Professional Brochures: How Can I Make My Brochures Stand Out?

You already know how important it is for you to have professional brochures printed out. It’s a cost-effective and efficient way of letting people know about the products or services that you have to offer as a business. But the more important question is: how can you make your brochures stand out? If all companies realize that printing a brochure is a cheap way to advertise their wares, what can they do to make those color brochures pop out? Read on to find out.

How to Make Your Brochures Stand Out

There is an entire rainbow of colors that you can use as a palette, and hundreds of design templates that you can utilize. But how can you customize the design in such a way that it will make someone take notice, pick up, and actually read your brochure? Here’s how:

  • By balancing the images and content.

One of the biggest mistakes made by those who are designing brochures is using too many images or using too much text. You don’t want the brochure to read like a book, but you don’t want it to be a photo album, either. There should be just the right balance of text and images, enough to make a reader want to flip through the individual pages.

  • By not overcrowding the brochure with too much information.

Again, don’t make the mistake of putting too many photos or text on the brochure. Leave enough white space to make a picture of a product stand out. Minimize marketing taglines, and use only the briefest summaries as a description of the image.

  • By having an eye-catching design.

While you’re at it, pay attention to the overall look of the brochure. Do the colors, font, images, background, and layout make up for a pleasant whole? When you look at the brochure, is it something that people will immediately associate with your brand? Make sure that the design is eye-catching and is something that appeals to your target audience.

  • By choosing a high-quality printing process and material.

More importantly, choose a brochure print service provider that will give you the best-looking print. There are many digital printing companies out there, but offset printing using state-of-the-art Heidelberg printing presses are better. One look and a reader will know if your brochure was printed poorly or not, so invest in good quality prints.

By following these tips, you can make people stand up and take notice of your brochures and actually read them – so that they can learn more about what you have to offer as a business.


Brochure Printing 101: What are the Folding Types Available?

When introducing a new product or service to your clients, brochure printing is the cheapest and most effective way to do so. Most people think that print advertisement is dead – but despite the digital age that we’re now living in, there is still a huge audience for printed advertising materials. You just know how to make the most out of your print promotional campaign.

If you are a new company, for example, and you want to introduce your brand to as wide an audience as possible, start by distributing flyers, brochures, and newsletters. Whenever you are meeting a potential client or customer, make sure that you have a high-quality business card with you. If you have a physical office, you can also print banners. During events, you can distribute notepads, letterheads, envelopes, and corporate giveaways with your company logo in it.

Different Folds for Different Folks

Now, let us focus more on brochure printing. Unlike business cards which only allow you to print out your business name and contact information, brochures give you a lengthier space to put all your information in. Using the previous example, if you are a new company and you want to introduce your brand to the business community in your area, you can place your business history, mission and vision in the brochure. You can also indicate which products or services you’re offering. To sweeten the deal, you can make the brochure double into a coupon code so that people can try out your service or product at a discounted price.

During the brochure printing process, there are different kinds of folds available. Perhaps the most popular is the bi-fold brochure, where the paper is folded in half. This results to four pages back and forth. Depending on the type of information that you would like to provide to the reader, you can use the first two pages to introduce your company – then the last two pages to tell the reader about your products or services. Make sure to include your business address and contact information on the last two pages.

You can also go for trifold brochures that result to six panels. With more number of pages, you must plan how you will assemble the pages to make the brochure more reader-friendly. Just make sure that there’s a balance between the text and the images, so that the pages will not look overcrowded with information.

Half fold brochures are similar to bi-fold with four panels or pages. Other folds include Z-fold, single gate, double parallel, double gate, accordion, roll fold, half then trifold, and half then half. Depending on the number of pages that you need, you can choose a folded brochure that will suit your promotional purpose perfectly.


The ABCs when Printing Rack Cards

Rack cards are an effective marketing tool that you will usually see in hotel lobbies, resorts, movie theatres, spas, and similar business establishments. These elongated cards usually have eye-catching images that feature the product or service that the company offers. If it’s a rack card for a spa, for example, you will see the image of a woman lying on her back with black stones on her back, looking utterly relaxed while getting a massage.

Along with the image, there is a list of the services offered by the spa – plus the prices or a brief description of the service. Doesn’t it make you want to get a massage, too? Such is the effectiveness of rack cards: it makes you want to take advantage of whatever is being offered by the business. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is something that you would also want to use to your advantage.

Print Rack Cards with these ABCs in Mind!

Now, what are the things that you need to keep in mind during rack card printing? Here are the basics:

  • Attract your target audience.

When you print rack cards or any other printed promotional material, always keep your target audience in mind. If you’re a legal firm, you wouldn’t print a rack card with a neon background and a fun font. You want something that’s elegant and befitting your establishment. Those who are on the creative industry, however, can go all out in creating unique, colourful content that would appeal to their target audience.

  • Build up your brand.

Next, make sure that the overall look of your rack card suits the image that you would like to create for your brand.  Incorporate your logo in the design and make sure to include your up-to-date contact information. Be careful not to overcrowd the pages with too much information, though.

  • Consider adding unique features like coupons or business cards to the rack card.

Finally, consider adding a detachable coupon or business card onto the layout of the business card. This is especially important for those who are introducing a new product or service to their clients.

With these key principles in mind, you can design a rack card that will truly represent what you are all about as a brand.






Top 5 Things to Remember when Printing Rack Cards

Rack cards are usually seen at Broadway shows, movie theatres, plays, restaurants, and other business establishments. Unlike business cards which can only indicate your contact information, there is more space for you to “talk” to your customers using rack cards. How you get your message across is entirely up to you, but these cards are truly an effective and budget-friendly way to market the service or product that you’re offering.

Top 5 Rack Card Printing Tips to Keep in Mind

Let’s say that you decided to have a set of rack cards printed out so that you can distribute them during a trade show that you’re participating in. What are the things that you must keep in mind when you print rack cards? Here are our top tips:

  1. Look for a good printing company.

You can choose between digital and offset printing companies. Digital printing is cheap and common, but the quality is not at par with offset printing. If you want something that will leave a lasting impression to your readers, go with offset printing.

  1. Do not overcrowd the card with too much information.

Rack cards are available in two sizes: 4” x 9” and 3.5’ x 8.5”. Unlike lengthier brochures and flyers, this does not give you too much space to work with – so maximize the space that you have available. However, do not make the mistake of overcrowding the card with too much information. Not only will it be an eyesore, but it will be difficult to layout and read.

  1. Let the image and content deliver your message.

If you’re in the food business, make sure to include one or two drool-worthy images of an item that you have on your menu. The pictures should be professionally shot with good lighting, while the copy should be on point when it comes to delivering the message.

  1. Make sure that the overall look of the card suits your image as a brand.

Use complementing colors that match the logo of your business. Once the layout is finished, review the overall look of the rack card. Is it eye-catching enough? Is it a printed product that you will be proud to distribute to your customers?  If the answer is yes, then you would have fulfilled your marketing objective.

  1. Consider having a rack card with a detachable business card.

Finally, consider printing our rack cards with a portion that’s a detachable business card.  This double purpose printed advertising material will save you money, can be a conversation starter, and is something that your customers will truly appreciate.





Have a Fabric-Like Feel to Your Contact Info with Suede Business Cards

One of the many ways that you can make your business stand out is through suede business card printing. This is a type of a premium business card which has a special laminate to achieve that fabric-like feel to the material. Here, we will take a look at the difference between this and another type of business card with a fabric-like texture: silk.

Suede versus Silk: Which Laminate Suits Your Design the Best?

Before delving deeper into the differences between silk and suede business cards, why does it pay to invest in premium business cards in the first place? Unlike cards which are haphazardly printed on thin cardboard, thick, luxurious cards with high-quality print will leave a lasting impression to your customers. Whether you’re looking forward to building a solid clientele or if you would like to add to the number of customers that you already have, distributing high-quality business cards is the way to go.

Now, if you would like to have that fabric-like feel to a business card, how can you take your pick from silk or suede laminate? Here’s a quick comparison of the two:

These have almost 60% the thickness of a regular business card, making it feel extra-luxurious to the touch. Under typical lighting, the finish of both silk and suede cards may appear identical – but under bright lights, silk has a bit more of a reflection than suede. This is not a bad thing at all, because your final choice depends on the color palette you’re using.

  • Suede business cards

A suede laminated business card has 70% the thickness of a credit card. As compared to silk laminated cards, it has a slightly less reflection under bright lighting conditions, making it perfect for designs with a deeper, darker hue. If you have a black-and-white card and you want the black to stand out, for example, you can go for suede instead of silk laminate.

tnNo matter which type you end up choosing, silk or suede laminate makes for the perfect business card material so that it feels and looks luxurious.

What is the Typical Size of a Set of Suede Business Cards?

You’re looking for a company that specializes in suede business card printing but you have no idea where to start. Which steps are you supposed to take? How can you make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth? How can you ensure that you are on your way towards having an effective print marketing campaign? It all boils down to the printing company that you will choose.

There are many digital printing companies out there that use desktop printers but if you want to have a batch of premium business cards printed out, it’s better to go for offset printing. These make use of huge Heidelberg printing presses which produce high-quality prints that will impress the heck out of your customers. It may cost a bit more, but the investment is well worth it in the end.

Should You Go for Standard or Non-Traditional Sized Business Cards?

Next, which size should you go for when printing suede or silk business cards? Should you go for standard-sized ones or one that are a bit non-traditional? First, here are your options:

  • 5” x 2”

If you already have a stack of business cards, you will notice that majority are sized 3.5’ x 2” – with landscape orientation. If you want to stick to the standard, you can have silk or suede business cards printed out with these sizes. But you can make them stand out by ordering for a round-edged set, or designing cards with a portrait instead of a landscape orientation.

  • 375” x 2.125”

In Europe, business cards are a bit larger than standard-sized cards. If you’re running your business in this part of the world, you might want to consider having a set printed out in this size.

  • 2” x 2” or 2.5” x 2.5”

Another way to make your business cards stand out is by going for square business cards, which measure either two or two and a half inches on all sides. If your business is on the creative side, this is an excellent choice.

  • 5” x 3.5” or 1.75” x 3.5”

There are also mini business cards which are a lot smaller than the standard-sized cards. When going for these sizes, however, keep in mind that you will have an even smaller space to work with – and you don’t want to overcrowd the card with too much information. At most, you can indicate your business name and contact number – there might not be enough space for your address and a marketing tagline, unless you decide to also use the back.

Although standard sized cards are always popular, it’s good to know that there are other sizes available for those who want to make their business stand out.

Looking for a Color Postcard Printing Service Provider? Here’s What You Need to Know

Should you go for offset or digital when looking for a color postcards printing service provider? This is just one of the many questions that you need to answer if you are planning to launch a print marketing campaign that includes postcards. To start right off, there are many digital printing services out there – but quality-wise, it makes more sense to invest in offset printing. This type of custom postcard printing uses state-of-the-art Heidelberg printing presses so in terms of quality, it offers way better prints than desktop digital printers.

How to Use Postcards as Part of a Marketing Campaign

Next, how can you use the process to print postcards online  as part of your marketing campaign? Thankfully, in today’s digital world, print marketing is still effective – and cost-effective. Postcards in particular are a no-fuss way of presenting what you have to offer to customers, minus the big investment associated with other forms of marketing. If you want to effectively use postcards as part of your print advertising campaign, here’s how:

  • Use it to introduce your business to your target market.

If you are a veterinarian, for example, and you just transferred your clinic to a different community. You want to introduce yourself to the pet owners in the area.  By mailing out or distributing postcards, you can let them know that your business actually exists. The postcard will surely get you initial inquiries and the more that you send them out, the more that pet owners will remember your brand.

  • Creatively create content for the postcard.

Using the same example as above, how can you creatively write content for the postcard? You can use the postcard as a way to remind owners of their pet’s schedule for vaccine or grooming. You can include adorable pet pictures on the layout – something that will put a smile to their faces.

  • Send postcards more than once!

Postcards can double up as holiday greeting cards. Ideally, you can send one or two postcards per month to customers throughout the year. This is a great way to develop brand recognition and boost customer loyalty.

  • Use postcards as a coupon.

All customers love coupons, so why not make your postcard double up as a discount card? People will be more than happy to receive one of these in their mail.

  • Use it as a way to introduce a new product or service.

Finally, you can use postcards as a way to introduce a new product or service that your company is offering. When doing so, include a call to action – a line that will make them give you call or browse through your website.

Postcard marketing is definitely a still effective marketing too, so come up with your own design, copy, and layout now.



All About Color Postcard Printing Service

No matter what the nature of your business is, color postcards printing service is something that you can use to your marketing advantage. Why? First, postcards are easily accessible. In today’s world where a customer’s attention span is so short, nobody would have the patience to read through an 8-page flyer – which they would only have access to after fussily opening an envelope. With a postcard, all the information they need to read is right there – so they can act upon the call-to-action immediately.

Second, postcards are very cost-effective. Brochures have to be distributed personally during events while mailers have to be mailed along with envelopes that preferably have letterheads. This will cost you more in the long run. Postcards, on the other hand, are straightforward, no-fuss, and will not put a huge dent on your marketing budget.

Third, postcards are very easy to design. They have more space than a business card but less space than a brochure or a flyer. This means that you can maximize the space that you have. In terms of design, make sure to use colors and font that fits the image that you want to portray for your brand. See to it that you are not overcrowding the space with too much information. While designing the postcard, also make sure to include your up-to-date contact information, and do not forget a call to action.

Fourth, postcards usually deliver fast results. If a customer is interested with what you have to offer as a business, you are bound to receive an inquiry phone call, a text message, or a message at one of your social media accounts. Such inquiries mean that you are effectively getting the message across.

Finally, there are many companies offering custom postcard printing services. You can take your pick from offset or digital printing services. For high-quality prints, the offset method is the better option because state-of-the-art printing presses are usually used.  When you print postcards online, not only do you have an effective marketing tool, but you will also enjoy cost-related and many other advantages.










Familiarize Yourself with the Marketing Objectives when You Print Postcards

When you print postcards or any other printed marketing material, you should know what your objectives are for doing so in the first place. Are you looking forward to generating sales leads if you are in the real estate business? Would you like to introduce a new product or service to your existing clients? Do you want them to visit your store during specific dates because you’re holding a huge sale? Knowing what your goal is will allow you to more creatively – and effectively – come up with the design and content for the postcard.

What are Your Marketing Goals for Postcard Printing?

There are many companies that you can get in touch with when looking for one to print postcards online for you. Take your pick from digital or offset printing, and look for a suitable postcard size and material. But before you can have even one piece of postcard printed out, you must be aware of your marketing goals first. This way, you can relate your goal with how the content is written and the design is laid out. Here are some of the most common marketing goals for custom postcard printing:

  • For customers to pick up the phone and give you a call.

One of the biggest mistakes made by first time postcard marketers is selling their products right off the bat. Although you do need a call to action in the end, you want your customers to simply make inquiries about your products or services. Getting them to immediately buy your product using the postcard is a hard sell – something that you want to steer clear of. Once you got a customer to make inquiries or give you a call, you will know that they are interested. This is when it’s more acceptable to present your sales pitch.

  • For customers to recognize your brand and stay loyal to it.

The key to effective postcard marketing is repetitiveness. The more consistently you send them postcards, the easier they will recognize your brand. You can send them appointment reminders through postcards, holiday greetings, and reminders about an upcoming event. As they become familiar with your brand, they are bound to stay loyal to it as well.

  • For you to establish rapport with your customers.

Again, repetitiveness is key if you want to get results from your postcard marketing campaign. Ideally, you can send them postcards once or twice a month – throughout the entire year. This will help you establish rapport with them, and allow you to achieve any other marketing goals that you may have.

Wanna Print Postcards? Follow these Tips to Effectively Use them for Marketing

You are already on the right path if you are planning to print postcards as part of a print marketing strategy. Combined with business cards, letterheads, notepads, and envelopes, printed promotional materials are still effective in spreading the word about your brand.

Let’s say that you are in the real estate business. By simply looking for a company that offers custom postcard printing services, you can order a set of postcards and mail them out to your existing and potential clients. The postcard allows you to reach out to your target market; generate  sales leads; introduce a new product or service t your customers; generate more traffic to your website; and boost customer loyalty.

Top Tips for Effective Postcard Marketing

As compared to mailers or flyers, postcards are an easy and effective marketing tool because they are not inserted inside envelopes. The less effort that is required for customers to read about your offer, the easier it will be for them to retain information. Print postcards online is also very cost-effective.

Now, just because postcards are easy to print out does not mean that you can simply choose a design and mail it out randomly to customers. To make sure that you will get the best results out of your postcard marketing campaign, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Only mail out postcards to targeted customers.

If you are in real estate, you would be wasting money sending out postcards to those who are just out of college. Instead of randomly sending out postcards, put together a mailing list of real estate prospects. These can be put together on your own; or rented from a list broker or publisher of real estate magazines.

  • Mail, then repeat.

One postcard cannot be turned into an effective postcard marketing campaign. You have to mail one, repeat, then start the process all over again. Consistency is key here, and you can even turn postcards into holiday greeting cards to boost customer loyalty.

  • Maximize the space that you have.

Postcards have more space than business cards, but less space than flyers. As such, it is important to maximize the space that you have. Use professional shots if you want to have a background image. Make the text easy to read, and hire a copywriter if you do not have a flair for words. Do not overcrowd the postcard with too much information, and make sure to include your up-to-date contact information.

  • Insert a call to action.

Do you want customers to visit your office after reading your postcard? Would you like them to visit your website, or take advantage of an offer? Depending on your goal, make sure to write a call to action statement in the end.

  • Invest in first class mail.

Finally, invest in first class stamps because imprinted postage looks cheap – and is considered by many as junk mail. If you will invest in first class mail, you’ll even enjoy the advantage of having the “Return to sender” feature. This allows you to update your mailing list so you won’t have to pay for stamps for the same customer in the future.

Follow these tips to make the most out of your postcard marketing campaign.