run.

The majority of profitable businesses rely on 63% repeat customers, and this is a fact you do not want to ignore or try to cheat.

Happy customer is a repeat customer!

Nine out of 10 small businesses that are new to the world do not have the experience or wisdom to understand these basic values that you must respect your customer or client and their intelligence. I know we all think that we are great in anything we do or believe in life but the fact is even a low income earnerMay possess the intelligence of someone making quarter million dollars a year at a fortune 500 company we just didn’t get the same break. This is why you should never try and treat your customers or doubt their intelligence and level of acceptance of what they may perceive as less than perfect.

So you as a business owner or employee of a company looking to order the best business cards online, yet still make sure they are cheap business cards in price, should take into account that your customers or clients are not as stupid as you might think they are, even though they may ask stupid questions!

You are judged on every little piece of your company that have to do with you. May it be your office furniture down to the clothes you wear or as a local business your interior Decour. You’re constantly being judged and the quality of your printed materials is truly the front lines to your business image.
The best business cards online do not have to be the most expensive but you certainly should not be looking for the cheapest business cards because as you know being a business owner yourself nothing cheap is of great value.

For the best business cards online with all visit, the unicorn in high-quality and cheap, at the same time.

Does EDDM work? What EDDM results can I expect? Here are EDDM facts!

So you’re thinking of printing postcards for EDDM mailing?

To quickly help you, we would like to say that you are on the right path and the facts and statistics below will help you get an excellent understanding that many clients don’t always spend the time to research.

Let’s break it down for you real fast and revisit these numbers again later in the article…

1000 clicks on Google at $3 per click = $3000 spent

1000 postcards via EDDM mailing services at $0.18 postage per piece = $180

2% conversion on 1000 views (digital or by physical mail) = 20 new clients

if one client is worth $50 to you and you gain 20 new clients that is a newly acquired income of $2500. With digital Google marketing, you are at a $500 loss but with physical postcard marketing, you are at a $2300 profit. A no-brainer indeed.

In today’s digital world where the cost per click (PPC) with Google AdWords or Facebook page promoting can reach on average $3 all the way to $15, depending on your line of work, it is no wonder why so many people owning businesses are just unaware of where to turn for growing their business using marketing.

The majority of business owners are small businesses who cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on marketing firms on something they cannot grasp or see. Many advertising firms promise you the world and you just have to hope that they do a good job because you are unable to gauge and measure their ability and performance expectations. In short, most of the services are full of fluff and you just blow all of your money away. This further discourages you from promoting business and reason like this is why nine out of 10 small businesses fail in America. There is just no clear way to advertise and still have the ability to track and gauge the success of the marketing dollars you are investing.

For those of you that have experimented in the past or present with cost per click campaigns you may say, “hey guys, what you’re saying is not true. As a matter fact I can track my PPC performance through Google analytics or my advertisers admin page from Facebook.” Yes, it is true that you can track how many people have clicked but you do not know the interaction that potential customer had or why they clicked. Did you know 80% of mobile ads are clicked by mistake due to clumsy phone handling? Filtering out advertisers that use mobile devices versus laptops and desktop computers can increase your performance. Someone sitting behind a desk will not be clicking as neurotically as someone using a mobile phone. Think about all the times you’ve clicked the wrong links or ended up on a page you never intended to be on while using your mobile phone. You can imagine the same goes for mobile ads. Most of these service providers display ads in such areas that forces more clicks. More clicks means more money for them and a greater charge for you. So while you can indeed track the amount of clicks you are unable to understand how many are wasted clicks.

With EDDM postcard mailing services you have the great benefit of grasping a potential customer’s attention in their home with a physical advertisement they can hold in their hand versus something they can click away from in three seconds which is the duration of a person’s attention span went on a mobile device or desktop computer. EDDM mailing services are less than $.18 postage per piece which is an astonishing savings compared to three dollars per click versus digital marketing.

Did you know that just 15 years ago it only took three times for a potential customer to see your ad before they reacted to it? In today’s world, it takes a whopping 11 attempts to simply get the attention of a potential customer. When you consider one click on Google cost three dollars that translates to $33 just to get a person to click your ad not taking into account the 80% of people that wasted your money by clicking by mistake.

The attention span of somebody who is on a computer is so short because they’re just so much going on and so much to see went on an electronic device. It is no surprise why the attention spanned of humanity that is using an electronic device has increased by over 500%.

The only time a potential consumer is alone with their thoughts is when they are using the washroom, taking a shower, right before bedtime and when they are checking their mailbox at home for bills or postcard offers. I know you can relate to this personally. Think about the offers you received in the mail. Even if they were something you would never in 1 million years purchase or hire someone for you still got to see it and that is one more time that company was able to have eyes on their service. Think about all the times when a friend or coworker asked if you know someone for landscaping or dry-cleaning services or anything that they look for in you to recommend and although you may not personally need that service, your friend remembered that one advertisement they saw. So if it’s not for you, you may still recommend it to someone else. Postcard marketing works in this very way. You’d never say, “Hey Charlie, I was googling for tackle recipes the other day and I stumbled upon a tire repair shop instead.” With EDDM postcard mailing you may come across an advertisement that you didn’t go looking for and still remember it. As a business owner yourself you know the value in this type of exposure.

Many uneducated business owners who have no clue in any form of marketing believe that because everyone has flocked to the Internet that somehow the old methods of marketing are obsolete. This could not be further from the truth did you know that Google is actually the biggest direct mail client in America today? Let that sink in for a moment. The biggest digital media advertiser that relies 100% on clicks for their income happens to be the biggest printer of postcard marketing in the United States. We all know that Google is a smart company right? A company that has thousands of genius employees that research industry, marketing methods and the best routes to rack in those billions of dollars per year.

EDDM mailing services has made marketing by physical mail reality again, thanks to the extremely low price of just $.18 postage per piece. This is a reality that is working for thousands smart big-name companies who understand the value of that return.

Both Internet advertising versus physical EDDM postcard marketing have on average a 2% conversion rate which is also known as your ROI (return on investment).

Here is what those numbers look like:

1000 clicks on Google at $3 per click = $3000 spent

1000 postcards via EDDM mailing services at $.18 postage per piece = $180

2% conversion on 1000 views (digital or by physical mail) = 20 new clients

if one client is worth $50 to you and you gain 20 new clients that is a newly acquired income of $2500. With digital marketing, you are at a $500 loss but with physical postcard marketing, you are at a $2300 profit. A no-brainer indeed.

Let’s dig a little deeper…

It’s a fact that every consumer becomes a repeat consumer with whatever company they’re dealing with. Using this proven and trackable data that we have listed above that means a $180 investment in postage four direct mail campaigns has brought you the $6,900.00 in profit in a 12 month period.

If you also take into account that it takes 11 attempts to gain a client this means at only $.18 per postcard postage, it would cost you right under two dollars for an entire year to target the exact same customer once a month for an entire year and still would have spent less on one round of Google ads.

Besides the gaining of that client you also embed the image of your company into their minds and they may recollect your service at a later time when they need it so if you do not gain their business in the immediate present time still got your money’s worth by making your service known to the world.

So your original question was: Does EDDM work? What EDDM results can I expect? Here are EDDM facts!

Yes! Numbers are your best friend! Numbers do not lie commission point numbers are traceable and marketing gurus who claim to be specialists cannot be traced on their success nor are you ever able to justify their fancy service at a ridiculous price and you do not want to take on Google advertising on your own because as 95% of business owners who try to do this on their own end up just blowing all that money.

EDDM postcard marketing is the most genius way to market your business affordably.

Head over to where a specialist can guide you and provide recommendations on what can best suit you and the best part is you pay zero dollars for the advice of professionals, unlike a fancy PR firm that might serve you a fancy cup coffee while taking thousands of your dollars.

EDDM postcard marketing with Blockbuster print is a breeze and all specialists spend an enormous amount of time explaining the process to









Best quality business cards online: which company is the best?


The best quality business cards online today are produced using offset quality methods. What does this mean? Let’s explain…

Offset quality business cards are produced using machinery that spans the length of a school bus and in most cases has a staircase to it so you can imagine the monstrosity comes with great quality.

Offset business cards require technicians to burn your artwork on to metal film plates, similar to how professional photography is developed. This workflow creates an eight-time higher-quality result over what 80% of online printing services use today.

The vast majority of business card printing services online today are printing in a lower quality digital method. You always want offset quality business cards and never digital.

In today’s competitive business card printing world, and lot of competition has forced print services to keep lowering their prices to compete with each other. This becomes an endless and bottomless battle which not only destroys industry but has now leaked in two providers lowering their quality by choosing to print business cards digitally.

As a consumer,  you do not have the time to research how quality business card printing is produced so you shop by price. When you shop by price and you only order by price you are basically making a vote to say that price is more important than quality. When businesses see this and have to report to shareholders or their bottom line and take care of thousands of employees they will be forced to listen to that vote and convert their high-quality to a lower quality digital.

You can now get 500 business cards online for about $10. What you forget to see is that those business cards are the lowest quality possible the industry is now producing. For around five dollars or $15 more you can make your company image look like 1 million bucks by choosing the path of offset quality business cards. When there’s thousands of dollars of possible business to gain from clients you never want to look cheap. You may spend six dollars on a cup of coffee but search the Internet endlessly trying to save $10 on something that’s going to represent you in business meetings and make you thousands of dollars. Not very smart decision-making now is that? There’s one thing to be a smart budget conscious consumer and there’s another when you just get what you pay for.

When it comes to searching for the best quality business cards the difference in prices from company to company do not vary drastically so instead of price shopping and sure you’re getting the best quality the industry has to offer. Just like anything in life, you get what you pay for. The same goes for when you’re trying to purchase an automobile. Sure, the most expensive Mercedes-Benz or the cheapest Toyota Camry can both take you from point a to be but we all know the differences in between. The same goes for your business image, you might as well just print at home and take a pair scissors and cut it yourself. You would not do that would you know? Obviously not but where do you draw the line on how much quality would you sacrifice for may be less than $20 difference, max?

Only you can decide what matters to you but your clients are judging you on more than you can ever imagine. The small details is what they observe and though small details tell a client how much you care about what is yours. If you do not care about your own image the client will perceive that as you won’t care for their service that’s provided by you. specializes strictly in offset quality business cards and never anything low quality digital. If you want the best of the best business cards online today, head over to blockbuster print and look through a vast inventory of specialty business cards like silk laminated, gold foil stamped business cards, linen business cards, spot UV gloss business cards, premium business cards, 16 point business cards, pearl metallic business cards, brown craft business cards, and plastic business cards. The options are endless and the quality is the best in the world you can purchase today for your very important business in which.

Best of luck to you and all the success is upon you.

5 Ways To Step Up Your Brochure Game


Blockbusterprint Brochures

Potential clients are constantly judging your print brochures. And why shouldn’t they? Brochures are a reflection of your business. In a matter of seconds, based on your design, content and images they will decide whether they like you or not.

Clients look at brochures as a preview of what they can expect from your business. It is up to you as a business owner/service to strategically reveal just enough information for potential customers to seek you out further. You have the power to control what headlines, graphics, language and tone they will see. Here’s how to make these fundamental features stand out!

  1. Don’t try to appeal to everyone

Business leaders make the mistake of trying to target a broad, undefined audience. This business practice will get you nowhere. Instead, focus on building a profile of your target audience and really getting inside their head. What is this target’s motivation? What is the problem they’re looking to solve and what solutions will you offer? Fundamentally, how can you as a business help them achieve their goals and objectives?

  1. Begin a relationship

Potential customers want to get to know you before making an informed buying decision. Help them speed this process by providing case studies and testimonials based on previous client’s experiences. Find a spot on your trifold business brochure to highlight positive relationships that previous clients have had. This will surely jump start the relationship-building process!

  1. Use high quality images. They make a difference

Your brochure’s images have to speak to your target audience in a way your content cannot. High quality images bring your products and services to life as though they are right in front of you. By choosing high resolution, (300 dpi or more) professional images will look flawless within your layout design. Most importantly, they will showcase your business’s credibility, professionalism and trustworthiness. Based on your images, your clients will get a sense of how you operate.

  1. Make sure your brochure matches your brand

A print brochure’s design can help express your brand’s identity: your values and ideas that people associate with your business. This is a representation of who you are and what you’re offering. When designing your brochure, make sure the text, images and colors make sense for your brand.

  1. Write clear and compelling content

Using simple, persuasive language write about what your business/product. You should always write in the active voice and use strong action verbs to get your point across. By implementing this style of writing, you’re able to write shorter and more compelling sentences. When it comes to writing content think about it as an elevator pitch. If you had 30 seconds to explain your business to potential customers, what would you say? Is there a unique story behind your business? People tend to gravitate to stories so don’t be afraid to use storytelling to sell your brand image.

Angela Vinieratos

How to Make My Small Business Stand Out : 3 Ways

How to Make Your Small Business Stand Out

It’s no secret that Americans love small businesses. Did you know that 90% of Americans shop at small businesses at least once a week and 42% frequent small businesses three times or more weekly? Why is this? Americans love this sense of community and togetherness. They value what small businesses bring to the table and that is unique products and a warm personal touch!

  1. Get involved in local community

Your small business needs to take an active role in your community. And don’t just do it blindly! Make sure it makes sense for your business and marketing objectives. Offline participation is a good way to let your community know who you are and what you stand for. Look into local events, fundraisers, charities or even hosting one of your own events. Another way to stand out is to hang flyers and banners in your store’s windows and print EDDM postcards. If you’re a restaurant owner, print and send out menu flyers to your local community. All of these marketing efforts will surely increase sales and get you noticed!

  1. Have a strong online presence

Successful brands spend just as much time in the digital space as they do in the physical space. Are you up and running on social media embassies? Do you have an online following? Are you interacting and communicating with your followers on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter? Are you sharing your company’s story on Instagram with compelling visuals? Hashtags are great for creating excitement around events. You have to make sure that your business is never forgotten. Write daily blog articles, post entertaining videos and podcasts. All of these digital mechanisms will increase your brand recognition, build brand loyalty and gain your customer’s trust.

  1. Be Unique

How are your products and services distinguishable from your competitors? It is crucial that you have a product that is going to keep customers coming back. Once you have that, take it a step further with a unique packaging design. Certain colors and designs can appeal to one group over another. Custom stickers and roll labels are a great touch on packaging. Think about who your target market is and the message you want to send them. The more innovative you are with your packaging, the higher your consumer demand.

By implementing these 3 tips, you will surely make your small business stand out and keep your customers coming back for more!

Angela Vinieratos

Most professional letterhead paper – which is it?

The most professional letterhead paper is a 70 pound textured linen.

Letterheads come in a variety of sizes and paper stocks. The most elegant of all that you would expect a powerful Law Firm to possess is indeed a 70# textured linen letterhead. This truly makes for the most professional letterhead paper the print industry has to offer.

Linen textured letterheads provide a slightly textured surface which makes for a more prestigious look and enhanced professionalism.

If you’re looking to establish yourself as a professional who is a step above the standard basic letterhead paper then we certainly recommend you look for linen letterheads.

Does postcard marketing and mailing still work for advertising?

Yes! Postcard marketing is bigger than ever before thanks to the overpopulated digital marketing era that is extremely overpriced and impossible to track in most cases, unlike postcard printing.

Did you know that Google is the biggest postcard mailing client to the United States Postal Service?

One of the biggest if not the biggest digital advertisers happens to be the largest print client. Now why is that? Google understands that with every platform that is popular there’s only a limited amount of space to create a one-size-fits-all marketing campaign for every individual human being on this planet.

Some people responded well two advertisements when they are in the comfort of their own home. It is proven that human beings have 10 times more attention span tolerance when reading an advertisement in the comfort of their own home versus sitting behind a computer may it be at work or even at home.

It doesn’t stop there, a digital advertisement viewed from a mobile cell phone has 80% accidental clicks whereas desktop computers have only 7% accidental clicks. Mobile users have a shorter attention span and tolerance and just three seconds or less.

Given this information it is no wonder why Google and many genius companies still spend millions of dollars on postcard advertising.

Here the financial facts on the benefits of postcard mailing results…

It’s approximately $0.25 to Market with postcards in the mail while the cost of CPC link based advertising May cost an average of $3 per click minimum.

In today’s world it takes a human 16 x 2 react to an advertisement whereas just ten years ago it was only three times. This means our minds are flooded with information all over the place show postcard mailing cannot be clicked away orgone out of your sight by the click of a finger. When you take this recipe into account comma $0.25 to mail out a postcard vs $3 for a click that may have been hit by mistake is why Google understands the importance of postcard marketing.

You can afford to send out a postcard once a month for 10 months and it would still cost you around $2.50 to show a person in the comfort of their own home where they are 80% more likely to read an ad what it is you’re selling.

The key to successful marketing is to embed the same repetitive tagline or image or commercial until they can no longer forget it. The way to achieve such a marketing tactic is through the repetition and affordability of postcard marketing.

The most effective size of postcard marketing happens to be a 6 by 11 postcard size. It is bigger and catches the attention of the viewer.

No matter what size postcard mailing you wish to send out or what your budget is, can service all of your postcard marketing needs. From print-only all the way to the actual mailing process. It’s all handled at your One Stop Shop at