One of the many specializations in the medical industry is medical billing. If you are a doctor running an individual clinic, or if you are part of a small or large network of clinics with other doctors, you might want to get the services of a medical billing services provider. These are professionals who are experts at generating healthcare claims which they then submit to insurance companies to obtain payment for rendered medical services. If a surgeon performs a minor operation on a patient, for example, the procedure needs to be translated into a billing claim – which the medical biller follows up and processes. If you are a medical biller, you can advertise your expertise through rack cards printing.
Basically, you need to explain the basics of what it is exactly that you do. However, given the limited space of rack cards, you might find it to be quite a challenge. The good news is that you only need to come up with an attention-grabbing headline. Remember that the size of rack cards are either 4” x 9” or the smaller 3.5” x 8.5”. Given such limited space, you must come up with an impactful headline that explains your medical billing services – without using too many words. For example, you can use the headline: “Want to focus on your patients instead of medical paperwork? Let us help!” This can be designed with an HD photo of a team of doctors, so that your target audience is immediately recognizable. Use other key phrases like get rid of claim denials, steer clear of billing headaches, boost your medical billing collections, or have more time to focus on your patients.
After coming up with a headline, look for an online printing services provider that can print these rack cards for you. The final aspects of the design should be your contact information – make sure that it is accurate – and a call-to-action. At the back of the rack card, you can include a promotional code for discounts on your medical billing services.
Rack card are designed to be displayed in rack or brochure displays. Work with business owners in your area, especially the medical-related establishments, to have your rack cards displayed in their reception areas where there is high foot traffic. This way, you can effectively send the message to your target audience about the medical billing services that you offer.