The Importance of Call-to-Action when Creating an Every Door Direct Mail Campaign

Online printing serviceYou’re a business owner and you decided to use every door direct mail (EDDM) service when mailing out postcards. This is a good decision on your part because with EDDM, you can print and send out postcards to every address within a specific area, without having to pay too much for the service. Now, when it comes to postcard mailing services, no matter how many times you send out postcards to the recipients, it will all be for naught if you do not have a call to action. Remember that you have very limited space when it comes to sending out postcards using postcard mailing services. You need to maximize the available space in such a way that the reader of the postcard will be triggered to act after taking a good look at your offer.

Check out our list of tips on how to create a call-to-action when sending out printed material for every door direct mail marketing:

• Based on the product or service that you are offering, would every door direct mail marketing work? Or are you better off creating a targeted list first, then looking for postcard mailing services? Let’s say that you are offering a specific service like pet grooming. For this, EDDM might not work because not all households in your area would have a pet dog. It’s better to establish a targeted mailing list first. If you have a general merchandise store, it does make sense to send out postcards to every door in a specific area – because every family might have something that they would need from your store.

• Go for the tried-and-tested offers like offering freebies, discounts, free one-month trials, buy-one-get-one-free offers, or free shipping.

• Phrase your offer in such a way that the reader will be compelled to take action. It makes sense to include a deadline – something like “this offer expires 15 days upon receipt”. That sense of urgency will bring the user to respond to your call to action immediately.

• Whatever it is that you are offering, make sure that it is valuable and relevant to the recipient of the mailer.

With postcard marketing, you have very limited space so make sure that the content is attention-grabbing. Also pay attention to the details when designing the card – make sure that the overall design reflects the image you are portraying as a brand. Finally, look for postcard mailing services that updates you with the status of the delivery so that you can track the results of your every door direct mail or targeted mailing campaign.


Launching a Direct Mail Campaign? What You Must Know about the Costs

Online printing serviceIf you’re thinking about using a direct mail service to send out postcards to your existing or potential customers, you must be aware of all the costs involved. Why would you want to use direct mailing service in the first place? If you are newly launching a business, for example, you may not necessarily have a mailing list so that you can introduce your brand to your target market. For this, you can use EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail marketing. Depending on your location, you can send out postcards to every address within the vicinity. Using the postcard, you can introduce your brand and maybe even include a discount code that they can use when purchasing your product or service. With very little effort on your part, you can use postcards and direct mail services to introduce your brand to potential customers.

With this type of marketing, remember that there are still hidden costs involved so make sure that you are aware of them. Cost-wise, here are the things that you need to know about direct
mailing service:

– Consider the costs of printing out the postcards. There are offset or digital printing companies which can also offer you direct mail services.  Are they in partnership with the United States Postal Service or another courier company? If yes, can they offer you a discounted package for printing the postcards and the direct mail service?

– If you already have a preferred printing company, you can get a separate prospect lists provider. These usually small businesses utilize analytics to identify which customers are the best fit for your products or services. They will then generate a list that you can use for your direct mail campaign.

– If your printing company does not offer direct mail services, check with the USPS if they can offer you discounted rates for sending out mail in bulk. Also ask about other features like tracking the progress of the mail, and the estimated delivery time. – If your printing company does not offer direct mail services, check with the USPS if they can offer you discounted rates for sending out mail in bulk. Also ask about other features like tracking the progress of the mail, and the estimated delivery time.

Another thing to remember when printing out postcards and using them for direct mailing service is that there are postal companies that have certain restrictions. You might be tempted to send out jumbo postcards to grab the attention of a customer – but if you end up paying more for the mailing service, then it might be a better idea to stick with the standard sizes and just focus on content.

By doing your research, you can launch a successful direct mail marketing campaign using postcards, without being surprised by hidden costs.


Combine Direct Mail Services with Postcard Printing to Boost Your Business

Do you know about direct mail services? If you’re a business owner, you can include postcard printing as part of your printed promotional marketing efforts. Combine this with direct mail services and it can surely give your business a boost. But what exactly is direct mail marketing? For this, a mail service like that of the United States Postal Service (USPS) is used to deliver postcards to your target market. It can be an EDDM or Every Door Direct Marketing campaign where all addresses in one area will be sent the material. Or, it can be a more targeted campaign where only existing customers will receive the mailer. No matter which of these two techniques you end up applying, what is important is that you take full advantage of the benefits of direct mail services and postcard printing in general.

How to Make Postcard Printing Effective

Now that you already know the basics of direct mail services, here are some tips on how you can make postcard printing more effective:

• Your message should be short but sweet.

What’s your goal for postcard printing in the first place? Are you a real estate agent who would like to generate leads? If yes, create compelling content on the first page of your postcard and make sure to include a call to action. If this call to action is to call a 1-800 number, state that explicitly on the postcard. In short, your message should be direct and, well, short.

• Invest in offset printing.

With postcard printing, you have two options: digital or offset. In terms of quality, nothing beats offset printing because high-tech printing presses are used. Remember that you have very limited space to write content in or print images on with postcards – so the print should be as sharp as possible.

• Opt for the standard or be bold with unique postcard sizes.

With postcard printing, you have the option to go for standard sizes like 4” x 6” or go bold with huge postcards measuring 6” x 11”.

• Make sure that the overall design reflects your brand.

Include your company logo in the design of the postcard. Make sure that the text does not look crowded on the space, and the overall design should reflect the image that you would like to project as a brand.

• Be consistent!

Finally, consistency is key. Use direct mail services frequently that your customer remembers you – but not so often that they would consider it spam mail. By combining direct mail with postcard printing, you have an effective way of advertising your brand without having to spend too much for it.

Make Your Mark as a Brand with Business Postcards

order postcards online

If you’re facing the challenge of needing to acquire repeat customers, can you overcome it by printing business postcards? Definitely! Here, we will look at the reasons why you should include postcards in your print promotional campaign – and how you can use it to establish customer loyalty.

First, what exactly is postcard marketing? When you order business postcards from printing companies, you can use them as a tool for direct marketing. When you’re mailing out business postcards, you already have a targeted market who is bound to respond to your call-to-action. Let’s say that you are relaunching your brand and you would like people to visit your store. How can business postcards help? Mail them out to the immediate community where your business is located. To entice them to take action and actually go to your store, make the postcard double as a discount card. Tell them that by simply presenting the card, they are entitled to a 15% discount when they visit your store at a specific date.

Second, why is business postcards marketing so effective? Since you already have a targeted mailing list, you are bound to get a response from your audience. It may not be immediate, but the results of your marketing effort will work more on establishing customer loyalty. This benefits your business in the long run. Another reason why this type of marketing is effective is that it is equally effective in terms of costs. As compared to mailing out sales letters, there is no need for you to put postcards inside an envelope – the message can be read outright.

If you want to test a new product, you can order postcards from an online printing and send it out only to a small fraction of your mailing list. If you receive a positive response, then you can increase the number of recipients.

As you can see, ordering postcards from online printing companies is a great business decision because you will enjoy numerous benefits. When looking for an online printing company, make sure that they have plenty of experience in printing out not just postcards, but other promotional materials as well. Other things to look for from an online printing are the turnaround time, costs, printing process used, postcards size, materials, and finishes available.

If you are consistent in mailing out online printing business cards, you can make your mark as a brand because doing so is a great way to establish customer loyalty.


Build Brand Loyalty by Mailing Out Business Postcards

After building a business from the ground up, the next thing that you need to do is ensure that your business will last – something that you can do by establishing brand loyalty through postcard printing. Let’s say that you are formulating organic beauty products. Your target market might be interested with the newness of the product so you have huge initial sales – but how can you sustain that? This can be done by establishing loyalty to your brand. How can postcard printing help you accomplish that? Through business postcards, you have an effective and easy way of reaching out to your target market.

Here are more reasons why you should mail out business postcards, whether you are offering a line of products or useful services:

Business postcards are versatile.

You can use business postcards to introduce a new brand. You can also use it to announce an event, greet customers on holidays, or turn it into a discount coupon or voucher.

Postcard printing is cheap.

There are many postcard printing companies that you can get in touch with – not just to order the postcards but also mail them out for you. Available in different sizes ranging from 4’ x 6” to 6” x 11”, postcard printing can be part of your print promotional campaign and it won’t set you back a lot in terms of costs.

• Mailing out postcards is a highly targeted form of advertising.

More importantly, mailing out business postcards is one of the highly targeted forms of advertising. If you will distribute flyers out on the streets, for example, you won’t know if the person you are handing it to is even interested with what you have to offer. With a targeted mailing list, you will send out these postcards to people who could be interested – or area already buying your products or paying for your services. This means that the money you spent on postcard printing will not be wasted. It might not produce immediate sales results but as you establish customer loyalty through postcard printing, your business will benefit in the long run.

Business Card Printing 101 for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner or a start-up company, do you still need business card printing or is it enough to have a website and social media presence? Even if you’re a purely digital business, you still need to complement your online advertising with print advertising. Business card printing, for example, is something that you can easily do. It’s cheap, effective, and business cards are tangible – which means that it is something that customers can hold in their hands, making your brand mark easily into their minds. So how can you go about the process of business card printing? Here are a few steps to follow:

1. Include your logo and only the necessary contact information.

Before you can look for a company that can print business cards online for you, the design of the card should first be prepared. For this, make sure to include your official logo. For the contact information, you do not have to include everything. Skip your office address if you’re a purely online business. If you do have a physical office, do include the address and contact number – as well as your online information. For entrepreneurs, your name, job title, email address, phone number, and maybe a short tagline will do.

2. Design the card in such a way that it reflects your brand’s image.

When you print business cards online, make sure that you already have an official logo which you need to incorporate in all your printed promotional materials. Also, there are print business cards online companies that have templates which you can download or online design tools that you can use for business card printing – take advantage of such features. Design your card in such a way that it is a clear reflection of what you are all about as a brand.

3. Decide on the material, finish, and overall look of the card.

The next thing to do when you print business cards online is to decide on the material and finish. The most common is paper cards but there are varying thicknesses – from 14-pt. to 32-pt. paper stock which is as thick as a credit card. For the finish, you can take your pick from fabric-like textures like silk, cotton, suede, or linen. There are also unique features for business card printing like rounded edges, spot UV treatment, foil stamped cards, or materials like plastic and recycled paper. Pay attention to the small details and make sure that all the tiny elements you incorporate in the design of the card contributes to a coherent whole which is a perfect reflection of your brand.

4. Look for a good printing company.

Finally, look for a company that will print business cards online for you. There are ones using digital printing presses while others use the offset printing method. The latter produces more professional-looking results, while digital printers are cheaper and get the job done. Also check on the turnaround time, quality of customer service offered, and the minimum number of cards that you can order.

Professional Printing Basics: Which Printed Materials to Choose for Advertising

If you are considering getting a professional printing service provider, you need to know which products to print out in the first place. If you are newly building your brand, for example, you must order business cards so that potential customers would know how to get in touch with you. If you are launching a new product or service, brochures will give you more space to tell readers about your new offering. The good news is that there are many professional printing companies where you can order business cards and other printed promotional materials. You just need to know which among these products you should have printed out first:

• Business Cards

The standard size of business cards in the US is 2” x 3.5”. With very little space available, you only need to include only the essential contact information. When you order business cards and you don’t have a physical store, there is no need for you to include an office address. If you’re a purely online business, you must include your website, email address, and social media accounts. If you’re a solo entrepreneur, you must include your name and job title when you order business cards.

• Brochures or Flyers

The smallest brochure measures 4.25” x 11” while the smallest flyer measures 4” x 6”. These two can carry more information than when you order business cards, making it a good choice if you have a lot to say. Brochures are great for introducing a company, while flyers can be used for introducing a new product or service.

• Postcards

Another product of professional printing companies is postcards. These are usually mailed out to customers as greeting cards and they can double as discount coupons. Regularly mailing out postcards is an effective way of building customer loyalty.

• Rack Cards

Rack cards are usually seen in hotel lobbies and they have a specialized display case. The design of rack cards should be attention-grabbing, and they are usually displayed in areas where there is heavy foot traffic.

• Menus

If you are in the food business, you should look for a professional printing company that specializes in creating to go menus. These are perfect as inserts for supplier receipts, mailers, and should be included in every delivery or to go order.

Whether you order business cards, brochures, flyers, or all types of printed materials for a full-blast promotional campaign, it is important to work with a professional printing with plenty of experience in the field. This way, you can get professional results while also getting the best value for your money.

On a Tight Budget? Inexpensive Business Cards to Choose from

You already have an eye-catching design and you only plan to order inexpensive business cards. But if you want to make a lasting first impression, you need to think about the base material as well. The overall look of your business card will be remembered by the recipient of the card, so you need to come up with a cost-effective option that still looks mighty impressive. So what are your options? The good news is that there are many inexpensive materials for business cards, as well as finishes that would not cost so much, but the end result would still look great.

Here are a few examples:

14-pt. Business Cards

There are printing companies that can create inexpensive business cards for you, without compromising on quality. 14-pt. card stock business cards have 43% the thickness of a credit card. In terms of finish, you can go for smooth matte, glossy, or silk spot UV. Smooth matte business cards are a simple but elegant option. If you want a bit of flare, choose glossy business cards – especially if your design has photos or illustrations on it. The application of gloss enhances the colors in a photograph. For designs where there is a stark color contrast, silk spot UV business cards are your best bet. For this, a flat gloss layer is added onto the logo or a name, to highlight that specific portion.

Cheap Business Cards with a Pearl Metallic Finish

Another elegant yet inexpensive option is pearl metallic business cards. These also use 14-pt. paper stock, while the base material is a metallic cotton blend. The resulting texture is that of a brilliant pearl color with a metallic sheen to it – similar to what is used in wedding invitations.

Even if you are on a tight budget, you do not have to end up handing out cheap-looking, cardboard-thin business cards. By choosing a suitable material, coming up with a striking design, and choosing a reliable printing company, you can have elegant-looking cards that will truly impress your business clients.

Steps to Follow when You Order the Best Business Cards

Would you like to order the best business cards but don’t know where to start? Here are a few easy steps that you can follow:

1. Know what information to include in the business card.

Whether it’s your first time to design a business card or if you simply want to update your existing one, it pays to do your research and learn which information to include. Business cards are a representation of your work as a professional or your company if you’re an employee. For entrepreneurs, it is important to include your company name and logo – as well as your name and position. If you’re an employee, the company logo and your job position should be included.

Also consider including your website URL, telephone or mobile number, office address, and email address. You don’t have to include everything, however. If you are running a purely online business, for example, there is no need for you to include an office address. You can also include cool features like a QR code which, when scanned, will lead customers to your website.

2. Come up with a design.

Next, come up with a design that suits your brand’s image. If you are printing out personal business cards and you’re in real estate, for example, you might want to include your photo or a collage of the properties you recently sold. If you are selling handmade jewelry, make sure that the design of the card is as creative as your line of products. Those in the legal industry may opt for a more formal design. The gist is that you should use a design that complements your brand and industry.

3. Decide on the paper stock, size, and finish.

Next, choose the size of the business card. The standard is 3.5” x 2”, but you can go with square business cards or European size which is a bit larger than the standard US size. In terms of paper stock, the thicker the paper, the better. When it comes to finish, you can choose from linen, suede, cotton, silk, brown kraft, metallic ink, foil stamped, spot UV – the possibilities are endless. You also have the option to go with a non-landscape orientation or rounded edges to make your card stand out.

4. Look for a reliable printing company.

Finally, when you order business cards, make sure to look for a reliable printing company with extensive experience in the field. There are digital and offset printing service providers out there. Digital printing is good for small batches but if you’re ordering in bulk and you want more professional-looking results, offset is the way to go. These make use of huge printing presses and can produce hundreds to thousands of copies almost instantaneously once the design is set. Also check on the turnaround time, costs, minimum order, and quality of customer service offered.

By following these steps, you can order the best business cards to represent your brand with.

Luxuriously Smooth: Soft Touch Business Cards

Did you know that with a special lamination process, paper can be turned into something with a fabric-like texture, examples of which are suede business cards? Similar to silk and linen, suede business cards are finished using a lamination process to achieve that fabric-like effect. When you give business cards like these to your clients, they will truly be impressed because of how luxurious the material feels once held. Another advantage of going with soft touch business cards with a fabric-like finish is that they are made from thick paper stock. Soft touch suede business cards, for example, are made using 19-pt. laminated cardstock which has 60% the thickness of a credit card. When combined with high-quality offset printing, you can have an impressive business card that will last for practically a lifetime.

Special Add-On Finish for Soft Touch Business Cards

When looking for printing companies to create your soft touch business cards, make sure that they use the offset printing method. Unlike digital printers, offset printers can handle complex laminating processes – and the printing results are more professional-looking. If you would like to order soft touch laminate business cards from printing companies, here are the top three finishes that you can choose from:


1. Ultra-Soft Touch Matte Suede

If you think that your design would not look good on shiny surface, go for ultra-soft touch matte suede business cards. These have the same thickness as other soft touch business cards, minus the shine or gloss.

2. Raised Spot UV Gloss Suede

For elegant business cards with a formal design, raised spot UV gloss suede might just be the finish you’re looking for. The uncoated surface is designed with chrome foil on top to achieve a metallic color which can be gold, silver, or copper.

3. Raised Foil Stamped Suede

If you want to have an almost engraved effect on your business card, go with the raised foil stamped suede finish. Unlike raised spot UV gloss, this effect can be done in non-metallic colors like blue, orange, yellow, purple, red, or pink. This is perfect for business card designs for more creative industries.

If you’re planning to have business cards made, which of these soft touch finishes would you choose?